God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1322: Stealing air transport

Chapter 1,322, stealing air transport

The sacred metaphor of light truly shows the power of great power. Under the sacred metaphor, Qin Qi and Green Luo are almost dead.

"Open, open!" The green scorpion screamed, the mouth was bleeding, and life was burning.

The world's way of madness, in line with the ancient line outside the ancient array, exhausted all power, just want to open a gap in the emperor.

However, how do their strengths resist the ancient array?

"The Emperor of the Ancients, why is this?"

"He obviously didn't do anything wrong, he just protected the people he wanted to protect!"

"What is his sin, why must he die, why not let him go."

"The Emperor of the Ancients, you are the ancestor of the Terran, and you are the thorns of the people, creating the prosperity of the Terran!"

"Shen Ming, like you, can see that the descendants are killing!"

"Is this what you want to see!"

"Emperor, let him go, even if he is no longer a person, even if he is away from Zhongzhou, he should live!"

"Emperor, have you heard the pleadings of your children and grandchildren!"

Green radish cried.

She wants Qin Qi to live.

"A person who is guilty of sin, but also with the ancient emperor, this is a blasphemy, can not be forgiven!" Long Yingshan cold shouted, the dragon is a world, crushed down.

The four majors are prepared to do their best, shattering everything, the laws of the world tree are broken, the green radish is vomiting, and the breath is already weak.

"Radish!" Qin Qi growled and wanted to protect her.

"Death to the end, you still have the time to manage others to die?" Yan Zhan cold drink, Xuantian a sword!

Qin Qi gritted his teeth and used the last invincible state to protect the green radish and push her to the side of the Imperial City.

The emperor is still very fond of green radish, Qin Qi can only gamble, after the gambling emperor will not kill the green radish!

"This little guy is a heavy affection." The emperor sighed and the sleeves were displayed, and the green radish was over.

The comatose girl, however, shed tears and prayed for Qin Qi.

"Oh." The emperor sighed and helped her warm her body, but did not wake her up.

This scene is still not good to see.

The emperor personally shot, even if there are not many green radish, naturally no one dares to say a word.

After all, green radish is not the key, the key is Qin Qi!

This time, it’s **** it!

The four major emperors had a strong blow, and Qin Qi relied on the last invincible.

After that, he could no longer stop it.

"Qin Qi, you have no chance, confess your sin."

The four major emperors are on the verge of heaven and earth, and no one can stop them.

Qin Qi is stronger, creating more miracles, and can not be reversed.

"Pleading guilty?"

"What sin."

"Do you betray the Terran?"

"Haha, that's what it really betrayed."

"Hey, I was not originally a person of this world, a human being, a demon, a demon? In my case, it is just a different blood, what is the difference?"

"However, before that, I did treat myself as an adult and fight for the human race."

"But in the future, I will fight for myself and for the people I cherish."

"Human people, nothing to do with me!"

"Do you still want to have a future?" The light of the sacredness of the gods, the voice is majestic.

Qin Qi looked at the four quasi-emperors and swept them to everyone present.

Feel free to laugh.

"The human race has already lost me, then why should I bear this world?"

The egg of creation.

Stealing the creation and reversing the life!

The gathering of the people of this nationality will be taken by Qin Qi alone.


The ancient empire of the Emperor broke open a gap.

Is that the ancient emperor's response to the green radish?

The ancient squad split, and with the infinite airlifting of the Three Emperors' Sacrifice, it was poured into the top.

The egg of creation, this moment, truly shows the power.

The infinite amount of air transport came together, but did not rush to any one of the Terran, but all flocked to Qin Qi.

He is, winning the human race infinitely!

"You dare!" The sacred metaphor of the light, all red eyes, this human race, how can be obtained by Qin Qi alone!

Kill it!

However, with the three emperors' great sacrifices, there are too many air transports. The time is worth a big deal. It can be said that it is an unprecedented quantity.

The gas transportation is topping, the kind of mightyness is that the quasi-empire is difficult to access.

And since the emperor's ancient array has been split, then Qin Qi's pulse is no longer hindered.

At the bottom of the Guangming Hall of Zhengda, the endless land, the power all surged out, covering Qin Qi.

Qin Qi vacated, this power, who can kill him!

He will leave like this and leave this Zhengguang Guangming Hall.

No, how can this temple be worthy of such a name?

There is a half-brightness.

Qin Qi took out a sword, and the plaque of Zhengda Guangming Hall was divided into two sections and fell down.

Like a thousand years of justice, it broke into the dust.

"Mother, please also shot!" The light of the holy metaphor shouted.

This change has come too suddenly, and Qin Qi, even defeated the air transport belonging to the Terran, how is this possible!

Hard to understand.

At this moment, even if he can't stop Qin Qi, but how can the human race be taken away by such a traitor.

Only after the emperor can there be a way to stop it.

The metaphor of light is very clear, and the strength of the emperor can still be above him!

The emperor sighed, and he really could not let Qin Qi take away the human race.

She can help the green radish, but she is a human being after all, she must stand on the side of the human race.

She shot, with the powerful and unparalleled power of the emperor, cut off Qin Qi's absorption of air transport.

However, the egg of Qin Qi's creation is really special, and it can take all the creations of the world, that is, the emperor himself can only take the opportunity to cut off the air.

It is no longer possible to deal with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi has absorbed half of it, so the gas is added, who killed him?

It seems that no one can stop him from leaving.

However, there is a place, but at this moment, the gods are reduced!

That is, the boundless light, the sacred light of the Holy White, illuminates everything in the world, and even the shadows disappear, turning into a bright world!

The bright king, the law he left in the Holy Palace, finally shot at this moment.

Even if it is only the law of the Holy King, its power has reached the peak of the quasi-emperor.

Qin Qi, that is, half of the people's air transport plus, in the face of this power, it is still impossible to block, even the teleport can not do.

"The Holy King shot!" The sacred sacred light of the light shouted, could not help but laugh.

"Want to seek the human race, the sin of death, the sacred king Tianwei, can not tolerate you!" Long Yingshan smiled cheerfully.

Qin Qi, after all, can't escape.

He did create one miracle after another, forever unexpected power.

However, the Holy King shot.

One of the strongest tribes of the world, the Holy King!

This ancient and powerful existence, at this moment, finally shot.

And he shot, the heavens and the earth are white.

That kind of power, Qin Qi feels it, and only smiles.

Can't escape, can't avoid it, can't stop it.

In addition to death, Qin Qi really can't think of any other possibility.

Finally, can't you escape?

Qin Qi looked at the sky and couldn't help but be desperate.

He has no cards yet.

However, before he died, he also wanted to let the people of the world understand his power.

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