God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1414: Individual progress

The first progress of Chapter 1 414

"Oh." The moon is applauding, hehe smiled: "The strength of Lord Adolf is getting stronger and stronger. It is really admiring it!"

Adolf snorted, but since he defeated the black and white impermanence, he did not want to talk nonsense again, just indifferent: "Moon, hope that next, you can do something."

"This is natural, and I have already figured it out. If I go further, I am afraid I will encounter the owner of this capital."

"The master of the capital?" The look of the demons changed slightly.

"Yes, that is the Emperor of the capital." Yue Yue smiled, then looked at Caesar, said: "Caesar, this is the Emperor, you should know more?"

On the intelligence and other knowledge, Demeter's true crown is nowhere.

Caesar, as a younger generation, faced many ancient ancestors, naturally did not dare to make a second, after the heart of the ceremony, said: "According to the record, the original Podado created the land, and Huang Quan, is the gateway to the land."

"The two are mutually integrated, but they are relatively separate, but after the disappearance of Devadado, Huangquan became the only clue to find the land."

"And such an important portal is related to the world of the land, and Devadado attaches great importance to it, so set up a ghost town in the capital, and guard the Huangquan!"

"This great capital is the master of the capital, and the owner of the entire Huangquan."

It is in front of many ancient ancestors that Caesar is still talking about it, and it is indeed rare.

"Of course, it seems that the owner of Huang Quan seems to have some problems. Otherwise, the power will never stop there," Caesar said.

Devadado personally appointed, as the guardian of Huangquan, the gateway to the local government, the strength of the capital of the capital is unquestionable.

But nowadays, the contact gap is not one and a half points.

"Caesar said it is good, and according to my calculations, I am afraid that the Emperor is probably abolished by what exists. It should be floating between the eight stars and the nine stars. It is terrible, but it is not impossible to fight!" There is an amazing possibility.

Was abolished.

That is the Emperor!

All ancient ancestors are shaking in the heart.

But this is not a bad news.

If the Emperor of the capital is as powerful as the record, then their fighting power will not be enough, unless the oldest ones are awakened, they may pass.

"Between eight stars and nine stars?" Adolf flashed and thundered.

"For all the people, for the sake of this action, they are prepared for a long time, and the cards are endless. It is not unacceptable. If you take a break, you will go to the emperor." Grace Athena said lightly.

All the ancient ancestors nodded, eight stars to nine stars, with their long-standing strong cards, plus a large number of people, you can fight!

"Of course, the moon is going to be a war, you have to fight and use your strength." Gres said.

The moon was ridiculously laughing, but there was no resignation.

This time, it really needs him to fight.

And if there is a big prophet like him in a battle, the impact on the outcome is very big.


"Qin girl, Kun position, can go all out!"

"Miss Catherine, shock, block their attacks!"

"Qin Qi, three steps, one step is not refundable!"

On the other side, the battle continues.

In the face of the black and white impermanence of the five-star ghost emperor level, Qin Qi's pressure is not small.

Katherine is the Samsung Maharaja, although she has the Pandora's Box, it still seems to be a little powerless.

On the night of Qin, it is only Qin night, not the Queen of the Night, and the control of the Neshos of God is far less than that. At this time, the power is huge, but it is difficult to establish a victory.

As for Qin Qi, there is no doubt about the combat power. If the opponent has only one black impermanence or white impermanence, then the strength of the three people has already defeated the opponent at this moment.

Unfortunately, in the face of black and white impermanence, but also the strength of complementary and mutual help, the three are also playing very difficult.

However, after Su Qingqing successfully promoted the response, the situation began to reverse, and the targeted nature of the attack made the forces of black and white impermanence begin to be greatly reduced.

Qin Qi snorted and his feet were in the right place. In the first three steps, Jianguang fell down, and behind him, the Titans emerged, trampling step by step, and forced black and white impermanence.

And Catherine and Qin Ye, all of them are all full-powered, and with each other's division of labor, they have persisted under the attack of the five-star ghost emperor.

"Qin Qi, Bumen magical!" Su Qingqing shouted.

Qin Qi smashed out a sword, and the gods were angry with the gods. With the robbing of the thunder, the black and white impermanence was destroyed.

Compared with the sacred system, the mine system is not much weaker for the production of the dead, and it is a huge threat.

When a sword fell, Qin Qi suddenly raised two phases.

The Rakshasa and Yaksha are much bigger than before, and under the guise of the word, they merge into one, and the breath is soaring.

With the vibration of the eggs of the dragons in Qin Qi, the Buddha's light is like a circle, and the layers are scattered. This piece of Huang Quan seems to have responded to it.

In the final analysis, Huang Quan was also created by Devadado. Although Devadado was expelled from Buddhism by Sakyamuni, the Fa was still the Buddha's law.

The word Qin Qi seems to have a miraculous effect here.

In the Qin Qi dynasty, the gods danced, one hand and one print, both shocked.

Such as Rakshasa and Yaksha, pinch black and white impermanence!

Impermanence is the ghost of Huangquan, but Rakshasa and Yaksha are the Buddhas.

The initiality of power is not at one level.

Indeed, miraculous!

Black and white impermanence, although struggling to fight, long dance, there are thousands of ghosts roaring, Sen Luo purgatory is coming, but still been broken!

"Get together!" Qin Qi shouted.

These opportunities are naturally impossible to let go.

Buddha anger dragon print!

The power of the dragon and the Buddha is fully manifested at this moment, and even achieves detachment.

After all, Qin Qi is the body of the dragon vein, and it is in the dragon road to the highest!

At the same time, the control of the word, the Buddha Road is also a great achievement.

Coupled with the integration of the eggs of the dragons, what can be the explosive power that is erupting?

Black and white impermanence was suppressed, and it was difficult to resist.

And Qin Ye and Catherine, the fighting intuition is also extremely sensitive, each shot, Pandora's Box and the **** of Nereus are all brilliant, giving black and white impermanence and heavy blow.

The long swaying dances like the wind, releasing countless devils, but at the moment, it has been cracked and unsustainable.

"Oh la la!"

It is a chain dance, like a poisonous snake in the dark, and now spits out a snake letter and rushes.

The sharp hook on the top can be used to smash the soul, but it is the secret treasure of the soul.

"Oh la la!"

It is the same chain collision sound, after Qin Qi, the dark wizard appears, the soul chain sweeps, directly against the black and white impermanence chain.

Two types of chains, one for strength and one for physical ghosts, but the accompanying power laws are almost the same.

"This is..." Black and white impermanence, the first time I sent out a few thoughts and fluctuations, it was very shocking.

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