God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1365: Hard to survive

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-five chapters are hard to survive

"Only by this, you want to change your life?" Qin Qi stared coldly at Qing Litian.

Qing Litian shuddered and quickly said: "This news is of course nothing, but I can help you enter Huangquan!"

"With you?"

"I may not be able to do it before, but now, my left hand of God will become the key to Tianquan's journey to Huangquan!"

“This is the key, it can be used for you!”

"It is still not enough." Qin Qi shook his head, and his intentions were not reduced.

Qing Litian bit his teeth and said: "I am willing to surrender to you and fight for you."

Qin Qi looked at Qing Litian, and his eyes were full of mockery.

Qing Litian knew that Qin Qi could not trust her, but she had no choice. "I can swear in the name of the first ancestor!"

When Qin Qi shakes his head, he must start.

"I, I still have a message!" Qing Litian shouted slowly.


"The Titan Protoss did not actually perish, and a Titan lived from ancient times to the present!" Qing Li Tiandao.


This really surprised Qin Qi.

Titans should have been annihilated, and there are survivors?

And Qing Litian said that it has lived from ancient times to the present.

How can this be!

No one can live for so long, even if it is a long-lived demon!

For 100,000 years, no one can cross this heavenly pole!

However, it is related to Titan, Qin Qi really pays attention to it, and wins more than Huang Quan.

Because of the ancestral king's martial arts, Qin Qi has increasingly doubted the connection between the system and the world, and now knows that there is a Titan, the Qin Qi really wants to see.

Perhaps there will be some clues.

"Where is he?"

"Zeus Peak, the closest to the summit."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi 瞳 Kong Kong suddenly shrink.

That place, the ancient ancestors are hard to get close to.

Even the legend, the sword of Thor, the supreme **** of Zeus, is there.

"Why is he in that kind of place?" Qin Qi screamed.

After he entered the Tianyuan, he naturally focused on the history of the Titans, the Titans, the masters before the Tianyuan, and later replaced by the twelve clans.

The one who dominated the battle of the genocide was the Zeus clan.

Titan, how can it be at Zeus?

"I don't know the specifics. It is not the secret that you and I can understand at this level. I am afraid that even the Zeus clan, only the ancient ancestors know some truth." Qing Li Tiandao.

"But the relationship between Zeus and Titan, I am afraid that the Titan was held by the original King of God."

Qin Qi's look has not changed, but there is a bit more worry in my heart.

In addition, Qin Qi is hesitant.

Is it necessary to kill Qing Litian?

To tell the truth, Qing Litian's two news are very important. It should be the secret of her bottom, especially Huang Quan, who can actually act as the key.

"Athena will let you help me?" After a long time, Qin Qi opened the way.

Qing Litian sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "From today on, the Athena clan and me will not be as old as before."

"Even, I have become a sinner, and even the left hand of God will be taken back."

"Why?" Qin Qi blinked.

Without the left hand of God, what is the use of leaving Qing Litian?

Qing Litian felt the killing of Qin Qi, his face suddenly white, and quickly said: "You, you got my strength, it was my family's ancient ancestors booked."

"He originally wanted to wait until I entered the realm of the quasi-jun, so that he could go further, and now, you will be the first to get there."

Qing Li Tiandao, some bitter.

"Your strength is actually prepared for your ancient ancestors?" Qin Qi was surprised. He thought it was a foreigner's existence.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be my own family.

Fertilizer does not flow outside the field, feelings refer to Tianyuan.

"This is fate, it is already doomed at birth, not just me, the same is true of the saint." Qing Li Tiandao.

"What are you talking about!" Qin Qi slammed down.

"The sacred woman is very noble, but since she is a woman, she can't escape the fate of being a saint!"

"When she is officially mature, her strength will be decided by the arbitral tribunal of the gods, who is in the hands of whom!"

"This is an ancient tradition of heaven, no one can change, and the saint is also obligated to pay for the prosperity of the heavens."

"Huang Quan is hard to find, and there are many obstacles. Everything is still in the fog, I don't know if it is true or false, but the Highness of the Virgin is a real opportunity for God, so it is in front of me."

"The ancient ancestors above the holy mountain have been waiting for the holy woman to be an adult."


Qin Qi just sneered.

It’s so cold.

No one can move poetry, whoever dares to move, who will die!

Qing Li Tian wins the pursuit, said: "Adult, I can use it for you, everything I have, can be dominated by you!"

"I know that I am not strong enough now, but that is because I am still young. Just give me time, Athena clan, I can offer it!"

"Hey, you are the sinner of Athena now, the ancient ancestor will not easily forgive you, even the left hand of God will be taken back, what do you rely on?" Qin Qi cold channel.

"No, the ancient ancestors were still asleep, and only when Huang Quan opened, he would really wake up."

"And now, God's left hand is more powerful. This is the power of the ancestor. It can cover all perceptions, and I can hide it for a while."

"And during this time, I have the opportunity to counter the clan!"

Qing Litian This is not helping Qin Qi, but helping himself.

She will not let the family withdraw the left hand of God.

Today's business, once it is revealed, her status within the Athena will plummet.

This is the vast world that is hard to find, and loses the support of the clan, then she will be left behind by others.

Therefore, she can't lose the left hand of God, this is her biggest cuddling!

Qin Qi did not speak again.

He finally decided to temporarily spare the life of Qing Litian.

Seeing Qin Qi did not shoot, Qing Litian finally rest assured, she finally saved her life.

Although Qin Qi did not say any threats, Qing Litian knew that this was the last time.

Later, as long as she made something that Qin Qi doubted, she might be killed.


Qing Litian’s mouth is bitter.

Originally thought that after this time, she was able to control everything, and even resisting fate is possible.

Unexpectedly, I lost everything and lost everything.

She took a deep breath and got up a little hard, but she almost fell and was exhausted. It was her realm and it was difficult to support.

And the pain that touched the action made her pale and bloodless.

She put on her clothes with some difficulty and began to recover.

As for Qin Qi, he did not pay attention to Qing Litian, but was exploring his own situation.

Things will become like this, Qin Qi did not think.

However, since it has already happened, Qin Qi will not be annoyed, just want to see his own income.

Qing Litian, except for poetry and Catherine, I am afraid that she has the most powerful power.

Since Qin Qi got it, there are many natural benefits.

At this moment, I found out that the body of the dragon vein is more powerful, and it has far surpassed Dacheng, and it has almost come to the peak!

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