God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1418: Nether Ghost Emperor

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the ghosts

"Undead days? Who is this, the Emperor has never heard of it, this Huang Quan, is the Buddha personally handed over to the hands of the Emperor, this is even high and majestic, what will you give to the undead?"

The Buddha in his mouth is Devadado.

And this answer also made Qin Qi could not help but take a deep breath.

The heart is slightly cold.

In this way, after the death is a latecomer, take the Emperor and replace it.

In the eyes of the great emperor, I am afraid that it is only a destructive will. It is placed in the independent space of this capital by the power of immortality.

The Emperor of the capital, himself, did not know all of this.

In this way, the means behind this undead day is even more amazing.

It’s incredible.

"People, you are disrespectful to the Emperor, it is a death sin, go to Huangquan to reincarnate!" The singer of the Great Emperor, I have no intention to say more, I plan to shoot.

Although he is only a will, but after all, from the origin of the Emperor of the capital, the power is still horrible, Qin Qi now has a great increase in combat power, but it is not an opponent.

Only, relying on the invincible state, and the **** of Nicholas, who borrowed the Qin night, can fight!

"Hey, I still want to resist, it is ridiculous, the power of the Emperor, you can contend with the soul!" The Emperor of the capital snorted, and he took a hand, it is the soul power that is difficult to compete.

He is, to draw Qin Qi's soul directly out.

The king of the dead in the ghost world, how can this be done?

Qin Qi’s eyes rise and the soul power can still be countered.

Dark wizard.

The chain of souls continues to criss-cross and locks in the sea of ​​souls. The massive souls that have accumulated before can explode in an instant, that is, the Emperor of the capital, and it feels a little tricky.

Power is a bit tricky.

But in the heart, it is a big shock.

"The Nether Ghost Emperor!"

Emperor Yaodi exclaimed, this time, it is more difficult than before to recognize Qin Qi as the resurrection of the dragon pulse and vibrate.

"Impossible!" The Emperor of the capital of the capital went on, and the power of terror was dissipated and difficult to condense.

The stun of the Emperor of the capital of the capital is not the same as that of the small, even in Qin Qi, I saw that there should be no more existence in the world.

The ghost of the Nether, isn't it already gone?

Qin Qi was still thinking about this problem before, but now there is an answer.

Sure enough, the Dark Wizard is related to this Huangquan Prefecture.

"Great Emperor, do you know the origin of this martial arts?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

"Wu Hun?" The Emperor of the capital suddenly snorted and murdered in Qin Qi. "You can be embarrassed!"


Teacher of the Emperor of the capital?

This is a bit scary.

Qin Qilian retired a few steps, his body vibrated, and at the same time a piece of ice and snow emerged, but the ice queen appeared.

With her presence, the power of the Dark Wizard can be further stimulated.

"Oh la la!"

The soul chain has become more and more thick, and the roads are vertical and horizontal, such as the net, full of this void.

Since he knows the relationship between the Dark Wizard and the Emperor of the capital, Qin Qi will naturally not let go of this opportunity, that is, to use the Dark Wizard to confront the Emperor.

The Emperor of the Great Man was angered, but he did not shoot the guns.

"Great Emperor, you don't have to be so angry, but I don't want to honor your teacher into a martial art." Qin Qi said.

"Hey, it depends on you, is that qualification?" The Emperor of the capital was extremely disdainful and his anger was not reduced.

In his view, his master's respect has become a human martial spirit. This kind of hatred, don't share the sky, let the Qin Qi live?

He grew up, and the emperor's robe was windless and automatic. Even if Qin Qi had the martial arts of the Dark Wizard, he could not stop the Emperor.

"Master, concentrate all your power on me!" cried the Ice Queen.

At the critical moment, Qin Qi will manage so much, directly doing it, all the power will flow into the ice queen.

And she, is the shot, the part of the robe of the Dark Wizard.

The cloak that covered everything, there was a gap, just to reveal the half face of the Dark Wizard.

Pale, cold, angular, a face, an indescribable face, the black hair of the inch is scattered and becomes awkward.

In the hair room, a long and narrow eye flashes with red awns, it is the ultimate enchantment, all have the king of the world!

Everyone is in the heart, as if the heart was written in the hands, and they are not moving, including Qin Ye and Catherine.

Qin Qi himself, too.

He swallowed a hard mouth.

The Dark Wizard has been hidden under the dark cloak, and it looks like there is no physicality. The game has never thought of the flesh.

I did not expect that under the cloak, it turned out to be such a person.

This is, the ghost of the Nether?

The Emperor of the capital was in the same place, and he was shaking and excited.

And the ghost of the Nether, the eye, looked at the Emperor of the capital, this eye seems to have changed everything, and the power set in the body of the Emperor of the Undead is also instantly disintegrated!

"This is..." Yan Du's great eyes widened, and he finally remembered everything.

At this moment, he is only being jealous of being played after the death, and his body, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, was annihilated by the undead!

"I didn't expect it to be like this!" The Emperor of the capital smiled, and he had already reached the end. At this moment, he was only a will.

Even the remnant soul does not count, it is the plaything in the hands of the undead!

This Huang Quan has long been in charge of the day after he died.

"Master, I am jealous of you!" Lai Du Da Lai lamented.

He informed Qin Qi about some content.

The Ghost Emperor, that is the presence that can be juxtaposed with Devadado.

In ancient times, there was no existence of the land of Huangquan, but the smoldering suffocation was ancient, and it continued to stagnate and eventually became a ghost.

This ghost is the predecessor of the land.

After Devadado was expelled from Buddhism by Sakyamuni, he came to the Nether and wanted to establish a land here to achieve the victories of the six reincarnations.

At that time, the Nether Ghost Emperor was already the king of the Nether, and the strength of the battle was strong. It was difficult for Devadado to overwhelm. It can be said that it was between the two.

It should be known that Devadado is the only surviving Buddha of Sakyamuni, and it has only lost half of it. It is definitely one of the top anti-Japanese powerhouses in the history.

This Nether Ghost Emperor can be equal to it, not weak, and can be seen in its fighting power.

In this way, Devadado must also treat each other with courtesy. In the thousand years of his gloom, he told his own plan to the Nether Ghost Emperor, and finally succeeded in getting the Nether Ghost Emperor to participate.

Nether, it became a land government, and was made into a self-independent world.

The organization of the local government has also begun to become active and to collect the dead spirits of the world.

In order to distinguish these dead spirits, in accordance with the rules of the six reincarnations, Devadado and the Nether Ghost Emperor created Huang Quan.

As the disciple of the ghost of the Nether, Emperor Yaodu became the master of Huang Quan.

Thus, the timeline came to the late period of the ancient times, and the ghost of the Nether Ghost disappeared. According to Devadado, he went to do a stupid thing, causing his body to disappear.

Such a thing seems to have happened several times in history, but no one knows the truth.

Perhaps Devadado knew some truth, but the Emperor of the capital did not know anything about it.

Until later, Huang Quan was closed, and Devadado left the land, and the connection between the Emperor and the outside world was completely cut off.

Then, it is impossible to do things after death, to annihilate him and to enter the Yellow Spring.

The so-called Huang Quan has never been opened since it was closed. It turned out to be false. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, someone has come here and changed everything!

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