The first thousand two hundred and seventy-nine chapters

"At this moment, the demon two people look at it, we still first consider how to deal with it. Qin Shidi kills the strongest of Poseidon and shocks the demon, which is beneficial to us." The dragon light dances softly.

The dragon dances openly, and the dragon proudness changes slightly. Isn’t this the opposite of him?

Although the dragon light dance did not say anything, it was only a narrative of the facts, but it was obviously biased towards Qin Qi and did not want the Confucian Temple to contradict him.

However, after thinking about it, the character of the dragon light dance is gentle and kind, and it is not unexpected.

"It’s my goddess, it’s too right. Unlike some small people who don’t know the general body, this time, I still want to eliminate dissidents. Oh, it’s really shameful!”

He came from the Imperial City, and there would be no scruples at all. Even if the realm is low, how can it be that someone dares to shoot him?

Then also ask the ancient people to answer!

And to appease this, let Long Aoming and Li Wanyun both face each other and can't help but be angry.

"Younger brother, still can't stop!" Yan Qing snorted, faintly said: "Some things, you can do it in your heart, you don't need to say it."

This is the case...

Long proud to bite his teeth, Li Wanyun is also showing anger.

However, in the face of 邬晴, but did not dare to attack.

"Well, Long Shimei has a good point to say, the demon is in front, a little trifle, don't care." Sheng Yuxian said.

He stood up with his hands and his body was full of sacred white light, like a fairy, no longer looking at Qin Qi.

"The demon is headed by Qing Litian, and the demon is the left blue of Longdao. It is the strongest of our generation. It should not be underestimated!"

He is the eldest son of the family, and his strength is second only to the ancients.

"Hey, Qing Litian came here personally. Isn't it a good thing for us? Killing her is equivalent to cutting half of the strength of the North Magic Army!" Li Wanyun said coldly.

"Lee brother is really powerful, and I will fight it later. This Qing Litian will be handed over to the brother!" He Jinghe laughed.

Li Zhaoyun heard that the breath suddenly stagnate.

Qing Litian has been fighting all the year round, and the speed of realm improvement is indeed inferior to other geniuses who are fully sprinting.

But even so, she still came to the level of the Prince of Samsung at this moment, showing how much her talents are against the sky.

Nothing to do, how to lead the magic army, not to mention him, is the holy jade, even dare not say victory.

"Hey, Qing Litian is strong, but if you are as long as others, your ambition is to destroy your own prestige, but it is also confusing!" Li Wanyun said coldly.

The appeasement will be reversed, but it was stopped by Yu Qing.

Now, there is really no need to intensify contradictions with the Holy Palace.

"I am sure I have to fight, I can kill Qing Litian. Naturally, it’s better, just..." Mosang looked at the world.

"This place should be the core area of ​​the ancient world, but it seems that there is no big fruit, and there are no other treasures."

If there is nothing, then you can't fight it, but you have to say it.

The presence of the strong people of all ethnic groups, the hope of the future, the death of one will make the various families have a pain, if there is not enough interest, no one wants to do this consumption.

After all, when you hit someone else, others are also hitting you, and finally how many deaths and injuries, you said it is not counted.

"It won't be, all got it by the kid, otherwise he can be so strong?" Long Ao Ming whispered.

When this was said, everyone was in the heart, and the eyes that looked at Qin Qi changed.

That is the reverse of the sky, all obtained by Qin Qi?

If this is the case, Qin Qi will instantly become a piece of fat, and everyone wants to take a bite.

On the other side, the demon two people, there is no action at the moment.

The appearance of Qin Qi also made them extremely unexpected.

In this way, what they need to pay attention to is not only the ancient people and the holy jade, this Qin Qi, I am afraid to have the same combat power.

Even, there is beyond.

This is an extremely amazing thing. After all, the ancient people and the holy jade are the heirs of the two great human races.

The resources are infinite, the secret law is endless, and its own qualifications are unparalleled in the world.

Want to go beyond them, how easy is it?

It is the demon and the sorcerer who surpassed the roots of the human race. Among the peers, no one can open a little distance with them.

Of course, if you are jealous of jealousy, they are not afraid.

At this moment, no one has shot, the reason is the same as that of the Terran, and they all want to see the benefits first.

It is also speculated that Qin Qi has taken away all the creations. Otherwise, why is it so powerful?

Qin Qi stood in the sky and recovered his gaze from Qing Litian.

This witch is sent to the door by herself. Qin Qi will not let her live.

On the day of the North Battlefield, Qing Litian also participated in the plan. Although it is not the dominant person, it may even be kept in the dark, but without her, the head will not die!

However, you are not in a hurry and need to find opportunities.

Because it was once handed over, Qin Qi could not look down on each other.

As for the Terran side, their attitude to Qin Qi is clear, and the moment is just a sneer.

He slowly landed, and Sun Jingwei, they also rushed back from six directions.

Now the evil spirits are dead, but the demon is also rushed, still can not relax.

"Sun Shimei, why are you here too!" Xuan Tian's authentic disciple was surprised.

"Radish, good heart!" Wang Qianyu looked happy, and hurriedly greeted him.

He was still worried before, and now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wang brother, can't you see us?" Duan Kangshi smiled.

Suddenly understood the mood of Sun Jingyi.

Wang Qianyu, can you see him when he sees the green radish?

Wang Qianyu heard the words and quickly sue.

He and Duan Kangshi are both princes of the gods and are naturally familiar.

"Sun Shimei, you first enter this place, can you get the income?" Long Ao Ming came over and asked.

Others, all of them, have come over and are obviously paying attention to the answer.

"No, there is nothing but a terrible evil here." Sun Jingqi replied.

"What about evil?" asked Long Aoming.

"It has been killed by Qin Shidi." Sun Jingyi replied.

"You, really didn't get anything?" Long proudly frowned, could not help but asked again.

How can this be.

There must be a counter-attack in this place.

Being questioned like this, Sun Jingyan’s face also cooled down.

"What does the Long Brothers mean?" Sun Jing said indifferently.

She is already a star Wu Sheng, not afraid of the dragon proud!

"One star Wu Sheng, you got the fruit of the big world?" Long Ao Ming blinked.

"How do you get it, can you still explain it with you?" Sun Jing said coldly.

"Nature doesn't have to explain it to me, but in this case, you get a lot of benefits!" Long Ao Ming said with a deep smile.

Sun Jingyan's face changed slightly. This dragon proudly is guiding others, and people feel that they have gained a lot of creativity.

However, this kind of thing is not clear at all. Is it still possible to take out the space ring and make it impossible to check?

As long as there is doubt, the cold arrows behind it, I am afraid it will be indispensable.

After all, Sun Jingyi got the fruits of the great world and successfully broke through the holy realm, and Qin Qi, an unnamed boy, was so powerful that he could be juxtaposed with the ancients and the holy jade.

It doesn't look like it doesn't look like it's made.

"Sister, we naturally believe in you, come over, no one dares to treat you." Xuan Tian's authentic disciple opened the door.

Sun Jing’s brows, her brother naturally wants to protect her, but let her go, obviously do not want her to stand in Qin Qi.

I want to let her have a relationship with Qin Qi.

After all, Sun Jingyi’s creation is naturally Xuantian’s authentic, and Xuantian Orthodox does not allow others to get involved.

But if Qin Qi got it, then I have to say it.

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