God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1311: Final preparation

The final preparation of the first chapter 311

Yuezong, Qin Qishu sleeps comfortably.

It’s true that it’s been so easy to sleep for a long time, and only in Su’s words can you be so quiet and enjoy a moment of peace.

Qin Qi really wants to be like this.

However, there are still too many things waiting for him to do.

When he kills the enemy, come and enjoy the comfort of peace.

"You are awake." Su said that Qin Qi blinked and asked softly.

"Well, how long have I slept?" Qin Qi smiled.

"One day and one night." Su said, the eyebrows with pity.

With the cultivation of Qin Qi, I suddenly felt sleepy for a day and night. I can imagine how much pressure Qin Qi is under.

"You are too tired, take a break," Su said.

"Nothing, it is enough." Qin Qi smiled, sat up, feeling comfortable.

The helium that has accumulated in the body has also dissipated a lot.

He chose the road to killing. Such a fierce road, in the end, may be swallowed up by the killing, becoming a machine that only knows the killing.

Even people with higher realms cannot completely eliminate this influence.

This is the devil, the heart is, the devil is there, the only difference is whether it can be suppressed.

"Is it really okay?" Su said a little worried, she felt the negative emotions that Qin Qi had been backlogged.

"As long as you are still there, I will not have anything." Qin Qi smiled, then took a look at the beautiful legs of Su, and the smile was even stronger. "But next time, I will monopolize your big white legs."

Su Shi’s eyes crossed Qin Qi’s eyes, and this is not true.

Qin Qi just smiled. "You can rest assured, I will not have anything, and I am not kidding. Even if I am swallowed up one day, I will be able to recover if I return to you."

"Yeah." Su said nod, and the shadow of Qin Qi reflected in the clear eyes. "I will always be here, remember to come back."

Qin Yi slept, and his spirit was much better, but he still couldn’t remember the previous things.

She ignorant, like a newborn, but learned to speak in advance.

Look at this, I am afraid I really can't let her go out, let alone let her know her existence.

Otherwise, no one knows what she will encounter.

Still, let her stay in the moon, let Su talk to her.

However, since she was born to be a fire, then she is destined to lead the people and lead to glory!

That day will come.

However, Qin Qi did not know if he would accompany him at that time.

"Do you want to go back?" Su said.

"Well, next time, I will come back as I am, waiting for me." Qin Qi laughed.

Su said no, she is not a good expression, the skin is also very thin, naturally can not say anything bold.

She just stepped forward and gently hugged Qin Qi.

Such close contact can feel the body temperature of Qin Qi, and the beating heart.

The warmth in your arms can be firmly held.

So clear, sure, won't lose!

"Wait for you to come back." Su said in a low voice.

Qin Qi holds her.

He will definitely come back.

After leaving the moon, Qin Qi returned to the Tianzi Academy.

For the rest of the time, he plans to go to the border battlefield and make a contribution!

He wants to use all the people who can't speak, let all the opponents shut up!

The qualification for execution is only him, and only he can get it.

Because he wants to live!

Of course, in this process, Qin Qi is also accumulating experience.

The Three Emperors' Sacrifice, there are too many big people on the scene, how many experiences are not too much, and can upgrade one level. For Qin Qi, it is more likely to succeed!

Two months, the last two months, the north of the country set off a storm, countless Mozu, was ruthlessly killed, and can even be said to be slaughtered.

Qin Qi took the road of killing and even sneaked into the base of the magic army, and finally went away.

The dying prince in his hands is almost over, and the unparalleled record makes everyone marvel and mad.

The first generation of the younger generation.

Who can compare with him?

Such a shock, I am afraid that only when Qin Qi alone guards the country, can only surpass!


Zhengda Guangming Hall.

There are images of light everywhere, and it is so arrogant, rushing, turning into a ray of light, as if it can be squared.

As the core hub of the Confederate Alliance, the symbol of the right path, this place, after years of immortality, has always been at the peak of the human race.

Here, it is also the place where the **** young people are eager to go.

Zhengda Guangming Hall, although the name has a "Dian", but in fact its scale is extremely large, even in addition to the Imperial City and the two north and south.

This is the most magnificent man-made city.

And the main hall, with the plaque of the "Zhengda Guangming Temple", is the venue for the Three Emperors' Great Festival after the next day.

At this moment, Zhengda Guangming Temple is in a partial hall, and the talent is sitting there.

Behind him, there is a huge monument with the two characters of "the right way" engraved with the power of the pen, and the essence of the right path is written.

This was written when the Guangming Holy King first established the Zhengda Guangming Hall.

Representing the right way for the human race!

This place, even if it is a high-rise in the temple, it is impossible to come in, and this time, the admission of the child is allowed, it is the special grace of the fourth choice.

It’s too late for the Alliance to enter the Holy Land, which is unwilling to see for the Alliance.

Before the nine realms, it was indeed not weak.

But nowadays, the great world has come down completely, and the strong is simply springing up.

For this world, the major forces do not know how long they wait, all preparations, all accumulations are for the arrival of this opportunity.

Now, when the opportunity finally comes, it is natural to break out.

Nine and a half, even in the younger generation, it is not a big deal, especially after the chaos of the ancient world, it is far behind.

Although he had the ruling of the ruling, he got the ability to go against the sky.

But the delay can not be sanctified, but it will become his biggest shortcoming.

Originally, it is not impossible to resist the gift of the ancients and the holy jade.

Unfortunately, he can't see his own way.

He should have been the most determined person. From the very beginning, he believed in the right path of his heart.

Nothing can change him.

However, to this day, he is somewhat incomprehensible, even sitting under the word of the right way, still can not successfully understand.

"Is he hesitant?" The whisper whispered, stood up and walked out of the temple.

His look is no different from the past. It is old-fashioned, serious, serious, lacking a smile, but it makes people feel uneasy and can't help but want to believe him.


Seeing the talents came out, Jiang Xueting quickly greeted him.

During the time when she was enlightened, she waited outside.

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