God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1341: First hoist port

The first three hundred and forty-one chapters first came to the gourd port

The battlefield style, Qin Qi also saw much more, the battlefield of this gourd port, compared to the northern battlefield, it is really nothing.

It is only a matter of point, that is, the gourd port is small and difficult to spread out, and many huge weapons of war cannot be used.

And Sen Luo Yuan is obsessed with the North Pass, and Xiong Guan is in the grip. It is extremely difficult to attack.

Of course, the opposite, Sen Luoyuan wants to counterattack the side of Tianyuan, it is not easy.

After all, the 13th League has not been idle for five thousand years. On the side of the Hulu Port, a Nankou Pass has also been built. Although it is slightly smaller, it is also a barrier.

The 5,000-year defensive period is about to end. As long as in the last few years, Sen Luoyuan can't break into the Tianyuan, then the 13th League can occupy the thirteenth peak of Mount Olympus.

It seems that now, Sen Luoyuan is obviously not willing to let this happen.

After all, when you enter the Mount Olympus, it almost means that the twelve clan will become the thirteen clan. Although the thirteenth clan is a union of many surnames, the power is destined to become stronger.

This is not good news for Sen Luoyuan.

So recently, with the advent of the Great World, Sen Luoyuan’s counterattack against Tianyuan has become increasingly fierce.

On the other side of the holy mountain, the twelve clan is so happy that naturally, they will not lend a helping hand, letting the thirteen allies and Sen Luoyuan consume each other.

It is a pity that, knowing this, the 13th League has no choice. Today, 5,000 years is coming, how can it shrink?

Must go all out.

When Qin Qi arrived at the Nankou Pass, Guanwai was fighting.

"Adult, do you fight now?" asked the voice.

He returned to the territory belonging to the thirteenth alliance, but his heart was not half-excited, and there was no meaning to contact the people of Eruipos.

"Look at it first." Qin Qidao.

He has mastered many of Sen Luoyuan's intelligence, but when he actually arrives at the battlefield, many things need to be seen by his own eyes to be truly clear.

A few people came to the wall of Nankouguan with Qin Qi.

Here, there are constantly thirteen allied soldiers coming in, and on the far above the fort, huge war weapons are roaring.

In the rift in the distance, shouting and killing, the battle has been extremely fierce.

Qin Qi feels that the blood in the body has become hot. He used to be the **** of the future of the Terran. This battlefield has made his powers active.

However, he did not rush to participate in the war, but looked at the battlefield on the wall and took the situation into the eye.

In this battle, Sen Luoyuan invested a lot of power, and the war weapons actually ran across, although not as precise as the 13th League, but the victory was huge.

This is somewhat similar to the human race.

The bottom of the Legion battles, mostly at the regular military level, revolves around several main legions.

Most of the regular army regiments are at the level of half-step princes, while the main army is the prince who sits in the town. Once rushed, the power is indeed amazing.

As for the rank of the strong, both sides have the right to shoot, has already played boiling.

However, it seems that it is dominated by Sen Luoyuan.

It seems that the resources of Sen Luoyuan have been transformed into real combat powers during this 10,000 years. Together with the Maharaja, it is naturally suppressed by the 13th League.

Moreover, Sen Luoyuan is much more dangerous than Tianyuan, and the soldiers there are generally stronger than the 13th League.

At this time, Qin Qi also saw the situation of this war.

Sen Luoyuan obviously has no intention of fighting for a battle. This time, most of the trials, but if it can not stop, but there is also the possibility of a comprehensive war.

"Well, Qing Litian has arrived?" Qin Qi flashed, and saw a correct posture in the battlefield.

Qin Qi did not expect that Qing Li Tian was even faster than them, and he had already entered the war.

Now, the more she is, the more she is leading a main army to rush, using her as the blade, almost unstoppable.

With her as a banner, all the Legion of the 13th League were instantly revitalized, and the original disadvantage disappeared in a very short period of time, directly suppressing the army of Sen Luoyuan from the tactical level.

This is the power of Qing Litian.

She and these regiments have no tacit agreement or even take over, but even so, under the leadership of these corps, they are still in the same position as the arm.

The commander of the magic army in the history of the year before, really deserved reputation.

The appearance of Qing Litian completely changed the battle situation. The battlefield, which was originally anxious, has been completely dominated by Qing Litian.

The army of the 13th League was forced to follow the battle of Qing Litian from the beginning. Up to now, it has been convinced that it can be said which to hit.

This battle did not last long, and Sen Luoyuan could not support it very quickly, and was completely dispersed by Qing Litian.

"This is the first time I saw Qing Litian's battle, it is incredible!" Shadow repair could not help but admire.

"The power of Athena..." Lena whispered.

If Aris was born to be born for war, then Athena, who was born for the battlefield, is truly impressive.

However, what does Qing Litian do in this way? Before Qin Qi, set up a prestige, do not want to let the thirteen alliances belong to the saint?

The entire battlefield is cheering, and Qing Litian’s reputation has come to the top.

The soldiers fought and began to counterattack.

However, Sen Luoyuan was obviously not willing to fail like this. Among the strong teams, a prospective monk suddenly got rid of his opponent and made a blow to Qing Litian!

Qing Litian is an important tribe for the Athena clan. If it can be killed here, it is better.

I am afraid that this opportunity will not appear again.

Although I don’t know why Qing Litian will come over, but since she is alone, it is no doubt to find death!

Quasi-Jun shot, the quasi-junior of the thirteenth alliance will naturally not let him easily succeed, but the master of Sen Luoyuan himself has the upper hand, and for a time, it is also blocked.

"Athena's little girl, no elders dare to show up at the side, you are looking for death!" Sen Luoyuan's quasi-Jun smiled, the magic is soaring.

Qing Litian's look changed, although the body gathered the magic of a legion, but it is still difficult to compete with the quasi-jun.

God's left hand!

At the critical juncture, Qing Litian’s left hand, with two bones, began to glow, and it seems that the power of God is coming back!

Compared with the ancient world, the power of the left hand of this **** has once again increased!

The huge palms were stretched out, and Qing Litian used this to resist the strike of Zhu Jun.

Reluctantly blocked.

But including Qing Litian and the whole main army, they were all wounded, and many soldiers even directly blew into blood.

The existence of the quasi-jun level, once there is no limit of the same level of power, is enough to change the entire situation.

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