God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1425: Huangquan Road is far away, the other side is blooming

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-five chapters of Huangquan Road are far away, and the other side is blooming.

Into the ghost gate, that is, Huang Quan deep, that is, the true core of Huang Quan.

When I got here, there was no such horrible feeling. Although it was still dying everywhere, it was no longer chaotic, but it was well organized.

It seems that it is working according to certain rules.

After the ghost came in, the dark scorpion was slightly bright, and the whole person felt more comfortable, as if to float.

The dead air here is exceptionally high in quality. After being absorbed into the body, it is of great help to condense the fifth life and death seal.

Qin Qi and others first came to a huge platform, and there was only one way to go in front.

And this is Huangquan Road.

Huangquan Road is long and long, and the road is not calm. There are many waves. It is not easy to go to the next place.

When I came to this place, the ancient ancestors did not dare to have the slightest scorn. They were all cautious, and the terrorist power was activated, ready to fight.

"Go." Qin Qi whispered, the first one went to the Huangquan Road.

When I set foot on this road, there was a vision rising.

From the footsteps of Qin Qi, a circle of bright red cockroaches spread out and spread all the way until the end of the field of vision.

That is, the other side of the flower, also known as Manzhu Shahua.

It is the flower of hell.

The flower of the other side that suddenly blooms, if it is a flame, burns to the sky.

Qin Qi, but also could not help but be shocked, the power that has already been brewed also broke out.

The bright red flowers swayed violently in the strong atmosphere of Qin Qi, and the petals of the flakes were shaken out and turned into red flowers and rain.

Beautiful and unusual!

However, the next moment, Qin Qi's look changed, these petals became strangely blood, pouring down, and this full safflower, as if it has also turned into blood!

Everyone was shocked and did not dare to move, and Qin Qi, the soul force surging, keeping those blood out of the body.


The blood actually had a strong corrosiveness, and the Qin Qi’s incomparable soul power was eroded a lot, although it was still blocked by Qin Qi.

But, let's look at the quantity!

Full of blood and rain, the accumulation of less and more, is also the rhythm of the ants more than the dead.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted, the dark wizard appeared, and the blood rain was isolated.

In this way, the rain fell, but it did not hurt Qin Qi.

"Green, you come, I help you resist, others come." Qin Qidao.

This blood rain is not too horrible, the emperor Maharaja can resist, and the ghost is a post-mortem, this blood rain for her, the damage is very small, do not have to worry.

Su Qingqing nodded and walked to Qin Qi, and walked under the protection of Qin Qi.

Others have followed, using force to withstand **** rain.

On the road of Huangquan, a group of people are heading for the rain, and the other side of the swaying flower is very beautiful. I am afraid it is a beautiful scenery in the world.

However, if you look closely, the roots of the flowers are full of bones.

A bone, a flower, this endless flower is an endless soul.

The more beautiful, the more it makes people feel awkward.

The blood is pouring, but it will not stop the team like Qin Qi. It is only Huang Quan Road, but I can't see the end, but I don't know when to go.

"Wait!" Su Qingqing suddenly screamed.

"There is something to come!" The moon was almost low at the same time.

After the sound, Su Qingqing and Yueyue looked at each other and they were all Emei. Obviously, they all had some accidental performances.

The moon was deeply looked at Su Qingqing, and it was slightly deduced, and it was interfered by countless days of silk thread.

Su Qingqing, who was thinking for a moment, couldn’t help but tighten.

She knows about what the other person is, what kind of legend is in the Mozu, and it is indeed the biggest opponent.

However, it is not unsurpassable. Now she has the possibility to surpass everything!

The two great day performers have issued warnings, and no one naturally dares to be lucky. Forces have burst out and are ready to deal with danger.

"There!" Qin Qi's perception is unparalleled. Although it is difficult to deduct the future like the performance of the heavenly act, once the danger comes, he must be the first to perceive.

Everyone quickly looked at the direction pointed by Qin Qi.

Over there, the bright red flower swayed violently. Immediately, the petals detached from the peduncle, showing the rotation, slowly beginning to merge, and blew all the way.

The whistling sound of the devil, the blossoming flower, is like a dead soul, and begins to merge.

"Worried in the wilderness of Huangquan Road?" Qin Qi eyes picked up.

Indeed, this Huangquan has many similarities with myths and legends, but it is also different everywhere.

There are indeed many ghosts and ghosts beside the Huangquan Road, but those who are not living in the life and unable to enter the reincarnation.

They wandered here, waiting for time to come, and then going back to the cycle.

At the moment, these are powerful ghosts!

Stay here.

"The two-star emperor-level prisoner of the ghost." Qin Qi whispered, but not afraid.

The ghost emperor formed, whistling, and a death sickle similar to a ghost in his hand came to Qin Qi.

Ghosts rise up and you can harvest your soul.

Just in front of Qin Qi, it was just a chicken and a dog. When the fist was destroyed, the core of its power was directly captured by Qin Qi and thrown to ghosts.

Ghosts see this, the eyes suddenly bright, grabbed them, and eat them as candy.

It’s a bit dumbfounded to see a lot of ancient ancestors.

The Mozu, the knowledge is generally more profound than the human race, not to mention the existence of the ancient ancestor level, naturally knowing the things of the dead.

However, after all, the post-mortem people are extremely rare, so there is not much intelligence. Seeing the ghosts directly take the core of the power of the prisoner, it is also unbearable.

This kind of thing, they are not dare to do, otherwise they will be eroded from the inside of the body, but it is a disaster.

Near Qin Qi, Catherine and Qin night did not say, this ghost is also terrible, and the growth is too strong. Perhaps after Huang Quan and his party, they directly surpassed them.

Unfortunately, envy is useless, this is the characteristics of the dead.

If they want it, first of all, they have to die.

The thoughts of this kind of thought flowed quickly, because the other side of the road along the Huangquan Road began to change, and more and more petals gathered together and turned into a prisoner.

Even a huge whirlwind appeared, the petals were all over the sky, and the breath radiated out, reaching the level of the seven-star ghost emperor.

In the distance, the sky is bright red, like the sunset glow, I am afraid, it will condense a more terrible existence.

With Huangquan Road, it is not good to go.

"You two, protect the ghosts and greens." Qin Qi confessed to the road, then immediately rushed into the sea of ​​the petals of the sky, rushed toward the seven-star ghost.

As for the rest, Tianyuan ancient ancestors responded by themselves, and they would not be able to do it.

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