God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1339: Tianyuan situation

The first three hundred and thirty-three chapters of the Tianyuan situation

The poem nodded and took a map out of the space ring.

This is a map of the entire Tianyuan continent, and even many islands in the East China Sea, as well as undersea palaces, are marked.

This level of map, there is no such thing as the Terran, too detailed, the places marked above, many even Qin Qi have never heard of.

"This is the map that the teacher gave me, let me know about the world." The poetry introduced, the hand is lightly lifted, and the position of Tianyuan is enlarged.

It can be seen that Tianyuan is a huge basin, and its scale is better than that of Zhongzhou. Among them, there are countless days and a lot of things.

However, when you see the land and the land, Qin Qi is a slight glimpse.

He had thought that the Mozu territory was a circular basin, but he did not expect it to be a gourd shape.

There is a smaller basin, located in the northwest of Tianyuan, which is only about one-tenth the size of Tianyuan.

“Sen Luo Yuan?” Qin Qi looked at the small basin with the mark on it.

This is what he did not know before.

"Sen Luo Yuan is actually part of the Tianyuan. The two places are separated by endless mountains. Only a narrow rift can communicate."

"This rift is called the Hulu Port."

Poetry refers to the position between Sen Luoyuan and Tianyuan.

The position was suddenly enlarged and a more detailed description appeared.

"There is such a glory!" Qin Qi was surprised.

At the entrance of the Senluoyuan to the Huluo Port, a majestic tower stood tall and huge. Although it was not as good as Yiqiuguan, it completely separated Sen Luoyuan and Tianyuan.

And Qin Qi also noticed that the engraving of Sen Luoyuan is red, with the words "rebel" written on it!

"Rebels?" Qin Qi was shocked.

The poem nodded and said: "The Tianyuan Mozu is indeed the head of the three races, but the inner elbow is far more than imagined."

"First of all, it is the hatred between surnames, such as Hephaestus and Apollo. When the two families are hostile, the Terran is still struggling to survive. The Central State is not a Terran."

"This kind of hatred is long and long, and there are more or less among the various ethnic groups. Today, it is impossible to eliminate it unless it is done."

"In addition, this is the rebel army."

"The origin of the rebels has been a long time. When Sen Luoyuan was discovered, the resources were extremely rich, and the twelve clans rushed to mine."

"It’s just that Sen Luo Yuan is extremely dangerous. In order to protect the tribes, the 12 clan will make other devils of the lower surnames enter them. The death and injury can be described as horrible.

"But the interests are in the first place, the twelve clans have not stopped, but they are more cruel, and they continue to send inferior devils."

"So in this way, the low surnames have a deep grievance against the twelve clan, and the seeds of rebellion have long existed."

"As long as there is an opportunity, they will start to rebel!"

"So, the opportunity has appeared?" Qin Qi flashed, these things he is interested, it is necessary to understand.

The poem nodded and continued: "Yes, as Sen Luoyuan continued to mine, they found an underground palace in ancient times."

"There is a powerful and unparalleled supreme artifact!"

"And it happens that among the lower surnames, one person is in harmony with the supreme artifact, and after the artifact is in charge, those demons are completely rebellious!"

"After that, it is a war that lasted for nearly 10,000 years. Unfortunately, the Supreme Artifact is too powerful. No one can compete in the age when the ancient ancestors did not."

"Ultimately, the rebels held the Sen Luo Yuan and made a corner with the Black Forest in the north to fight against the Tianyuan."

Hearing the words, Qin Qi couldn't help but sigh. I didn't expect the inside of Tianyuan to have these stories.

"The leader of the Supreme Artifact, I am afraid that the strength is already over!" Qin Qidao.

"Yes, now the ancient ancestors wake up from the slumber because of the arrival of the great world, and look back, but find that the one has become a Maharaja, and Sen Luoyuan, in this 10,000 years, The operation is solid."

"Now I want to recover Sen Luo Yuan, it is easy to talk about it." Poetry.

As she said, she narrowed the map and then enlarged a certain area of ​​the northwest, which is the other side of the gourd port.

"What's there?" Qin Qi asked.

"This territory, originally belonged to the twelve clan, is to fight against Sen Luoyuan, but now, it has been out of control of the twelve clan."

"There are rebels?" Qin Qi was surprised.

"This is not the case." The poem smiled.

According to her introduction, Qin Qi knew an emerging force in the Tianyuan - the thirteen alliance.

The Thirteen Alliances, initiated by several incomparably powerful Dajun clan, have gathered dozens of prince clan and countless small clan special organizations.

Similar to the right-wing alliance of the Terran.

However, for the origin of the family name, the inheritance of the racial surname is unique. This kind of consortium similar to the Zongmen is extremely rare and difficult to last.

But this time, it is different because the 13th League has a common goal.

That is to enter the holy mountain!

Mount Olympus has twelve peaks, each of which is occupied by the twelve clan, but in fact, Mount Olympus is not static, and the increase or decrease of mountains is possible.

This time, there was a change in Mount Olympus, and there was a new mountain peak that turned into the thirteenth peak.

Those powerful Dajun clan, who have a quasi-junior who is close to the Maharaja, certainly want to enter the new mountain.

You must know that the Twelve Clan can always lead the Tianyuan, which is one of the key points.

Whether it is assisted cultivation or ethnic air transport, it is not comparable to the general clan.

Now that the opportunity is coming, the slightly ambitious clan cannot be let go.

Moreover, there was no precedent before. After all, the ancestors of Demeter could not compare with the other twelve clan, but they were able to climb the holy mountain and occupy a peak with innumerable knowledge.

Such a legend, I believe I can write again!

To this end, the several monarchs joined forces to form the thirteen alliances. The only purpose was to occupy a place on the holy mountain.

For this kind of thing, the twelve clan would naturally not be happy to see it, but because the twelve clan itself was not a piece of iron, it was not completely suppressed.

Later, the rebellion of Sen Luoyuan became fiercer, and the twelve clans finalized the resolution in the arbitral tribunal of the gods, and the thirteen allies suppressed the rebels.

If you can guard for five thousand years without being ravaged by the rebels, then the new peak above the holy mountain is theirs.

This is a double-edged idea that makes the rebels and the thirteen allies weaken each other.

The rebels will not want to see a new sacred mountain.

And the thirteen allies want to enter the holy mountain, they must go all out.

This abacus is indeed true. For five thousand years, the war has been endless, but it has indeed been held by the 13th League.

Today, not far from the five thousand years limit, the thirteen alliances will soon win!

It’s just that the Great World has come down completely, and no one knows how it will develop, and whether the Twelve Clan will be willing to see the Thirteen Alliances entering the Holy Mountain is also unknown.

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