God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1277: Six-word rumor

The first thousand two hundred seventy seven chapters six words rumors

Deva Yin, really powerful, if it comes again.

The whole temple was directly turned into nothingness and was destroyed by layers.

However, a golden light appeared in the destruction, the night fork image, like a resurrection, the infinite Buddha shines out.

"District nightshade, but also dare to chaos the heart of my Buddha, really awkward!" Evil bursts, the Buddha string turns.

"Isn't it going to let me go to hell? Is this a ferry?" Qin Qi was cold, this time, straight face.

In front of him, the swearing words shine, behind him, but the Dragon Buddha is no longer seen, but Rakshasa and Yaksha!

These two Buddhist guards are the strongest force under the seat of the Vishnu Gate, and the Yaksha is one of the eight dragons.

They are alone, perhaps it is difficult to compare the Buddha's power, but if the two are integrated, the power is also thorough.

Luozha Yin.

Yaksha print.

Why not let Laozi come to you!

After Qin Qi, the two laws are in harmony with each other. The two forces are similar, but they are different, but at the moment, they are complementary.

Even the French phase has been merged together.

Half Yaksha, half Rakshasa!

Two huge arms were stretched out, and the imprint was infinite, violently mingling, and suppressing evil spirits.


The golden light is like a Buddha.


The explosion broke out, even if it was the void of the ancient world, it was directly smashed by Qin Qi.

The two printings are being used together, and the power has multiplied. Even this incomplete Dharma is suppressed!

Moreover, the king of the king went forward, and Wang Zhi despised, and he would suppress the evil spirits.

When the green radish opens six Buddha statues, the evil will completely fall into the disadvantages.


It is the evil spirit, under the double suppression of the Yaksha seal and the Luozha Yin, the tongue can be lotus, drink a word!


One of the six words of Buddhism!

Although this is only a syllable, but this sound is more terrible than thunder, Qin Qi only feels that the soul of the sea is shaking, his face is pale, almost unable to hold the blood in the body.

The Luochao Yin and the Yaksha print, there was a gap in an instant, and the evil spirits were rushed out.


The evil spirits were against Qin Qi, and another sound was heard. The sound waves rolled, and Qin Qi could not resist it and was directly shaken out.

The six-character rumor is so powerful.

"Go to hell!" The evil spirits were cold and the Buddha string suddenly pressed down.

However, at this time, among the Buddha's land, the six Buddha statues are golden, and they are like a golden body.

Immediately, the six golden lights turned into chains, and they came straight toward evil.

Six Buddha sleepy lock!

"Hey, the obstacles!" The evil spirits are cold, but they dare not neglect. They can only abandon Qin Qi and grow up.

But the golden light chain, but quickly chased up, did not give him the opportunity to escape.

Helpless, evil spirits can only throw the Buddha string, each bead resists a chain, and although it is trapped, it is not completely sealed.

"Catch up?" Qin Qi exhaled.

This evil is really powerful, and I am afraid that it will be a battle with the top Wusheng.

Since it is trapped, such an opportunity, Qin Qi will not miss it.

The enamel word shines, and the Yasha seal and the Luozha print are condensed again.

"The donor still does not look back!"

"Go back to your mother!" Qin Qi replied.

Double prints, Rakshasa and Yaksha, unstoppable.

After this double Buddha's seal, the Buddha's anger and the dragon's seal are connected to the earthquake. Qin Qi is going to kill this sin to the **** in one breath!


The evil spirits roared into the sky, and the Buddha's voice trembled. It was only six gold chains that trapped it. The power of the Buddha's voice was weakened.

The three Buddha's handprints, so that the evil spirits continue to cough up blood, and the tears that fall with it, let him completely lose the power of resistance.


The Buddha's string collapsed, six beads were scattered, and the six Buddhas were locked in the evil spirits.

"Dead!" Qin Qi is cold.

On Qin Qi's body, the **** fog of the twilight is scattered, but it is the way to kill.

A sword is thrown out, and the evil spirits are broken.

Under the lock of the six Buddhas, the Buddha’s golden body has already been collected. This sword cannot be resisted.

Evil roar, but can not stop Qin Qi, was killed on the spot!

"Win!" The Void is low on the periphery.

"Is it over?" Green Luo and others in the distant temple, paying attention to the situation here.

This evil is really trapped here by this piece of Buddha. The six Buddhas are locked for the lock!

To kill the evil spirits, Qin Qi also got a lot of experience, and the previous accumulation is enough for Qin Qi to enter the level of the Eight Star Wusheng.

Since the experience is all right, then this evil is no doubt dead.

However, Qin Qi is still somewhat uneasy, and always feels that things will not be so simple.

However, at this moment, this piece of Buddha soil has changed.

The number of loud noises came from two different directions.

Qin Qi changed his mind and rushed into the sky, and he could see the situation in those two positions.

One side is human, the other side is a demon!

They finally came to this area!

"At last, I came in. I didn't expect to have spent so much effort. I had to join hands with some guys who were well-informed. I was so embarrassed!" Yue Jing grinned and walked into this piece of Buddha.

And beside him, they are the strongest of the Emperor City. One of them, like the emperor, is extremely amazing, but I am the only one!

He is the parent of the Emperor City, the ancients!

The Emperor's lord, surnamed Gu, has only one descendant, but is the orthodox of the Emperor City.

As for the surname, it is the wife of the emperor's lord, and now in the emperor's city, his status is also extremely high.

Appease said these words, leaving no room, and he was called the man of the Taoist landscape, the strongest of the Holy Palace.

This time, both the Emperor City and the Holy Palace have mastered the core information and are eager to enter this place.

However, there was a big trouble in the back, which was even more horrible than the result of the previous performance.

Helpless, only the two sides joined forces, each automatically used a strong card, which broke through.

And with them, there are many gods and masters of Zongmen.

It can be said that at this moment, there are almost half of the strong people in the human race.

The dragon danced them lightly, and Wang Qianyu Zuo Qiuhan was also in the list.

"Little brother, don't pretend to be nonsense!" Yan Qing snorted, and then he handed the man to the Shengxian Palace: "The brother is stubborn, and I hope that the brothers and sisters will sin."

"There is no need for the three princesses, we are not in the heart!" A young strong man in the Holy Fairy smiled slightly.

He is the first of the disciples of the Holy Palace. The **** of the gods is like jade. The light of the white sage is flowing, like a fairy, it is extremely amazing.

He is St. Yuxian, the chief disciple of the Holy Palace!

Whether it is St. Yuxian or the ancients, both of them are Junjies in Junjie.

Even if there is a gathering of people here and there are dragons and phoenixes.

But the two of them are still the most dazzling existence.

The two stood alone, each with different momentum, but they were extremely powerful.

The right-wing alliance and the empire of the empire, each following them, are not so clear, but they are easy to distinguish.

It can also be seen that the two sides are not one heart.

On the other side, the demon two also successfully came in.

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