God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1304: Junjia big change

The first thousand three hundred and four chapters of the monarchy

There are four forces in the entrance of the Thunder madfield, and the portal of the word gate has been destroyed by Qin Qi.

The rest, only Liu Jia, Zhao Jia and Jun Jia.

In addition to the Jun family is the eight-product giants, Liu Jia and Zhao Jia are seven giants, for the current Qin Qi, it is really nothing.

Returning to Yuntianyu all the way, Qin Qi is preparing to declare that it is a closed-door cultivation. In fact, he intends to leave the Tianzi Academy and start acting in secret.

However, when I approached Yuntian, I saw Li Ningshuang and Li Ningshang two sisters.

Sisters stand together and naturally look good, and the place where they live is on the edge of Yuntian, it is not surprising to see them here.

"Sister, how come you are absent-minded all day long, and you don't practice. Every day you look at Yuntianyu on the railing. Do you have something to find Qin Shidi?" Li Ningshang stared.

"I, I am looking for him to do something." Li Ningshuang looked stiff and quickly denied.

"I heard that Qin Shidi was in the chaos of the ancient world, showing great deity, playing the demon can not find the North, even the Holy Brother and the ancient Highness are suppressed by him, is it?" Li Ningsang curious Asked, some little worship.

"Well, he is really strong!" Li Ningshuang nodded, showing a little pride.

"Sister, you used to say that he is not a level with us!" Li Ningsai teased.

Li Ningshuang suddenly showed a hustle and bustle, and quickly said: "When I have said something wrong, who knows that he will be so perverted, before, can not blame me!"

"Sister, you will not look at the younger brother?" Li Ning was asked suspiciously.

After the return of Li Ningshuang, the performance was too abnormal. The high level on the weekdays, the cold arrogance of reluctant people, not much left, but a little bit of thinking about the situation of spring girls.

This whole day, there are too many times to look at Yuntian.

Li Ningshuang heard the words, but the whole person jumped up and shouted: "What are you talking about, how can I look at him!"

"He is just a little stronger now. After some time, can you not be more than the arrogance of those who have endless resources!"

Li Ningshang opened his mouth, his eyebrows were all twisted into a twist, and his face was anxious.

"Sister, Qin Shidi is back!" Li Ningshen called.

Li Ningshuang suddenly stood on the spot, and finally turned to look at the past, Qin Qi has already reached within 100 meters.

This distance, with Qin Qi's cultivation, her words must be heard clearly.

"I don't mean that, don't misunderstand, I, I am just..." Li Ningqiu screamed incoherently and wanted to explain clearly.

She really hates herself, obviously not thinking so in my heart, saying what to do!

"No problem, you are not impossible to say." Qin Qi faintly said that he could not be angry.

In fact, he did hear it, but there was nothing in his heart.

After all, what is Li Ningshuang’s attitude towards him, he does not care.

Seeing Qin Qi seems really not angry, Li Ningshuang slightly relieved, then bite his lip and asked: "I heard that you want to compete for the execution of the three emperors."

"Well, yes." Qin Qi nodded.

"I think you can do it." Li Ning Frost said.

Although she did not know where the reason came from, she was so convinced.

"Take your good words." Qin Qi nodded, faintly said: "I need to retreat for a while, and I will leave."

After all, Qin Qi returned to Yuntianyu and opened all the formations.

Li Ningshuang opened her mouth, but Qin Qi left, she couldn't say anything more, just lost her face.

Qin Qi sealed himself into the cultivation room for the first time, and arranged a sword, which can be sent back at any time.

Immediately, he conveniently left the Tianzi Academy with a shadow sword placed outside.

He didn't want to waste time, and he worried that time would change for a long time, so he only planned to make a quick decision and rushed to the Zhao family at the fastest speed.

Zhao family, adjacent to the hundred battlefields, has some strengths, but now that the great world is coming, they are also following the light, and the homeowners are already sacred!

Of course, for Qin Qi, this kind of existence is nothing, and it can be extinguished.

However, Qin Qi did not want to alarm others, so he chose to sneak into it quietly.

In his realm, no one can detect his arrival.

The portal that Zhao’s mastery is not as good as the one-word door. Although it is also an antiquities, it has already been damaged. The number of people passing each time cannot be compared with the monarch and the word gate.

Qin Qi easily found the portal and then destroyed it.

Of course, Qin Qi pre-ordered the illusion of the heavenly level, to the level of the Zhao family, I am afraid that the time that the next portal can be used is not found that the portal has been destroyed.

At that time, the Three Emperors' Sacrifice had already passed.

In this way, Qin Qi rushed to the Liu family, and the process of painting the gourd was smooth, and there was no trace left.

After doing this, the rest is the family.

For the Jun family, Qin Qi will not be so soft, this time, is to have a blood wash!

With his current strength, killing Jun is no way, and does not need **** at all.

However, near the Jun family, Qin Qi was shocked.

The entire family, now turned out to be bloody, from the small map on Qin Qi can see that the Jun family has been destroyed!

Qin Qi couldn't help but shake. Who did this, even the first step to destroy the monarch!

At the moment, outside the monarchy, they have gathered together the strong, from all major forces, the royal family members of the Five Elements Empire have also arrived.

In addition, there are also deacons of Zhengda Guangming Hall, and they are gathered here.

However, it seems that they have just received the news, and they are astonished and equally ignorant.

At this moment, the return of several strong men from the Jun family has brought an amazing news!

Qin Qi avoided their perception and quietly approached.

From their mouth, Qin Qi learned some of the real situation.

The monarch is not destroyed by outsiders, but Jun has no way to destroy the monarchy!

Jun Wudao uses blood connections to forcibly extract the power of the blood of all the monarchs and gather them into one person.

In this way, the realm of Jun Wudao has achieved a skyrocketing!

This is what he really is, ruthless, ruthless, killing the whole family, only to fulfill himself.

He wants to take this opportunity to truly rise in this ageless world.

Abandoning hatred, Qin Qi can't help but admire his jealousy, hot and fruity, everything is for himself!

Heaven is always unfair.

This kind of person, perhaps really able to rise in this big world, to the height that he could not have reached!

Jun has no way, really is a tyrannical tyrant, perhaps starting from the core of the blood worm, who has never taken the hate from the hate, he is ready for all of today.

Qin Qi had a general understanding of it, and he did not continue to stay, but went deep into the family.

Because the monarch is not sanctified, the monarch has gone up one level and is unprecedentedly prosperous.

Although the most powerful descendant of the monarch is killed by Qin Qi, the blow to the monarch is not small, but as long as Jun is nowhere, the monarch may continue to prosper.

Nowadays, this family is no longer prosperous, only the blood is full.

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