God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1344: Auction

The first three hundred and forty-four chapters of the lot

"Does Qin Qi should not let the shadow repair die?" Someone whispered.

"As the guardian knight of the saint, Lord Qin Qi is naturally powerful and can kill the quasi-jun, but the robbery has always been fair, and no one wants to intervene, otherwise it will cause his own disaster!"

"This kind of thing, Qin Qi can not help the shadow repair."

The demons are all doubts, I don’t know what Qin Qi is going to do.

On the other hand, the film repair has begun to rob.

At the beginning of the Thunder, he was able to support. After all, it was not a chaotic ancient day. The thunder was not added, but he was not prepared after all. Gradually, he could not support it.

Until his body was completely submerged by the Thunder, his breath became intermittent.

He is about to stand up and will die in the hands of the thunder.

At this moment, Qin Qi finally moved.

He ascended the sky and smashed out a sword, and even directly cut off the thunder of the shadow repair.

That thunder sea was pouring, but it was time to stagnate.

Qin Qi, even forcibly intervened in the robbery?

All the demons are shocked, this is not looking for death!

It’s just now, but it’s too late to stop it.

Heaven has already identified Qin Qi, and the more violent Thunder suddenly fell, and went to Qin Qi.

It is this human being.

Once again, provoke the sky!

I really think that the majesty of the sky can be stepped on the feet again and again!

The sky was angry, the terrible thunder fell, and even the roots did not go to the shadow repair, all the power, rushed to Qin Qi.

It was the quasi-jun, and could not help but pale, feeling the power of destruction in the thunder.

Qin Qi, can you withstand the anger of heaven?

The answer is, yes.

Once again, Cangtian returned with hate. He still couldn’t kill Qin Qi, but he made some progress in Qin Qi’s body.

The demons looked at Qin Qi, who came back from the smashing of the thunder, and looked at his relaxed appearance and his unharmed body. Some of them didn’t know what to say.

I even want to swear words.

This is also too bad!

Also let no other magic work!

Suddenly, the demons were holding the Huluo port and even counterattacking Sen Luoyuan, and their hearts were full of confidence.

And the shadow repair, successful robbery, the realm came to the prince, naturally it is not happy!

"Thank you, adults!"

"I am not a good person." Qin Qi said lightly.

After a photo-repair, the look changed, and finally decided to set aside, "I will give Orepos to the adults and His Royal Highness!"

"Of course it is best." Qin Qi laughed.

This time, if the thirteen allies can really climb the holy mountain, then they will naturally prefer poetry, but they are not as loyal as Ares, but they are not known.

Therefore, it is necessary to truly hold the thirteen alliances in the hands.

Shadow repair is just the first step.

Qin Qi’s divine power shocked the world and made the 13th League full of confidence in the future.

However, if you want to win, you don’t rely on this, but a real war.

Of course, with Qin Qi and Qing Litian joining, the 13th League has begun to reverse the situation, from the previous defense, to the present, began to take the initiative to attack.

Qing Litian led the army's level of fighting, can be said to be unfavorable, the entire Sen Luoyuan, can not find a Qingli Tianlai, even close to her.

At the level of the strong, Qin Qi will participate in the war every time, fierce and fierce. Once he is locked, even if it is a quasi-jun, it is extremely difficult to escape.

However, Sen Luoyuan can successfully rebel under the prestige of the twelve clan, and independence, the strength is indeed extremely strong.

After even losing a few battles, they also made adjustments, and the strength began to further improve, and got some kind of bonus.

It’s not just the underlying warrior, but the strongest in the realm of quasi-junior.

This is the **** of the Maharaja, she added more power to the soldiers of Sen Luo Yuan.

In the thirteenth league, there is no Majesty behind the support. On this point, it is down.

Since then, the battle has become mutually successful, even if it is Qing Litian, not every time can lead the legion to win.

These regiments, after all, were not brought out by her.

So when the opponent's strength is getting stronger, it will begin to expose the problem of insufficient tacit understanding.

This kind of thing is also helpless and can only be compensated by time.

In the battle of the strong, after Qin Qi unexpectedly killed a few quasi-Jun, he was also taken care of, and the harvest was naturally impossible to compare with the beginning.

It is often several times that a war can kill a quasi-jun.

Thus, in a month's time, Qin Qi came to the ranks of the three-step quasi-jun, and then, if he wants to improve, it is not so easy.

On the ladder leading to the Maharaja, the five or six steps of the strong, where is so good to kill?

Moreover, for a month of fighting, Sen Luoyuan can be said to be completely inferior, even if there is a Majesty of the Majesty.

The number of attacks they have made is less and less, and the number of active attacks by the 13th League is increasing.

Even once, they attacked the North Pass. This is the first time the 13th League has had such a record!

It is a pity that it is really difficult to break through the North Pass. Once I tried it, Qing Litian will release the gold and prepare for the battle.

The thirteen alliances seem to be strong, and it is no longer that Sen Luoyuan can block.

But in fact, the monarch of Sen Luoyuan has never shot.

And once she shot, who can resist?

It is precisely because the other party does not shoot, the 13th League is close to the Maharaja's strong, has been on alert, is also pinned, not dare to really fight.

In this case, it is really difficult to break into the North Pass.

At the end of a big battle, Qin Qi almost killed a five-step quasi-jun, but unfortunately, he was escaped by him, and his heart was unhappy.

At this moment, the coral is giving Qin Qi a shoulder, and the war is raging, and the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

Qin Qi did not punish her. The reason why she was afraid was mostly because of the pressure that Qin Qi would unconsciously exude.

"Adult, thank you for the many benefits you have given me, my family will definitely return you!" After a while, the corals took courage and grateful.

"Well, I am looking forward to it." Qin Qi squinted and faint.

Coral also knows that Qin Qi does not care about these, and does not dare to say more, but the action is more and more gentle.

"Lord Qin Qi, it is a good life." But it was Qing Litian, who came in from the outside and bowed to Qin Qi.

"How dare you come to me?" Qin Qi was suddenly cold.

"The recent battle is anxious, I think your heart is also anxious. I have a way to enter Sen Luoyuan. I wonder if you are interested?" Qing Litian laughed.

When the corals heard the words, they had to get up and leave, not to listen to such secrets.

However, Qin Qi patted her hand and motioned her to continue. Then she did not care at all: "Do you think I will believe you?"

"In order to show sincerity, I sent another message to you." Qing Litian smiled and took out a piece of jade.

She is obviously prepared.

Qin Qi looks strange, he wants to see what Qing Litian wants to do.

After taking the jade, Qin Qi consulted the information inside, and then the eyes suddenly became big!

Qing Litian put everything in her eyes and smiled and said: "Is this sincerity, is it enough?"

Qin Qi's face is ugly.

This is a detailed list of the auctions of Tianyuan's largest auction. It lists many precious things, many of them, even Qin Qi must be heart-warming.

But what really makes Qin Qi care is the same one.

The first female disciple of the Huang Daolong Palace, the first beauty of the Zhengdao Alliance, the dragon dance!

She was actually caught by the Mozu and will be auctioned soon?

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