God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1384: Resurrection condition

The first three hundred and eighty-four chapters of the conditions of resurrection

Ye Liangchen struggled wildly. He began to use the power that had long been forgotten. The salary mark on the forehead flashed slightly, but in the end, it could not be burned.

His salary has been extinguished and it is hard to reignite.

Moreover, with the strength of Qin Qi, Ye Liangchen has no room for resistance.

Qin Qi knows where Chen Meijing is.

It is a remote mountain village, the hometown of Chen Meijing and Ye Liangchen. Qin Qi still remembers that the place is called Bison Village.

Ye Liangchen, buried Chen Meijing there.

With Ye Liangchen, Qin Qi stepped out, and the next moment appeared on the hill outside the village of Bison Village.

There is a lonely grave.

The mulberry flower in front of the grave swayed. It was Chen Mei’s favorite flower. When I was a child, Ye Liangchen used a mulberry flower to make a wreath and put it on Chen Mei’s head.

Nowadays, flowers are blooming, but people are leaving forever.

Ye Liangchen’s crazy struggle, he can’t forgive himself, he has no face to see Chen Meijing!

But when he really came here, he calmed down and his eyes were dead.

Qin Qi frowned. He didn't know if he was right or wrong. Will Ye Liangchen be completely killed?

Qin Qi threw Ye Liangchen in front of the grave and said faintly: "We have all lost our favorite people, but I finally understand what I can do to disappoint her."

"Look at myself now, think about Ye Liangchen, the most proud of her heart, hope, you can come out." Qin Qi whispered.

This is what I said to Ye Liangchen, but also to myself.

He and Ye Liangchen were opponents, but at the moment, they are the same people who are sick with each other. He hopes that Ye Liangchen can rekindle and not let Chen Mei disappointed.

Just like him, I don’t want to let the disappointment.

Ye Liangchen sat on the ground and hugged the tombstone.

The mulberry flower swayed and touched his hair room, like Chen Meijing, gently stroking him.

Ye Liangchen couldn't support it anymore, and he burst into tears. The sadness and love in the crying sound were heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..." Ye Liangchen screamed madly, sorry, that was his apology.

Qin Qi looked at the sky, tears fell silently, perhaps, crying, it would be fine.

Sunrise, the rising sun, the red glow reflects the earth.

Qin Qi walked down the hill.

Ye Liangchen stayed in the mountains, he did recover a lot, but he did not want to leave, he just wanted to guard Chen Meijing.

That is his choice, Qin Qi is not qualified to interfere.

But he does not want to be Ye Liangchen.

I don't want to be like him, alone, guarding the lonely grave.

Let this regret, stay with you for the rest of your life.

He must be resurrected to pay for the promise, let her return!

After leaving the Bison Village, Qin Qi came to the place where Ye Liangchen said, this is a dead land, with all the bones, and the dead.

In the past, there was a great war here, and there were countless deaths and injuries. So far, it is still a fierce land. No one dares to enter.

This place is in line with the identity of the crow.

For the crow, Qin Qi still maintains jealousy, even though he has become an emperor, but he does not dare to look down on his opponent.

The former crow, as a plague, was one of the strongest masks of the dead, but he killed the hunger and got his strength and sublimated again.

In the end, although it was defeated to the most powerful mask of the dead, the knife was destroyed, but now, it is resurrected.

You must know that the swordsmanship is also familiar with the secret of the soul, knowing **** a person completely, so that he can not be resurrected.

Even so, the crows did it, apparently using some arrangements to hold the eyes of the first strong man of the dead mask.

This alone is enough to shock the world.

Even the knife soldiers did not think that the crows could come back to life.

The crow and Qin Qi, this has a special origin, the crow only killed Qin Qi, can be truly free, completely get rid of the side effects brought about by the resurrection.

It is undoubtedly dangerous for Qin Qi to come to see him.

However, Qin Qi will never regress, if the crow does not say, then hit him!

Now Qin Qi, there is no patience.

Walking in this dead land, Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and immediately saw the crow on the dead branch in the distance.

It’s so ominous that it’s daunting.

It seems that the power of the crow is recovering very quickly. Now, Qin Qi does not know what kind of realm he is in.

"I didn't expect that you came to me. It seems that you have seen Ye Liangchen." The crow opened, and the **** scorpion reflected the appearance of Qin Qi.

"Why did you resurrect him?" Qin Qi asked.

"Just think that he can mess up the game, just like the one who spared your life, leaving a possible variable." The crow faintly said.

"And when it comes to the original, I should have said that the next time I meet, I will kill you." The crow turned and the voice was cold.

"You can try." Qin Qi cold channel.

The **** eyes of the crow flashed, and it seemed that the breath of Qin Qi was unexpected. Even he could not see through.

"It seems to be a small look at you." Raven said, hesitated for a long time, and then continued: "You come to me, what is the matter?"

"I want to resurrect one person." Qin Qi straightened the way.

The crow looked at Qin Qi and was not surprised. After all, the original information was that he leaked it to Gao Song.

"The power of the sword of Damocles, you are not clear, once you fall, the spirits are gone, even if you hide a soul in advance, it is useless."

"You can't live the little girl." The crow shook his head.

"These don't have to worry about you, you just need to tell me the method." Qin Qi has some impatience, and the killing is surging.

Feeling Qin Qi's murderous, the crow rubbed his eyes and said coldly: "It seems that you know some secrets, yes, the mask of the dead does have the law of resurrection, but you can't do it!"

"In this world, no one has ever done it!"

"Not a person, is it suspicious to succeed?" Qin Qi changed his face.

"That is just a vain legend. Whether it is successful or not, no one knows, and you can't compare with that person at all. It's the same for another thousand years!" The crow was indifferent.

"As long as there is a chance, it will be enough, tell me the method!" Qin Qi cold channel.

"Well, tell you how?" The crow smiled and said: "If you want to resurrect a person, you must collect four artifacts, the Heavenly Magic, the Emperor's Pen, the Other Bridge, the Blood Pool!"

"These four things are the strongest artifacts of the four major forces, known as the supreme, taboo artifact!"

"The devil of the sky, buried under the Mount Olympus, today's Tianyuan, no one can use it, it is not a smallpox."

"The Emperor's pen, the ancient instrument that the emperor left behind the polar environment, has the ultimate human strength, and is now in the imperial city, but even the Emperor's city owner is difficult to use."

"The other side of the bridge is the artifact created by Devadado after entering the main government. It claims to be able to lead to the other side, but it has long since disappeared. Perhaps in Huangquan, perhaps, it has been taken away by Devadado, not on this continent."

"The blood pool of the gods, the place where the first source of blood of the Yaozu was born, is the initial place of the entire Yaozu. Now it is sealed in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, and it is equally unusable."

"These four things, for the meaning of the four forces, I don't want to say more, it is enough to affect the fate of the entire ethnic group, let alone let you take away, it is impossible to get close!"

"Besides, the taboo of the gods is itself a psychic. Even if the guardian gives way to you, what do you think you can take with you?"

"Don't talk about you now, even if you go to the peak of the emperor, even if you rush into the realm, you can't do anything at all!" The crow was cold.

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