God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1336: Magical soul linkage

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-six chapters of the magic soul linkage

"Qin Qi, do you think this is enough? After all, you are not a quasi-jun!" Matthew shouted, and the quasi-political powers rushed out.

Thunder World!

Matthew growled, and the hammer of Thor was slamming down, colliding with the tears of Qin Qi’s Dragon God.

However, the result of the collision made Matthew's eyelids shake.

His weapon, the top of the Quake of the Emperor's soldiers, left a sword mark.

What is the existence of this sword, is it impossible to catch up with the supreme artifact?

However, in the end, he is in a state of high morality. Judging from the power of Qin Qi’s current outbreak, it is not enough to defeat him.

But at this time, the soul chain rushed out.

Qin Qi used the power of the Dark Wizard.

“Do you get it?” Matthew sipped, and the powerful soul power wrapped the sea of ​​souls.

At the same time, rushing out quickly, the Thunder is full of voids, and has a huge impact on the soul chain.

However, it must be effective!

Even though Matthew evaded it, he still couldn’t avoid it.

The soul chain rushed into Matthew's soul sea, and it was followed by many negative effects of the Dark Wizard.

It was Matthew that became confused in a flash.

But it was such an instant.

It is enough.

Huangji Tianlong Road!

The power of the dragon's body is soaring.

Qin Qi took out a sword and was resisted by the hammer of Thor, but the next punch was the power to blow through everything!

The Thunder world has been smashed by hands.

The heavy brute force, with the fierceness of the dragon and the Titan, this time, Matthew can not stop.

The quasi-junior defense was instantly killed, and Matthew’s entire man was shot and flew out.

Matthew clenched his teeth, and he stared at Qin Qi tightly, watching the shadow of the **** from the Titan behind him.

It seems that the Titan is returning.

"Looking for death!" Matthew stabilized his body and suddenly roared. The thunder on his body was even more frightening.

Thunder killed!

A huge thunder like a water tank appeared, and it smashed the void, as if it were to be destroyed.

This is Matthew's stunt, which has lifted the Thunder's destructive power to the utmost.

He held the hammer of Quake, facing Qin Qi, slamming down.


Qin Qi did not waste time and directly opened the invincible state.

That Thunder can't hurt him, but his sword is not something Matthew can resist.

God of wrath!

This sword, with the sky wrath, is simply a magic!

Under the slash of a sword, the thunder of the sky wrath directly broke through the power of Matthew's destruction of the Thunder.

The kind of collision is really amazing, the roaring sounds all over the world, and the sky is dyed with the color of the Thunder.

"It's quite equal." The Hera clan's quasi-jun whispered, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Just, even if it is equal.

One is invincible, and the other, before Qin Qi broke all defenses.

The outcome is already divided.

Matthew was once again flung out of the shackles. The thunder that was fined that day, he opened half of his body, and the power of robbery raged, and it could not be recovered within a short time.

Matthew growled, he lost to Qin Qi!

However, he did not snarl for a long time, and Qin Qi’s tears in the hands of Qin Qi were once again squatting.

Is this what he wants?

"I still can't stop!" Sarah's look changed, and suddenly snorted.

On her body, the flame rises and rises, as if a sun is rising, burning the heavens and the earth.

"The lord of the Apollo clan is not as good as you. Come with me. As a guardian knight of His Royal Highness, if you can't defeat two quasi-jun at the same time, how can you be competent?" Qin Qi said lightly.

He did not leave this sword, but he said so.

This is too crazy.

No, this should be stupid!

Qin Qi’s victory over Matthew is indeed an accident. After all, he has not yet entered the realm of quasi-jun, and it is terrible to be able to do this.

However, he now wants to challenge the two quasi-jun at the same time?

After winning a victory, I was overwhelmed, and I made a foolish decision.

"Okay, let this seat also come to ask for advice, the power of the Titans in the past!" Sarah roared.

Matthew looked gloomy. Now, he also refuses to look at the two-on-one. If he does not defeat Qin Qi, he is not only a shame, but even a harvest.

Qin Qi’s arrogance gave them opportunities.

The two emperors took the shot together, Qin Qi also had no possibility of contending, at least able to destroy this future enemy, early!

Lose your face, you will lose face!

"Don't lose face, then, let's die." Qin Qi is indifferent, and his eyes are cold.

Behind him, he stood up again with a martial art.

The blushing witch, she has taken the rod of the magic eye out of the scorpion, and the power of this artifact is fully revealed.

Burning flames can directly turn people into nothingness.

Even if it is swept by the magic eyes on it, the flame will burn from the soul, and even the suppression will not be possible.

Take the flame, against Sarah Apollo.

Take Thunder, against Matthew Zeus.

In the use of the **** of Titan, trample the audience!

This is amazing.

Jun Jun can't keep calm.

Only the presence of the Ares clan close to the emperor has always remained calm, and the look has not changed at all.

Only the eyes of the eyes have turned a few gods.

too strong!

Countless Mozus are watching this battle, and they can't help but marvel at it. They are fighting against each other and using the Apollo and Zeus clan attributes.

It’s incredible!

If the quasi-junior of the two great clan of this battle is defeated, then the face is really sweeping the floor.

Matthew and Sarah are crazy, and the flames and thunder are roaring all over the world.

However, still can not get Qin Qi.

Qin Qi's physique is too strong, and the resilience of the two of them is not comparable.

Moreover, every sword of Qin Qi can actually devour their power, so that their consumption is several times more than usual.

If this continues, it is really possible to lose.

Matthew and Sarah, secretly glanced at each other, all showing a fierce color.

The magic soul linkage!

Only the inheritance of the magic blood is pure enough to be able to exert its power.

It is also one of the reasons why the top-level combat power of the Mozu always suppresses the Terran.

The magical souls appeared together, and there was some special power between Zeus and Apollo. The power was multiplied in an instant!

"It seems to be shameless." Hephaestus's quasi-jun is cold.

They and the Apollo clan resentment, naturally seeing Sara is not good, and now, the two with the prestige of the king, against a Qin Qi who has not yet reached the quasi-jun.

Even the magical soul linkage was used.

It’s really shameless.

Many demons are thinking so in their hearts.

But this incident is what Qin Qi himself provoked, and he himself has to challenge two quasi-jun.

So even if you use the magical soul linkage, there is nothing. At most, it means that Sarah Matthew is shameless.

There is no reason to stop it.

Poetry and poetry are tight, of course, want to stop, but this time, but it has touched the anti-phagic that had previously suffered from the skyrocketing of the sacred tree, and almost spit out blood.

At this moment, she can't reveal this state.

Qin Qi, although he does not know the magical soul linkage, but can feel that their power is multiplying.

At the moment, which will make them wish.

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