God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1444: War evil ghost

The first thousand four hundred forty-four chapters of the evil spirits Galois

The power of the flesh, if the open fire in the night, the brilliance of the brilliance, is so conspicuous, that is, this gloomy ghost country, the place of Huang Quan, is still smoldered by the rich blood.

Numerous dragon shadows are surrounded by Qin Qi, and the dragons are bursting into the river.

"The time left for you is not much, I want to know how to answer it?" Qin Qi said indifferently, one hand like a dragon, directly smashing everything, according to the evil spirits Galo is shrouded.

The fist is like a god, with the ultimate brute force, breaking the world.

The evil spirit Galo can't help but numb the scalp. What a power, even if there is no blessing such as the Soul Avenue, it is still terrible.

However, he is the evil spirit Galo, guarding the existence of the hungry ghosts, will he be easily defeated?

He does not believe that pure physical strength, such brainless brute force accumulation, can still be his opponent of hungry ghosts?

The avenue is on the top, the district is brute force, how to break it?

Take the road to break!

The evil spirits, Galois, drink coldly, and have been repaired, and have reached the level of the fourth-order virtual god, which is much more powerful than Meng Hao.

In front of him, the hungry ghost totem appeared, the blood mouth opened, and the power of Qin Qi was swallowed up.

Hungry ghosts, you can devour everything for your own use!

"Is it swallowed?" Qin Qi was cold, and the sound of the screaming sound on his arm, the power of color condensed to the extreme, turned into an arc, and violently beating.

Wan Gu Shenli!

A force to break the law!


There was a ghost shattering the world, and the hungry ghost totem was shattered by Qin Qi, and there was no barrier.

So strong, can you have an opponent in the world?

Even if it is a wild animal that is known for its flesh, it is not enough.

The evil spirits of Galois were shocked, and I never imagined that the power of Qin Qi was completely beyond imagination.

This kind of flesh is ninth heavier than Buddhism!

The evil spirit Galo gritted his teeth, and suddenly a roar of screaming, the endless ghosts shrouded, and the pressure of the virtual **** shocked the world.

It is like a vast mountain, oppressed down, it is simply unbearable.

This is to use the gap in the realm and directly suppress Qin Qi.

"Stupid!" Qin Qi is cold, step by step, the power of terror comes out with this step, if the void is broken, the pressure of evil spirits is like a bubble, which directly blows up. .

This level of pressure, against others, how to resist the current Qin Qi?

"Absolutely frozen!"

Ice and Snow Queen shot, it is a colder temperature than Huang Quan Yinsen, can freeze everything!

The evil spirit Galo had nowhere to escape and was directly frozen.

"Awful worms, do you think that you can trap this seat?" Ghost Galois personally confessed Qin Qi, but he is not a good match.

This situation is only caused by his contempt, and he will not give Qin Qi a chance.

The worm, you should be trampled to death!

Although the ice is strong, it is not enough to trap the evil spirits!

The hungry ghost totem reappeared, dripping and whistling, surrounded by countless ghosts, exuding the horror of the atmosphere, and the evil crystals of the evil spirits, Galois, began to split.


Numerous ice crystals were broken into powder and scattered.

However, it is not the evil spirits that Galois did, but Qin Qi himself crushed these ice crystals.

The ice seal will set the evil spirits to be the target of Qin Qi’s fist.

Nine colors of gods, the ancient gods.

A punch, annihilation!

The evil spirit Galo's whole body has been shattered. How can he think that Qin Qi would have shot this way and crushed his own ice.

This kind of brute force does not make sense at all!

However, the evil spirits, but not the same, can be killed. Even if the body is fragmented, it is still not dead, but it is shaking more power!

Countless black smoke rushed out of the broken body of the evil spirits, and turned into endless ghosts. These ghosts have no body, only a **** mouth, and bite away to Qin Qi!

"Hungry ghosts!"

These hungry ghosts seem to have only that huge mouth, big open, biting everything, Qin Qi throwing fists, brute force shaking the four wild, the void is broken, but it is impossible to destroy all the hungry ghosts.

"Bug, bear my anger!" The evil spirit Galo growled, the body reorganized, and the breath on his body was more intense, almost turned into a torch of death, and the disc of the hungry ghost appeared. resonance.

"Ghost Jue Sanyuan!"

The evil spirit Galo volleyed three times in a row, and it was a triangle. Immediately, three circular arrays appeared. The ghosts above and above were ups and downs, and there was a force in the condensation.

The scarlet gods are beating, and the ghosts are three yuan, as if they have turned into three blood-colored eyes, and after them, a ghost of a fierce ghost appears.

Hungry ghosts, ghosts and souls!


A green ghost fire, around the Qin Qi, ignited, and then, one layer to extend out, I do not know how many concentric circles ignited, only that full of ghosts, almost no end.

If the wildfire is a star.

Then, under the wildfire, a line of blood lines connected together, like a meridian, and with the connection of the blood line, the breath of death of a strand began to erupt.

At the center of Qin Qi, almost all the pressure.

"Bug, accept death!" The evil spirit Galo cold drink.

And that week, the empty fires, can not see the end, at this moment, but suddenly extinguished, only the countless blood lines left to light, the yellow spring is reflected in the red!

Hungry ghosts, ghosts and souls!

If the blood line is a snake, it will go away in the void, and at the same time, it will suddenly shoot at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi has been locked in, and there is no possibility of even fleeing, and such power, by virtue of the physical brute force, is obviously unstoppable.

The worm, you should be trampled to death!

In the face of this powerful blow of the evil spirits, Qin Qi did not hide at all.

He stood there, standing between countless blood lines.

No move.

Also do not need to move.

Because he is the king of this yellow spring!

Behind him, the Dark Wizard became more solid.

The Queen of Ice and Snow, who was lightly lifted, pulled the cloak of the Dark Wizard directly.

A terrible horror pressure directly filled the world, the river was boiled, the river was rewinded, and all the ghosts and fogs began to circle around Qin Qi, centering on him!

Nether Ghost Emperor, come to the world again!

In an instant, what ghosts and souls are soul-wounding, what are hungry ghosts, all swearing, the entire Huangquan, only the ghosts of the Nether!

This is the king of the Nether!

The evil spirit Galo was trembling, and his power did not hurt Qin Qi at all, and it collapsed directly.

"The Nether Ghost Emperor!" The evil spirit Galo stared incredulously at the figure behind Qin Qi.

Such a stalwart, can suppress the Wanjie, the natural king, the only master of the Nether!

It is also one of the masters of the land!

Impossible, how is it possible, the ghost of the Nether, will come to the world again?

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