God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1442: The next three

The first four hundred and forty-two chapters

Slow, why don't you know?

He calculated that Qing Litian was guilty, and that the power in Qing Litian had already been taken away, and it was probably Qin Qi.

It is a pity that Artemis does not have a suitable candidate, or else, is it a pit?

Still forget, the **** future of that corner is, after all, a hidden worry in the ridiculous heart. This is one of the reasons why he will not surrender but be loyal to the saint.

"Mr. Moon, you are not considering giving the moon to the adults?" Since Melissa has promised to surrender to Qin Qi, she naturally stands on the Qin Qi side.

"How is it possible?" The moon was dry and laughed.

"I think it is not impossible."

"When you say this, I think it's not impossible, just... even if it's an adult, I'm afraid I can't eat it?" The moon was faint.

Melissa made a slight sigh and nodded.

"Who is this moon?" Qin Qi was curious.

"An ancient ancestor of my family, but very special." The moon is organized with words. "When the adults leave Huangquan, she should also wake up from sleep."

"If an adult is interested, you can go see one side."

"Still forget it, adults can't eat it." Melissa snorted.

Qin Qi picks up his eyebrows. Of course, he knows that this can't be done with men and women. It's just curious, what kind of existence, even can make him can't afford it now.

Tianyuan Twelve Clan, it seems that it still should not be underestimated!

Qin Qi came to the interest, but that would have to wait until I went out.

Now, Huang Quan is still heavy.

At the time of this conversation, the undead bone dragon has come to the Zaochuan River along the iron rope, and this iron rope does not know how long it has been, and it has extended to the depths of the ghost fog.

But even if you can't see anything, but as long as the direction is certain, it is only a matter of time to look for the past.

All the way forward, with the ability of the Dark Dark Wizards, they don’t even need to go to the bridge, and they are unimpeded on this river.

The more forward, the more strange Qin Qi’s heart is.

The road behind this, the death of the dead creatures is actually less and less, to the back, in addition to the **** yellow forgetting the river continues to flow, even clear, there is no dead body.

It is like a pure land, a clear world of the undead world.

In this way, following the direction of the iron rope, Qin Qi spent two days and finally came to the place they wanted to go.

That is where the iron rope is fixed.

That is, a circular portal, huge and infinite, directly beyond the scope of the field of vision.

Qin Qi sees, and only remembers Qiu Guan can compare with it!

The four-way iron rope is tied to the round door frame, and it is firmly fixed, but even this door frame is huge, beyond dozens of miles!

Above the door frame, it is a god-like pattern of electric snakes, emitting light, and mysterious power is flowing, making people unable to relax.

At the same time, there are countless long symbols attached to the door frame. On top of the symbols, the ghost characters are connected into one piece, and they have a sense of solemnity.

And this door, inside the door frame, has no threshold, but a magical halo, and the perception cannot be explored.

These halos are all chaotic, but occasionally, they can be seen differently.

Three different discs are often extinguished in this chaos, and they are not fixed in one place, but are slowly rotating.

Around the center of the frame, it is turning!

Just like, there are three small doors in this door!

Qin Qi’s heart was shaking and he quickly looked at the bridge.

The lower layer of the bridge, all the way forward, directly penetrated the chaotic halo in the portal, and I don’t know where it is.

When Qin Qi blinked his eyes, he drove the undead bone dragon around the portal and wanted to see what was behind the portal.

But the weird thing happened, no matter how he changed his position, what he could see was actually the front of the portal!

He will never see the world behind this door.

"How could this be." Qin Qi whispered.

The four-way iron rope was divided into four directions and nailed into the bottom of the river, and he did go to the position of the cable. It is reasonable to say that he has been to the back of the portal.

Such a suspicion in the heart, Qin Qi drove the undead bone dragon into the Forgotten River, swim for most of the day, floated to the surface, the result, what is seen is actually the front of the portal!


A strange feeling that envelopes everyone's heart.

This is also very strange, it has come to the back under the water, but as long as it floats on the water, it is still on the front.

"It seems that I can only go up and see." Qin Qi whispered.

He himself went forward and did not bring them to Qin.

Because he thinks that this round giant door, I am afraid it is the end of the lower layer of the bridge!

The three discs that flow through the portal are the next three.

Hungry ghost road, animal road and **** road!

"That's probably the next three. I didn't expect that we really got here!" The moon was unable to resist the excitement.

Rumors, the opportunity to become a **** is born in these six ways, came here, is there really a chance to get the opportunity to become a god?

It’s just that although the heart is excited, they don’t dare to act.

Only Qin Qi can get close to it.

Qin Qi flew back to the Naihe Bridge, where he could see the next three roads and the sound of the "rumbling" of the turn.

It’s like, the world is spinning!

Is this six reincarnations?

Into this portal, you will be able to reincarnate?

Qin Qi laughed, and the theory of the six reincarnations may not be groundless, but at least now, these six reincarnations are nothing but illusory.

The portal in front of us is even more unlikely to be a place of reincarnation!

Before Qin Qi stood in front of the portal, it was like a little dust, facing the vast mountains, it was so small.

In the chaotic color of the halo, the three discs slowly turned, and one of them, already turned, will come to the bridge in front of the bridge!

What kind of world will you come in when you step in?

Qin Qi did not know, but he was always vigilant.

Finally, the disc came to him and directly occupied all his vision.

A strange totem, lit up in the center of the disc, although Qin Qi does not know the meaning it represents, but as long as he looks at it, he feels that the soul must be separated from the body, into hell!

This is probably the **** road!


Qin Qi was shocked in the heart, naturally refused to let go of any details, and in this represents the disc of Hell Road, there is a vertical crack!

Although chaotic gas is constantly flowing, if you look closely, you can still see clearly.

Moreover, not a part, but the entire disc, there are such cracks.

Feeling like being crushed by people!

However, the totem that represents the road to Hell flows with the nameless power, but still maintains the integrity of the disc.

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