Curse of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-eighth chapter

West desert.

A dilapidated ancient temple, the sun and the sun are like blood, and on the dead branches, there are crows calling, especially infiltrating people, revealing ominous.

At this moment, the old man of Tianji is standing here, his face is ugly to the extreme.

"Crow, you are in the dark, swearing!"

"Haha, you asked me, so you can't push the real situation." The crow on the branch spoke.

It has such a mask on its face, with a blood line in the middle, such as the blood river breaking through the sky.

"Hey, this kind of thing, do you think I will not be able to deduct it?"

"You can do it naturally, but it takes a lot of effort, but you have not done so."

"Oh, the power of the curse, is it bad?" The crow sneered.

The old man’s pupil suddenly shrank and his face was blue.

He was indeed influenced by the curse.

For the day sorcerer, the curse is actually not a strong force. Of course, the crow is at this level.

The old man did not expect that the curse of Qin Qi was so fierce.

He shot and killed Fu Caixuan. After a while, he received the curse that Qin Qi issued at that time. Although he used his powerful power to cover up with the secrets, he could still stabilize.

But the curse is like a cone of bones, a single suppression, a day sooner or later.

At least, the old man of Tianji has not dared to push the telescope at all, and there is a danger of being cursed.

"Hey, a little beast, his curse, this seat is still not in the eyes!"

"Yes?" The crow smiled.

"What do you want to say?" The old man was cold.

"I want to say, you still have a small curse." The crow's voice is strange.

The old man’s look changed, and the dawn was forced to rise.

"Crow, what have you done?"

"I just watched the kid's curse not strong enough, so I didn't hold back a few new curses. I am still good at this kind of thing." The crow smiled slightly.

The old man's face is white.

The crows were resurrected by them, and they naturally mastered the initiative. On the first coat, they had their hands and feet.

In order to suppress the power of the crow, lest he should be anti-customer.

Crows are not allowed to shoot directly to them.

But the crows screamed at Qin Qi and added strength.

This is naturally no problem. After all, the old man of Tianji did not start to pay for it.

After the old man used the sword of Damocles, the curse took effect, and it was not the crow who shot the old man.

"This is why you disclose the information to Qin Qi?" The old man bites his teeth.

"No, this is just an unexpected harvest." The crow smiled lightly.

His original intention was that he did not want Qin Qi to die, because he always believed that Qin Qi could disrupt the game.

Just did not expect that Qin Qi can also use the power of the curse, this is the crow's own line, he naturally will not miss such an opportunity.

If Qin Qi’s curse is still able to suppress the old man, then with the crow, he will never be able to stop.

The old man's look changed, and finally he said: "What do you want to do!"

"You can rest assured that our purpose is the same after all, so your master's game, I really can't jump."

"However, I also want to do something else, for example, I want to enter Huangquan!" The crow is indifferent.

"What!" The old man's pupil jerked.

This is the purpose of the crow!

Huang Quan is not the same as Xiaoke, but Shengxian Palace does have research in this area, and recently, it has made breakthrough progress.

The crow is not in a hurry, just waiting quietly for the answer from the old man.

The old man of the heavenly machine hesitated and hesitated.

"You want me to betray the Holy King, for the curse of the district, I am not so stupid!" The old man bites his teeth.

"So, plus six heavenly planes?" The crow smiled.

"Six-day celestial disk?" The old man in the sky couldn't help but exude the light.

This is the Supreme Artifact, something that the Heavenly Warlock dreams of.

With it, the old man has confidence and can surpass any of the heavenly warlocks.

"You mean, the six heavenly planes are in the yellow spring?" The old man was excited.

"This is of course, the understanding of Huang Quan, we, always more than you." The crow smiled.

The crows came from the masks of the dead. Although they could not enter Huangquan, the many inheritances left in ancient times made them understand Huang Quan more than anyone else.

I have to say that the old man is heart-warming.

