God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1316: Execution

The first thousand three hundred and sixteen chapters execution

The emperor is indeed a woman with a big nerve. The emperor seal and his son can be lost, but there are some things that will never be wrongly judged.

In front of such things, many big brothers have their own ideas in mind.

However, Qin Qi is really embarrassing, and directly pushed Sheng Yuxian to the opposite of the human race, infinitely expanding the influence of this matter.

St. Yuxian is more explanation and useless.

The strength of the Shengxian Palace is stronger and the status is higher, but it is also not dare to confront the whole human race, and even dare not be detained by the disrespectful emperor's hat.

Therefore, I can only endure it.

Of course, they will not let Sheng Yuxian keep squatting, otherwise it will be ugly, and someone will take San Yuxian away.

As for the eyes of those who hate.

Qin Qi did not care.

After a while, he is afraid that he will be enemies with all the people in this presence.

District hostile, what is it?

When the time is up, Qin Qi’s body is taken up, and the body lock is focused on, so that he can use a little power, that is, suicide, it is impossible.

Everyone looks at the Qin Qi body and looks like a change.

Indifferent, excited, complicated, and painful.

Wang Qianyu, Zuo Qiuhan, Green Luo... They are still here, even if Qin Qi does not want them to come here, even knowing that nothing can be done.

But they are still here.

He is a child, standing in the ranks of Zhengda Guangming Hall, it is so dazzling, it is already the banner of all hearts of justice.

He watched Qin Qi be taken to the sacrifice platform, and his eyes appeared again confused.

He is increasingly unable to see his own way.

The sacrificial platform is divided into three layers, and the members of the seven or eight powers are on the first floor.

The nine forces are on the second floor.

The Emperor City and the People's Palace are located on the third floor and the top floor.

They will lead the people of the world and sacrifice.

The third layer, the gods are densely covered, full of solemnity.

There are three statues on it, and there are boundless stalwarts. They are the three ancient ancestors of the Terran, and they are the great men who opened up the myth of the Terran!

Without the three emperors, there would be no human races.

Everything can be forgotten by the Terran, that is, the merits of the Three Emperors cannot be forgotten. Otherwise, the soul of the Terran will be completely dispersed.

The body of Qin Qi was escorted all the way to the third platform.

He was pressed to the ground and kneeling in front of the Three Emperors.

He is a human sinner. Today, he will use his blood to pay homage to his ancestors!

Throughout the whole process, Qin Qi did not resist.

Everyone thinks that Qin Qi is a fate.

But never thought that this is the beginning of all struggles!

Time has come and the sacrifice is open.

Everyone was solemn and solemn, stood up and looked at the three stalwarts devoutly. They bowed to the statue of the Three Emperors and prayed for the prosperity of the people!

In that scene, if the mountains screamed, the bright rituals sounded, and the clouds of the sky were all washed away, and there was no end to the air.

Qin Qi, he went to the man who was before the statue.

That is also his own.

He has a tearful sword in his hand, which is a weapon similar to the body.

On this day, the ontology will die under this weapon, which is also a punishment for fate.

Everyone is watching, waiting for the blood sacrifice.

Li Ningshuang is very excited, she is proud of Qin Qi.

The dragon light dance is also watching Qin Qi, and the heart can't help but be happy for him.

I am delighted that he has won such glory.

Both hands were pinched tightly. She knew what was going to happen and couldn't help but worry.

Ye Yuexin is no longer what she wants, she is equally nervous.

Jiujian Longsheng smiled coldly, he waited for Qin Qi to die!

The white fence is quietly watching, the complex looks, and even the anger, but even if it is the person of the election, it cannot reverse this trend.

She didn't want to come, but she wanted to send Qin Qi the last trip for Honglian.

Hong Lian swears that she will not leave the North. At this moment, she is afraid of being in the frontier.

"Beginning." Qin Qi stood in front of his own body under the eyes of the public, whispered, "Are you ready?"

The sword in his hand beat the sharpest sword.

Then, kneel!

The blood came as expected and splashed out.

Many people have flashed their eyes, and many people have pains in their eyes. Some people are waiting.

The blood fell, accompanied by the sound of "dangling".

Qin Qi’s broken hands and feet also cut off the heavy shackles.

At this moment, he regained his freedom!

How powerful are the big men, naturally seeing this scene, the hearts flashed countless thoughts, the pupil could not help but shrink.

They thought of some possibility.

But it's too late!

Qin Qi took a step forward.

Match the body!


A dragon is more horrible than a thunder, and in a flash, it resounded this world!

Longwei was soaring, and in an instant, enveloped the entire sacrificial platform.

There is a strong atmosphere of dragons everywhere, even if it is the Huang Daolong Palace, it can not be compared.

The origin of dragon blood from Qinglong.

It is from the high **** Yuanyin blood essence!

At this moment, the treasure house of the dragon was completely opened by Qin Qi. The body of the dragon vein, the innocent king in the physique, really came to the world!

Dragon veins Dacheng!

Far away from Nanban, the huge dragon island floating above, countless dragons flying in the sky, dragons and dragons constantly.

The half-long dragon vein hidden in Long Island has actually begun to recover, and it has to rise to the sky.

This is the other half of the dragon vein, in the comfort!


Long Hao constantly, nine huge dragons rushed out, nine colors, representing nine kinds of power, each head, like a dragon god.

Behind them, it is the catalogue of the Nine Dragons, almost integrated with this dragon, the violent power of the violent, the top Wu Sheng, also felt a huge threat.

There is no madness, and it can really make the world discolored.

The realm of Qin Qi, the line soared, no longer hidden, directly rushed into the territory of the nine-star Wu Sheng.

Behind him, there is not only the dragon, but also his invincible **** martial arts!

In his hand, there appeared a refinery from the ancient world, and then the tears of the sword and the dragon **** fragments, together with the previous Dragon God tears into it.

In the hands of his **** craftsman, he quickly refining and turning into a strong soldier!

In the sky, a huge eye appeared, and a tear, like a dragon, slowly fell.

It was the vision of the day, it was the tears of the Dragon God, and finally rushed into the ranks of artifacts!

The infinite amount of gods, shocking the world.

Each of the previous skills has been strengthened again, and two new skills have been added.

Skyfury (the thunder robbers, lead the thunder and robbery to attack the opponent)

The dragon is extinguished (weaking the quarter of the dragon's power)

Both skills are extremely strong, and this day's anger is even more terrifying. Even thunder and robbery can be impermissible. It is hard to imagine how shocking the sword is when it is full.

As for the dragon's extinction, it is more certain that the dragon's body is over the position of the dragon road!

Qin Qi’s power at this moment is really amazing. The dragon god’s tears make artifacts, so visions are almost never seen before.

In the end, what kind of **** soldier is it that it is impossible to have the power of the Emperor's soldiers?

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