God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1361: Refinement

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-one chapters

Dispersed the toxins, Qin Qi did not wait for the results, and Qing Litian quickly left, this time, they are going to enter the Senlu Palace.

Sentuo Palace, that is the area where Catherine lived. It is almost impossible to get in if I don't get permission from Catherine.

However, Qing Litian had already prepared, still using the defects of Catherine, successfully crossed the barrier and entered the underground palace.

In the underground palace, there are actually no other demons. Since Catherine became the master of Sen Luoyuan, the other demons are not allowed here.

It can be said that the entire Senro Palace, only Catherine.

Of course, a Catherine is enough to compare the strength of Sen Luoyuan's ninth and ninety-nine. There is one of them. Here is the Longtan Tiger Cave, which is more shocking than the Mozu who is stationed.

Entering the underground palace, Qin Qi's look suddenly changed. The ubiquitous pressure of the great monarch made him feel pressure and his power was suppressed.

This is the Maharaja, I am afraid that it is even stronger than the Ares Guzu that I have seen before. It is just an unconscious temperament. It is so amazing.

Qin Qi feels that even if he is now in the realm of nine steps, he can't compete with these forces.

"The stronger her strength, the deeper she falls into sleep, and we have a chance." Qing Litian sighed, looking very serious.

After all, she took out a piece of animal paper, which actually painted a map of the Senlu Palace!

Here, Qin Qi's small map has been compressed very small, the detection range is limited, far less than this map.

"This was drawn when the underground palace was first discovered. At that time, Catherine had not yet mastered the Pandora's Box." Qing Litian whispered.

Then she pointed to one of the maps and then slowly moved to another, saying: "We are here now, and this location is where we are going."

"The Pandora's Box is there?" Qin Qi glimmered.

"No, Pandora's Box should be here," Qing Litian pointed to another place. "This is the core of the underground palace. Catherine sleeps on the next floor."

"Then what do you mean?"

"One thousand years ago, an ancient ancestor of my family was degraded here. I need to find him first and inherit some of his strength. Only in this way can I make better use of Catherine's defects!"

"This is also a necessary condition for us to get Pandora's Box!" Qing Li Tiandao, looking directly at Qin Qi.

Before Qin Qi searched Qing Litian's memory, she knew that she did not lie, but I don't know why, there are always some unnatural places.

However, it is impossible to grasp that unnatural.

"Good", Qin Qi finally nodded, but also cold voice: "But you better not to play tricks, otherwise, I will kill you in an instant!"

"You can rest assured that we are all in need." Qing Litian smiled slightly.

Walking in the underground palace, because there is no other relationship between the demons, the two only need to be careful not to cause Catherine's attention.

Qing Litian is extremely prepared for this day, and the help given by the Athena is also very amazing.

With the addition of various means, the two of them actually passed through Catherine and continued to go deep into the palace.

In the front, the underground palace began to change, no longer complete, but fragmented, apparently experienced a big battle.

I am afraid, that is, 10,000 years ago, the battle of two Maharajas was degraded!

To this day, the years have passed, and the atmosphere of this place has been horrible. Through the infinite killing, it is Qin Qi, and I can’t help but sink into my heart.

Qing Litian is naturally more unbearable, but in her left hand, the bones begin to light up spontaneously, forming a halo and protecting her.

Moreover, with the horror of the local gas, the pressure received has been reduced by half.

It is the aunt who died of Athena, and is blessing the blood of the same family!

There is no half-change in Qin Qi's look, just step by step.

This ruin has long been smashed, nothing left, there is a gas of destruction everywhere, and the closer to the center, the more horrible.

"Two mouths?" Qin Qi stunned and saw the core of this ruin.

This terrible atmosphere here comes from these two shackles!

"Catherine did not destroy the bodies of the two monarchs, but buried them here." Qing Li Tiandao, could not help but excited.

The bones in her left hand are getting brighter and brighter, and they are echoing one of them.

The one who was buried there is obviously the Maharaja of the Athena clan!

Qing Litian resisted the excitement and said: "You can open another sputum, where the prince of Dionysus is buried, and there may be many treasures, even his emperor!"

"Da Jun's body, afraid is not so easy to touch it?" Qin Qi blinked.

Even if it is dead, after all, it is a majesty, what is it?

"That would please wait a moment, wait for me to get the power of the ancient ancestors, and then work with you to open the mouth." Qing Li Tiandao.

She is able to open the mouth of Athena's ancient ancestors, after all, is a homologous blood, will not hurt her.

Qin Qi frowned, some hesitated, but finally nodded.

Qing Litian has not lied to him until now, perhaps, it is really necessary.

Qing Litian took a deep breath and showed the color of piety. Before she slowly walked to the hustle and bustle, the soul of the **** behind Athena shocked and matched the atmosphere of the scorpion.

And the bones in the left hand of Qing Litian, the light is almost stunned!

It was also this moment that Qing Litian’s eyes suddenly changed and became extremely confused and flustered.

It was like a different will that directly rushed into his mind.

That is, a memory!

Memory stored in the bones!

"It seems that it is a success!" Qing Litian's eyes returned to brightness, and the corner of his mouth smiled.

In her hand, there was an extra thing. It was at the Shiva auction house that the strong man of Demeter was handed over to her.

And this artifact has already started!


A loud noise.

Like a heart beating.

However, it is more like a Tiangu is inciting!

A terrible atmosphere, quietly exuded, enveloped the ruins.

Immediately, in the confident smile of Qing Litian, in the horrified expression of Qin Qi, the mouth of Dionysus turned out to be automatically opened.

Qin Qi’s face changed, and it’s hard to be done. Is this the great monarch of Dionysus resurrected?

How can this be!

But it is too late to think about it, Qin Qi will have to move away.

He felt a huge threat and must leave immediately.

However, it can't be done, the horrible air machine is full of this place, blocking the entire space, Qin Qi can not escape.

"Qing Litian!" Qin Qi squatted, and a sword slammed into Qing Litian.

However, in front of Qing Litian, the mouth was opened instantly, and Qing Litian was taken in, and then closed again.

The total artifact left by Qing Litian is shining and running to the limit!


Another shock, Qin Qi's eyes suddenly dissipated, a confused, what he saw in his eyes, is not this ruin, but other pictures.

A picture that is enough to illuminate all his negative emotions.


Real fantasy!

The mouth of Dionysus, a hand that had no life, stretched out and caught the head of Qin Qi. Immediately, a light curtain appeared, completely enshrining them all!

this is.

The world of refining desire!

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