If it is to break the curse, plus six heavenly discs, then even if he betrayed the Holy King, he can do it.

"Okay, a word is fixed!" The old man in the heart of the sky was worried, and the decision was made.

"That would be a pleasant cooperation." The crow turned into a black smoke and rushed into the body of the old man, but did not help him eliminate the curse, but completely stabilized it.


The northern boundary is the largest area of ​​the Tianyuan continent, divided into the Tianyuan and the northern black forest.

However, although the same is in the north, the environment of Tianyuan and the Black Forest is the opposite.

Tianyuan, the climate is pleasant, and the aura is strong. It can be said that there are everywhere in the world, and it is suitable for practice.

Especially after the arrival of the Great World, the aura is even more blown out, the whole continent, fearing that there is no victory.

It is no wonder that the Mozu has always been strong, and this ancestral land is also one of the reasons.

The Black Forest, that is not the same, it is completely dangerous, step by step.

Even even a few of the larger forces, such as the Dark Dragon Nest, such as the Black Blood Club, are only squatting and do not dare to go deep into the Black Forest.

It is rumored that there is a big horror there, and even the strongest few people are rarely involved.

To say back to this heaven, it is not an abyss, but a basin, but the scale is huge, surpassing Zhongzhou.

There are countless bustling cities, huge cities, and a prosperous scene.

Tianyuan, the number of the Mozu is indeed less than the Terran, but the average combat power is more than the Terran.

The reason is that these two ethnic groups pursue a completely left-to-left reproduction.

The human race is a good fight for many children.

The Mozu is a prenatal and postnatal education.

You are good and bad and don't talk about him, but these two methods are undoubtedly the most suitable for their respective ethnic groups, and no one can change.

Qin Qi entered Tianyuan, poetry and poetry has arranged everything, and the self-owned Mozu came to receive him.

In the past year, poetry has not been idle. She is working harder and at the same time, she is no longer innocent. She knows that she needs strength and needs her wrist. Otherwise, she can't protect Qin Qi.

Therefore, this year, the little girl who was valued by Tianyuan and who was also eager to look at it, really showed some power of smallpox.

At least, no one dared to look down on her.

Qin Qi came to the place agreed in advance. This is a border town of Tianyuan. Although it is not as good as the majestic beauty of Qiuguan, it is not bad.

The city, built by Demeter, wants to enter the heavens, and can't get around it.

Of course, the Emperor Majesty is not here.

When Qin Qi came to Tianyuan, he never thought about being strong. Naturally, he needed to follow the rules here.

Waiting for a while in a lavish, multi-deviled palace, there is a young demon.

His name is Abu Aris, from the Aris clan, young and already a strong man in the ranks of Samsung.

Among the heirs of the Ares clan, his rank is extremely high.

In this regard, Qin Qi is not unexpected.

The whole Tianyuan, to say that the true ceiling from the bottom of the heart, only the Ares clan.

Other clan, although it is impossible to resist smallpox on the bright surface, but some of their own thoughts, especially the Zeus clan.

"Qin Qi, I did not expect you to rebel into my heavens, I knew so, why did you have to succumb to the memory of the autumn?" Aibu did not ridicule.

This attitude is not surprising, the Mozu has always looked down on the Terran, Abu, it is already very "friendly."

Moreover, Qin Qi was abandoned by the Terran, and was forced to be sentenced to Tianyuan. It is indeed full of irony.

Therefore, Qin Qi did not care, just faintly said: "This time, take me to see the saint."

Aibu’s eyes narrowed and he nodded.

After all, it was the decision of the smallpox, and he did not dare to disobey.

However, at this time, there were several demons in the temple, and the blood was different, but they all came from the Tianyuan 12 clan.

"Ai Bu, you have taken in a human being, and it is still such a sinner with the blood of my saints, the face of Ares ancestors, afraid that they are all thrown away by you!" Andrei Zeus taunted Smiled.

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