God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1371: Guardian knight

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-one chapter guardian knight

Mount Olympus, the center of the Tianyuan, is sacred, not seen in a year, the sense of vastness is more clear, and it is pressed against the gods of Tianyuan.

Ascending the Aris Peak, Qin Qi was frowned.

Ares Peak is not calm at the moment, although it cannot be said that there is any riot, but there are many other clan of the clan gathered here.

Even the Zeus clan is there. Is there something wrong?

Zeus and Ares are not at all friendly, and they have similar relationships with Hephaestus and Apollo.

Ares Peak, Temple of Ares, at this moment, many of the strongest of the Aris clan gathered here, showing anger.

And the nine steps of the Ares, sitting on the throne, not angry, but did not get involved in the debate.

But sitting on his side, the real theme, poetry is a look of dissatisfaction.

Seeing that the debate is getting more and more fierce, the nine-step quasi-jun is no longer silent, releasing a sigh of relief, so that the entire hall suddenly quieted down.

He is called Kun Ares.

It has been a nine-step quasi-jun, and it has been for thousands of years. The strength is not comparable to the three nine-step quasi-jun of the thirteen leagues.

He is already very close to the Maharaja.

Such a pressure, shocked everyone in the temple, even if it is the existence of the same quasi-jun, at this moment can not help but tremble, the eyes reveal the color of jealousy.

"The guardian knight of His Royal Highness, which was personally appointed by the Highness of the Virgin, do you want to control the will of the Virgin's Highness?" Kun's indifferent way, the voice is filled with war, and the monks are incomparable.

It is said that the strong people of all ethnic groups have changed their looks and have been negated.

Who dares to influence the will of the saint?

"The Honorable Lord Kun, what you said is very, but we are gathered here, and we just want to give the saints a few options. Who is going to be the guardian knight, and it is decided by His Highness." The Zeus clan Jun opened the way.

"Yes, Lord Kun is assured that no one will dare to influence the will of His Holiness, but the guardian knight of His Royal Highness, but can not be without, always choose one!" Hera’s prospective monk continued.

"Lord Kun, don't you think that the Virgin's Highness needs a new guardian?" Apollo's strongman laughed.

Qin Qi has not disappeared for a year, and according to the secret report, Qin Qi and Qing Litian entered the Sen Luoyuan and sneaked into the Senluo Palace.

Now, I am afraid I have already died in the hands of Catherine.

Originally, poetry did not protect the knight. Although this is a tradition of the heavens, poetry is not willing, and in the end it can only be lost.

However, in order to protect Qin Qi, poetry poetry took the initiative to appoint Qin Qi as his guardian knight.

Well, since Qin Qi is no longer there, the position of the guardian knight naturally needs to be filled.

This time, poetry has been difficult to refuse.

Unless Qin Qi was appointed as the guardian knight in the beginning, and since there is a precedent, there must be a second third.

And this position, all the people want to get, after all, that is the closest to the saints, not only can know the every move of the saint, but also become the spokesperson of the saint!

This has great significance for any clan.

To this end, the major clan has elected the right candidates, hoping to become a guardian knight.

Among them, the most important thing is the Zeus clan.

"Qin Qi has not returned for a year, are you eager to find me a guardian knight?" The poem sits on the throne and faintly speaks.

She is no longer a little girl, she has the majesty that smallpox should have.

As soon as she spoke, the pressure on people was even greater than that of Kun.

That is not because of the realm, but the essence of power.

"His Royal Highness, Qin Qi is afraid that he has already died in Catherine's hands, and you need a new guardian knight to guard your safety and become your tongue!" Zeus's strongman respectfully said.

"I can feel that he is not dead yet." Poetry whispers.

"His Royal Highness, this is probably not appropriate. Is it that the position of the guardian knight has been vacant? It is the first thing in the world to know your safety!"

"Yes, your Highness, you have to know that any decision you make is not a trivial matter that will affect the entire Tianyuan, so you must consider it for Tianyuan!"

"This is the responsibility you have to take, I hope you can understand!"

"Yeah, Your Highness, Tianyuan needs you, and you, you need a guardian knight!"

Each clan has consistently stated that the decision of poetry is tied to the fate of the whole heaven, and it is necessary to force poetry to agree.

The poetry of the poems is cold, and the smallpox marks on the forehead begin to shine.

That is the power of all the ancestors of the Mozu, enough to shock everyone.

"The guardian knights you elected are too weak." The poems are faint.

The demons were under pressure from this, their faces changed constantly, and they couldn’t help but swallow their mouths, but they still daringly said: "His Royal Highness, compared to Qin Qi, we recommend the real strong!"

"Strong?" The poems sneered at some mockery. "They may still see it now, but one year, after ten years?"

"Where are they?"

"My knight, but I can't protect me for ten years. What do you want him to use?"

The voice of poetry continues to rise until it shakes the entire temple.

That holy power, the demons are tremble, even more amazing than expected.

At the moment, the demons are crouching and expressing surrender.

After ten years, the poetry will be strong, and no one can predict.

But at least, those quasi-junctions that are now selected will not be the opponents of poetry after ten years.

The guardian knight, but can not hold the saint ten years.

So what do you want him to use?

And if you can have the power to guard poetry within ten years, I am afraid that only the Maharaja, but those ancient ancestors, how could come out as the guardian knight.

It’s hard to be true. It’s really only Qin Qi, can you do it?

If it is Qin Qi, it may not be only ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

"His Highness, your guardian knight, does have a lot of influence, it will affect the entire heaven, but as you said, the most important duty of the guardian knight should be to guard you."

"I, Moses Zeus, ask to be your guardian knight, guarding you for ten years!"

A stalwart figure slowly came out of the hall. He looked very young and very heroic, but the person who knew his identity was very clear that he had lived for a thousand years.

The reason why it is so young, so vibrant.

Because of this, he has entered the realm of the Maharaja!

He is the majesty of the Zeus clan, Moses Zeus!

It is also the whole young man, the youngest monarch.

He came and wanted to be the guardian knight of the saint.

Everyone was horrified, watching this tall and straight body go into the temple.

And his appearance, even if it is the pressure of poetry, has faded a lot, as for the power of Kun, it is directly dissipated.

This is the power of the Maharaja!

The current smallpox is still difficult to compete.

Moses had his head on his head, and there was only a smallpox in his eyes. Others didn't even have the qualifications to let him have a look.

He went to the poetry and sneaked down, but did not bow.

Don’t worship.

This is what Moses did, and in front of the smallpox, he remained arrogant!

However, no one dares to say anything, because this is the Maharaja, and they are completely another level of existence, belonging to the highest level of the Tianyuan.

Moses came, and he wanted to be the guardian of the ceiling.

Then he can do it.

Because he is a Maharaja, he can protect poetry for ten years!

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