The first thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters kill

Jiujian Longsheng shuns quickly, the ecliptic of the Huangdaolong Palace is infinite, naturally there is a strong dodge method, and the level of Jiujian Longsheng, I am afraid that the quasi-Emperor strikes, it is possible to avoid.

However, you can't avoid it!

Jiujian Longsheng, this is really a shocked jump.

He would not have avoided this sword!

The threat of death makes the Jiujian Longsheng squat in the cold. Since he was sanctified, how long has he not felt the feeling of dying?

Can not die, he must not die, finally repaired this realm, and finally waited for the great world, his life, and even have the opportunity to achieve the emperor!

How can you die in the hands of such a junior?

Jiujian Longsheng roared, after using an artifact-level shield, the power of the whole body was used to resist the sword of Qin Qi.

However, it can't stop.

Under the sword, annihilating everything in the world, his defense, instantly turned into nothingness.

"This is the strongest under the quasi-emperor?"

"The chicken and the dog!"

Qin Qi cold drink, this sword, will kill Jiujian Longsheng!

At this moment, Jiujian Longsheng also refused to look at his face and began to shout.

"Help me!" The sound of Jiujian Longsheng sounded the whole audience.

Until then, many big cockroaches reacted.

Jiujian Longsheng, I feel that I can't stop Qin Qi's sword?

The threat of Qin Qi has reached this level?

The two fight, everything is between the electric and the flint, although Qin Qi is strong, but the Jiujian Longsheng is obviously not weak.

Especially after the use of Shenlong possession surgery, Jiujian Longsheng has faintly had the strongest momentum under the quasi-emperor.

This kind of combat power should still be able to withstand it.

It is difficult to achieve, Jiujian Longsheng has consumed more than half, difficult to support?

This battle is reversed too fast!

It makes people react.

But no matter what, since the Jiujian Longsheng has pulled down his face and asked for help from everyone, it is obviously a line of life and death.

At the moment, naturally, I can’t watch the Jiujian Longsheng being killed.

The Three Emperors' Sacrifice, this is to kill Qin Qi, to sacrifice sin to the people.

If it is actually killed by Qin Qi, then where the faces of these people are placed, the entire Terran may become a joke!

There are so many strong people here, they are paying attention to this battle. It is only because Jiujian Longsheng has already shot, and he does not want to grab his limelight. This is not the case.

Since the nine swords and dragons are not good, then naturally someone is willing to kill Qin Qi on his behalf.

This is a great achievement, perhaps it can be gas-filled, it is worth a try.

"The obstacles, your crimes are generally good, still not in a hurry!" The vice-president of the Huang Daolong Palace, Liang Hanpei, suddenly shot.

As the head of the Big Three, one of the strongest of the Huang Daolong Palace, his realm has already broken through the embarrassment of the superpower and stepped into another new level.


The quasi-emperor, this realm is similar to the semi-sacred, is the last pass before the emperor.

The word Quasi-Emperor is enough to illustrate the power of this realm. Although there is a "quasi" word, it represents the emperor, but after all, it still brings an "Emperor"!

That is the power of completely different levels.

The Quasi-Emperor took the shot, and the heavens and the earth began to change color. The power of Huanghuang was shocked by this world. It was the body of the dragon vein of Qin Qi, and the dragon power was infinite, and it was suppressed.

Liang Hanpei's speed is too fast. He was concerned about this battle. At this moment, Jiujian Longsheng asked for help, and his attack, almost at the same time, has already come to Qin Qi.

This is the power of the quasi-emperor.

The attack is like a mad dragon, and it is extremely powerful. With such a divine power that the emperor can possess, such a gap is indeed difficult to make up.

If Qin Qi insists on killing Jiujian Longsheng, then he himself will also die under the attack of Liang Hanpei!

Is that right?

of course not!

Qin Qi did not pay any attention to Liang Hanpei’s attack. The dragon god’s tears fell, and the Jiujian Longsheng has been inevitable.

Under the sword, he can only be used as a powder!

Liang Hanpei was furious, but he could not continue to block. He also saw that Qin Qi knew that he could not escape, so he wanted to kill the Jiujian Longsheng and pull him back.

It is a pity that Jiujian Longsheng is still very important for the Huangdaolong Palace. It is indeed a big loss to die like this.

However, Qin Qi is also going to die, but it can barely make up.

"Haha, I have a chance to live, but unfortunately, I am defeated. Today, you have to die with me!" Jiujian Longsheng laughed.

He only knows that he can't avoid it.

However, Qin Qi also wants to die with him!

"There is no annihilation of your ecliptic palace, I will not die!" Qin Qi said indifferently, the sword fell, the Jiujian Longsheng could not stop, the body was torn, and the blood rushed out.

Jiujian Longsheng, one of the strongest of the Huangdaolong Palace, has a reputation for thousands of years, rarely lost in the world, and has never been defeated.

Today, it is killed by a junior.

Kill on this sacred platform, before the Three Emperors!

Is that blood scum, is it guilty?

With this blood, to pay homage to the ancestors, can you get the ancestors to bless?

Sacrifice, as if to continue, but the sin of the sacrifice, but not Qin Qi.

In the land of Zhongzhou, the infinite amount of air transport came together. Was the Three Emperors recognized this sin?

Haha, that’s ridiculous!

At the same time, Liang Hanpei’s blow also arrived.

The quasi-Emperor hit, killing Qin Qi is more than enough.



The roar, the burst is incomparable, the dragon force crushes the void, and the huge space cracks extend out like a huge rift.

Accompanied by the dragons, the sky was full, the power of chaos raged, and finally, it was opened by Qin Qi.

He is not innocent, even counterattack Liang Hanpei!

how is this possible!

If Jiujian Longsheng was killed by Qin Qi, although he was amazed, he could barely understand it. After all, Jiujian Longsheng is still strong, and it is still not in the realm of the emperor.

The so-called "imperial emperor" is the strongest. In the eyes of the true prospective emperor, it is also the case.

The gap in one step is like a gap.

At this moment, Liang Hanpei personally shot, the emperor's prestige, how could it not get Qin Qi?

However, Qin Qi actually resisted Liang’s attack, not only that, but also counterattacked.

The breath on him seems to be stronger than before.

Ten Star Wu Sheng?

In the end, who is this, it is not enough to rush into the Jiuxing Wusheng. Now, it is once again promoted and rushed into the ranks of the Ten Star Wusheng.

The incredible speed of breakthrough is already non-human!

However, the ten-star Wusheng, at most, is only a super strong. Under the emperor's sublime, there is still a qualitative difference between the emperor and the emperor.

Want to counterattack the emperor?

I can see myself too much.

"Your sin can no longer be washed, only death is your home!" Liang Hanpei cold and cold, the emperor's prestige, initially appeared on him.

Powerful and unmatched, can suppress the mountains and rivers!

Liang Hanpei is angry, and the endless dragon force is raging out. Even if the other party is the body of the dragon vein, but with the realm of his emperor, there will be no disadvantages.

Qin Qi wants to kill him?

Idiot said dreams.

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