God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1292: Good guy

The first thousand two hundred and ninety-two chapters are good people

Both Gu Jie and Sheng Yu Xian were not hurt, and the rest were all injured.

Who has time to manage him?

After all, it was Qing Litian’s attack that was too sudden and no one was prepared.

Li Wanyun heard the words, his face suddenly changed, and hurriedly shouted: "You don't kill me, I beg you, don't kill me!"

"That can't be done, don't kill you, I don't go back to explain it!" The demon night is indifferent.

"Brother, save me!" Li Zhaoyun shouted.

It was just his voice, but it stopped abruptly.

Shadow killing.

A blow will kill, from the flesh to the soul, directly silence!

"Flamboyant, dare!" St. Yuxian's fury, the infinite light rushed.

Although he was injured, he still has the power of a battle.

"St. Yuxian, you are strong enough, I can beat you, but you can't stop me!" The demon night laughed and the body sank directly into the shadows.

It disappeared.

"Ah!" Sheng Yuxian, handsome to the extreme face, at this moment, it is twisted to the extreme.

This kind of ending is not what Saint Jade wants, not what the Holy Palace wants.

The fiasco, this time, is really a fiasco.

In addition to the eight forces, the most miserable are the Shengxian Palace and the Huangdao Dragon Palace.

Originally, they should be incomparably strong and take the most of the creation.

But now, let alone make a big deal, even people are nearly half killed and injured, how can they accept it.

And the result of this ending, in the view of St. Yuxian, is not a demon, but a Qin Qi!

He wants Qin Qi to die, he must die!

These hateful eyes, Qin Qi did not care, he is now in the thunder, fully resisting this disaster.

The source dragon blood Qin Qi has been collected, only to be the moment of unity with the body.

Now, the most important thing is to rob, such a powerful Thunder, Qin Qi does not dare to take a nap.

After half a day, those who have qualified to enter the sanctuary have already succeeded, and it is hard to lift the power of the thunderbolt, and finally began to weaken.

Heaven is full of anger, but it does not violate the laws of this world.

"It's finally over!" Ye Yuexin and others are all eyes bright.

The thunder was dispersed, and they officially became Wu Sheng!

The excitement in my heart is almost impossible to speak.

Too simple, this Wu Sheng situation, come with a white.

The rewards paid to Qin Qi before, compared to the income, simply nothing.

Great man!

I was still suffering from pain in my heart, and even the people who screamed Qin Qi in my heart. At this moment, I was already moved and cried.

Good people, really good people.

"He, should it be okay?" Green Luo was a little hesitant.

After all, this thunder, horror to indescribable, is only seen in this life.

"Oh, probably nothing." Ye Yuexin also hesitated.

The thunder of the sky has not completely dispersed. Qin Qi has not appeared in the delay, and people can't help but worry.

The three golden flowers in the right way are all nervous and anxious, very worried about the situation of Qin Qi.

"Three sisters, why can't he still come down, we are all fine, he should be successful!" He Jing couldn't help but ask, he also sanctified.

"He should be injured, and he is recovering at the moment." Yan Qing frowned, guessing.

She got the fruits of the big world, and the realm has come to the level of the two-star Wusheng.

This person is not small.

Qin Qi, the whole person has been turned into coke, and the injury is indeed heavy. After all, he is not the body of the dragon vein.

If it weren’t for the thunder and horror, it would not reveal a half-scent. Qin Qi used the power of the Holy Spirit to constantly repair the injury. He wanted to support it. It was really difficult.

However, everything is worth it!

When the thunder robbery was completely dispersed, Qin Qi’s body began to regenerate. Under the coke, it was a brand new flesh and blood, as if it had been reshaped!

The strength of the flesh has skyrocketed several levels. Although it can't be compared with the body of the dragon, it is beneficial and harmless!

Moreover, this new feeling is really wonderful, Qin Qi can't help but enjoy this moment.

Everyone was watching Qin Qi and caring about his situation. When the robbery was completely dispersed, Qin Qi’s breath appeared again, and everyone was relieved.

Seeing that the coke on Qin Qi fell, revealing the new flesh and blood, everyone will let go of their hearts.

Qin Qi is not only life-threatening, but also has great benefits.

However, as the coke continued to fall, the look of the people gradually changed.

Until a certain moment, the girls screamed, and quickly lowered their heads, their cheeks were red, and they could not help but take a sip.

Especially the three golden flowers on the right path, even more so, they are extremely worried about Qin Qi, eyes staring tightly, for fear of further changes.

Therefore, when Qin Qi's black carbon was peeled off at the same time, they could see it clearly.

In their realm, the eyesight is naturally strong, and only moments can be seen, everything can be missed.

Immediately, a specific image will be formed in my mind, which is to forget and forget.

Sometimes, it is powerful and troublesome.

Of course, there are also some small-wave hooves, which are not very old, but they are experienced. At this moment, they are not evasive. They are looking at them with interest and nodding, and they are satisfied.

"Hey!" Jingjing screamed a few times, he is a man, naturally he will not feel anything.

Duan Kangshi, Wang Qianyu and others are all shaking their heads without words. They know that Qin Qi is not intentional.

However, what is this called!

Qin Qi’s control of the body was extremely subtle, and he quickly responded and quickly took out his clothes and put them on.

Looking down, I feel embarrassed.

This time, it is considered to be seen by people.

However, Qin Qi is also a cheeky person, spit out a sigh of relief, just do nothing to happen, slowly landed.

"Cough, it seems that everyone is harvesting well." Qin Qi smiled slightly.

"Thanks to Qin Xiong!" Everyone is thankful.

"Well, let's say that everyone is a human being, and mutual help is also appropriate." Qin Qi smiled.

He never suffers, but it is already here, and he will not ask for remuneration. It is better to let them remember.

After all, sometimes, the human condition can be more precious than the real baby.

"That, Qin brother, you just exposed the spring, my third sister, but I have to be responsible!" Jingjing is cried, which pot does not open which pot.

"I don't see this. Anyway, my third sister is not married, and whether it is a color, identity or talent, it is the best choice. It is better for you to marry her and enter my emperor city!" .

I even started to be a matchmaker.

"Little brother!" Yu Qing suddenly screamed.

"The younger brother did not say anything wrong this time. If you are interested, you can get along first." But it was Mosanghe laughed.

The appeasement has never been big or small, and there are not a few nonsense words, so everyone said that everyone is also a joke.

But Mosang is different, but the eldest son of the family, the entire Emperor City, the younger generation, he is second only to the ancients.

His attitude can often represent the attitude of the family, even the attitude of the Imperial City.

This time, the look of everyone is slightly changed.

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