God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1347: I am not even qualified for my favor.

The first thousand three hundred and forty-seven chapters are not even eligible for my favor.

Lena is still in a good mood, and she naturally does not want to be a clan's chip.

And she stayed at Qin Qi, the family will not take care of her again, Qin Qi does not intend to her, from another angle, is free.

But just happy, there was a sound that made her very unhappy.

I don't need to see who it is. Lena has already felt sick in her heart, and there is a goose bump.

"Oh, such a beautiful body, the blood in the body must be fresh and delicious, I can't wait to enjoy it!"

"Kid, she is your slave, sell it to me, I can double the price!" The **** demon is staring at Lena, very hot.

Qin Qi frowned and gave him a look.

Gorefiend family, Yuji Curtis.

"Curtis?" Qin Qi thought a little, remembered the surname.

Before he consulted the college students of Demeter, he had an understanding of the major surnames of Tianyuan. Among them, the Gorefiend family naturally included them.

Gorefiend is born in the **** sea. Unlike other demons, their powerful way is to devour blood.

The more powerful the blood, the more they are eager.

Because of this particularity, the Gorefiend family has never weakened or even strengthened. Although it is not as good as the Twelve Clan, it has begun to approach.

In addition, one of the reasons why Qin Qi pays attention to the Gorefiend is that they are close to the Zeus clan and are very likely to become enemies.

As for Curtis, it is the most powerful surname of the Gorefiend family, and it bears the blood of the origin of the Gorefiend.

This Yuji should not be in a low position in the Curtis clan, and belong to the same generation as Qing Litian, but the realm is already a two-star prince.

However, his hobby is not very good. He loves girls very much. What he likes most is to take possession of the girl's body while sucking their blood!

"Let's leave, don't block our way." Lina said coldly.

However, I didn’t expect that, when I heard Leah’s voice, my eyes were brighter. I even shot Lena directly and took off her mask.

"It's a wonderful sound. Let me see what you look like. If it is beautiful enough, I can double the price!" Yan Ji smiled, not paying attention to Lina's rejection.

Lena is cold, and there is a flame rising on her body.

However, under the mask, the breath of the flame is hidden a lot, and only the characteristics of Hephaestus can be perceived, but it is not pure.

"There is still some bloodline of Hephaestus, haha, it is really a treasure, such blood, should not be used to die once, at least ten times!" 裴吉 eyes are brighter, **** The magic of the magic is a big hand, it is necessary to take Lena to capture the past.

Good life is overbearing, even if you don’t wait for Qin Qi’s answer, you must **** it!

In this regard, Qing Litian just looked at it and it didn't matter.

Although Qin Qi does not want to get into trouble, I hope that this line will be smooth, but it seems that it is not a low-key.

At the moment, he also shakes out the magic power and shakes off the magical hand of Yu Ji.

"This friend, I will give you ten times the price, this should be enough, you don't know what to do." Yan Ji's narrow eyes narrowed.

"Roll." Qin Qi's answer is much simpler and more direct.

Yan Ji stunned, apparently did not expect someone to talk to him like this.

Today's Gorefiend Curtis, the status of Tianyuan is increasing, and the major clanes attach great importance to them.

Even the twelve clan will give them enough respect.

Moreover, he is not the first day in this no-night capital, all the girls he values, except those who belong to the real strong, and the high heirs of the twelve clan.

Others, he can get it in a variety of ways.

But so far, no one has sanctioned him.

It is because he is apart from Curtis, behind the Zeus clan.

And this guy with a mask, dare to be so disrespectful to him!

"I know, I haven't told you my last name yet, then you are ready to tremble, you will pay a heavy price for your behavior!"

"Listen, I am great..." Yu Ji thought that Qin Qi was probably the first newcomer to come to the city that never sleeps, so he did not know his identity.

As long as he knows his identity, how can Qin Qi dare to pose in front of him?

He decided, let alone ten times the price, he will not even pay a penny, and will also give Qin Qi enough to remember the punishment of a lifetime!

This is the price of offending the great Curtis!

However, just when he was proud of self-reporting, Qin Qi was already impatient.

A sword light burst out of the sword, Qin Qi directly smashed down, and Yuji once stretched out to Lena's arm and slammed it down. The blood splashed, even with a misty mist, it was especially enchanting.

This is the blood of the Gorefiend, very special.

Yu Ji was shocked again.

He has not self-reported his home, and Qin Qi actually shot directly.

How could there be such a person, crazy!

"Ah, ah!" 裴 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼 嘶吼

"Give me kill him!"

He is very angry, he wants to tear Qin Qi!

The followers who followed him, when Qin Qi started to work, this is to want to stop Qin Qi, but did not expect Qin Qi's sword so fast.

However, it is enough to kill Qin Qi.

However, in a flash, these slaves fell down and were penetrated by a sword and could not stand up.

At this time, the blood from the wounded by Yu Ji, each drop began to shine, turned into a **** light array!

In the light array, the runes were densely covered, and then a few **** tentacles penetrated from them and slammed into Qin Qi.

The power is incredibly amazing, and the sky is directly shattered along the way.

This is the attack that Yuji uses his own blood for the mediation, and the attack power will be improved several times!

In this regard, it was a sword, and no one even saw how Qin Qi was out of the sword.

And this sword, cut off the throat of Yu Ji, so that he could not call out.

Yu Ji’s heart was horrified. He was not an idiot. He was cut off by Qin Qi’s sword, and he would not mention Qin Qi’s shot again.

The blood of the flying dragon, part of it turned into a blood defense, this is the power of blood as a medium, even if the attack of the Prince of Samsung, can also resist.

However, it was directly cut off, and there was not even a hindrance.

This mask man, who is it, is so powerful!

Yan Ji couldn't help but feel a little trembled. He felt that he mentioned the iron plate.

"Can you kill?" Qin Qi asked Qing Litian.

This problem was also heard by Yu Ji. The anger and horror in his heart suddenly dissipated, and he only felt cold.

This mask man, actually wants to kill him!

"Yes." Qing Li Tiandao.

Every day, there are demons coming in every day, and there are also demons, and it is by no means a small number.

It’s mostly that it’s done in the dark, and it’s not that it’s not happening when the street kills it. It’s best to avoid it.

But this point, Qing Litian did not mention.

"Then kill it." Qin Qi said indifferently.

"Who I dare to see!" But the movement here is a crowd of people, and the strong people in the Curtis family finally heard the news.

The ones who came together, as well as the strong men of the Zeus clan, came for tomorrow's auction.

Even McLean is there.

When Ji Jidun was excited, his blood flowed quickly, healed the throat injury, and then he screamed: "Now you look again, who killed who?"

"Tell you, even if you are begging for mercy, it is useless, you will die, there are these two women," Yu Ji pointed to Lina and Qing Litian.

"This girl, I will play well. As for you, I have already vomited when I smelled your body. Your blood is like a corrupt old woman. Even if I am not lucky, I will kill it!" Cried.

Under the mask, Qin Qi's look is somewhat wonderful.

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