God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1368: Stupid maharaja

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-eight chapters stupid maharaja

The world is crazy.

How long did Qin Qi know Catherine?

The other party is not a little girl who is not worthy of the world.

Even if it is a little girl who doesn't care about the world, why is it so close to Qin Qi, is the brother?

You are Maharaja!

You are the descendant of Pandora, the master of the Pandora's Box of the Supreme Artifact.

In your hands, there are two bloods of Maharaja!

How is it possible, called Qin Qi "brother"!

And still so close, no points of anger.

It is completely voluntary.

Brainwashing can't be done!

Qing Litian was completely stunned, feeling whirlwind, and even the perception of the world was falling.

When Catherine heard Qin Qi’s words, she grinned and said, “My brother is talking about it, who is like to squat?”

"Who knows, it may be a personal hobby." Qin Qi shrugged and licked Catherine's head.

It is smoother than silk, and it is more crystal-clear than the hail. It is an unspeakable enjoyment.

And Catherine, the uncle, or even the ordinary Maharaja, was touched by his head, but he was not annoyed at all.

Instead, he bowed to Qin Qi.

Qing Litian can't accept it.

However, she was not ordinary after all, and soon thought of some possibility.

It seems that Catherine’s wisdom is indeed lower than expected.

Of course, Qing Litian never thinks that Catherine’s attitude toward Qin Qi is because she is stupid, and it must be what Qin Qi did to Catherine.

But what exactly can you do to win the intimacy of a Maharaja?

Is it the love of Venus?

This taboo technique is not an aphrodisiac, but when Qing Litian applied to Qin Qi, the power of this technique was completely used to induce lust.

In fact, the loved ones of Venus will greatly increase the feelings of the practitioners. It is possible to become a lover or a friend.

It is a compulsory means of turning enemies into friends and making changes directly from the soul level.

It is like Catherine now.

However, let alone Qin Qi will not win the love of Venus, even if it will, but how does Catherine exist, which will be recruited?

Even if the ancient ancestors of Venus personally exhibited, I am afraid that most of them would be invalid and would be avoided.

But there is no possibility of exploring any more, because now, Catherine is bent on taking Qin Qi as her brother, and she is intimate.

This is the majesty who made the Tianyuan 12 clan a headache for 10,000 years. It is simply a good-looking neighbor.

If it weren’t for the horrible atmosphere of Catherine and the temperament of the goddess, Qing Litian felt that she had admit the wrong person.

"When are you going to pick up?" Qin Qi stunned Qing Litian, indifferent.

Qing Litian suddenly woke up from a million thoughts and humbly bowed to Catherine, and this stood up.

In the face of the Maharajah, and still the hostile Majesty, Qing Litian did not dare to be scornful.

Catherine looked at Qin Qi and looked at Qing Litian again. She smiled and said: "Are you a brother's wife? Your brother has your strength!"

"If so, then I told you how to be good?"

Qing Litian almost fell.

Qin Qi dared to let Catherine call "brother", she could not courage to let Catherine call "嫂嫂".

However, it seems that Catherine is not too smart.

"I am not." Qing Li Tianqiang calmed down, a touch of the road.

This matter, she did not want to mention, even if she can only surrender to Qin Qi, but she does not want to recall this.

"My brother is not honest, it is not good," Catherine snorted.

When a young girl is in general, her heart is crystal clear and it is difficult to connect with the Maharaja.

Qin Qi also did not want to pull on this matter. In fact, he also did not want to recall this paragraph, although it is indeed he took a big bargain.

However, Qin Qi will not have an apology, because it is Qing Litian.

"Adult, what do you do next, directly declare the strike?" Qing Litian asked with a low head.

Since Qin Qi has become Catherine's "brother", then the 13th League and Sen Luoyuan, there is no need to continue the war.

The thirteen alliances will not talk about this, this Sen Luo Yuan, in the end is Catherine's own Sen Luo Yuan.

Although the five clans have grown a lot in the past ten thousand years, they are actually only under the cover of Catherine.

Leaving Catherine, they are nothing.

It’s just that Catherine doesn’t like to manage these things, so Sen Luoyuan has always been in charge of them, but if Catherine has any instructions, then no one can dare to disobey.

The majesty of the Maharaja, you are waiting for it!

Sen Luo Yuan does not fight, then the 13th Alliance guards the Nankouguan five thousand years of agreement, naturally, the number of the thirteenth Shenfeng has not been a problem.

This is the two major reinforcements!

Plus Ares, under the Virgin, the power has gathered, no longer a single force!

Then there is this Qin Qi, which is like the embodiment of a miracle.

Qing Litian couldn't help but guess, Qin Qi, is it really possible to turn over Tianyuan?

"The strike can be, this relationship, do not expose for the time being." Qin Qidao.

Catherine will become the card of Qin Qi, I believe that there will be opportunities to make some guys horrify the chin, and pay a heavy price.

"I know." Qing Litian nodded.

The card should be pinched in the hand, the more people don't know, the greater the power of the card, this, Qing Li Tian will not understand?

"Yes, Xiaolin, let you see things." Qin Qi laughed.


Hearing this name, Qing Litian is just jumping from the corner of his eye, still a bit like a dream.

As for Catherine, it is very happy, looking forward.

In the hands of Qin Qi, a flash of light appeared, and six pieces of debris appeared. At the moment when the fragments appeared, Catherine and Qing Litian were all changed.

Especially in Qing Litian, the magic blood in the body was actually pulled by these fragments, and it was difficult to flow.

And Catherine, can't help but frown, that is, she also felt a few threats.

At the same time, the Pandora's Box, which automatically revived, echoed with the scent of debris, like communication, more like jealousy!

I can feel the jealousy of the Supreme Artifact.

Then there is only the supreme artifact!

“Do you integrate the gods of the scepter?”

The system prompts to sound.


Qin Qi confirmed.

And the six pieces of debris, suddenly radiant, began to combine themselves, and the vision of heaven and earth, constantly appearing, filled with this void.

If Catherine did not isolate the entire Senero Palace with Pandora's Box, I am afraid that the outside world will be affected.

When a supreme artifact is born, it will inevitably shake the world, or not be exposed as well.

"These visions!" There is a fascination in the glory of Qing Li Tian Mei.

Although she can't distinguish the content of the vision, she can understand that these are probably the history of the past saints!

It is the gods standing in the heavens and the earth, enjoying the worship of all beings!

However, this **** is different from what Qing Litian knows. It is not the eleven ancestors of the Tianyuan 12 clan, but others.

But apart from the first ancestors, how many other gods are there?

Is it before the twelve clan?

The **** of the Titans!

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