God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1466: Ten years

The first four hundred and sixty-six chapters of ten years

Qin Qi’s perception gradually returned, and then it was a sting that the soul had to tremble, and the entire head almost burst.

However, this situation did not continue, Qin Qi felt a pair of gentle hands are stroking his cheeks, a gentle flow into the hot oil, but let everything calm down.

Yes, the taste of Su.

Qin Qi slowly spit out a sigh of gas, his mouth smirked, and his head drilled into the arms of Su, and found a more comfortable position.

It’s so natural, it seems that this decade is really just a sleep.

The nose is flowing with the unique fragrance of the Su dialect. The sense of exhaustion in Qin Qi gradually disappears, and some fragmented memories gradually recover.

It is a pity that it was only the moment before the killing was swallowed up. After that, Qin Qi could not remember anything.

At this moment, Su dialect was with him, and what happened in it, Qin Qi can also guess.

"How do you feel?" Su said softly.

"Some uncomfortable, but it should only be a sequela, it will soon be restored." Qin Qi's voice is a little hoarse.

He paused and asked, "How long?"

"Ten years." Su said with a smile.

Qin Qi could not help but tremble.

Ten years.

Su Shi is in such a place, has he been with him for ten years?

Such a **** world that almost wants to go crazy, so I guarded him wholeheartedly, looking forward to the opportunity of one million, waiting for him to come back.

For Qin Qi, this decade, but with a flick of a finger, he did not have any specific feelings, because he lost his mind.

But for Su dialect, it is a real decade, 3,600 days and nights.

In the face of it, it is his state, the wisdom, it is possible to catch a life!

Really, she has suffered.

"Stupid girl, this is ten years." Qin Qi trembled.

"It doesn't matter, ten years." Su said with a smile.

Ten years.

Ten years, what is it?

"What if I can't come back?"

"No, I believe you can!" Su said quickly, then bite his lip and whisper softly, "If you can't do it for ten years, then for a hundred years, for thousands of years, and forever, I will wait for you."

This should be the best love story in the world.

"I'm sorry, I have wronged you." Qin Qi reflexed, hugged Su, and embraced this heart.

Su’s cheeks were slightly red, very pleasing, but shy like her, but only a symbolic struggle for a small, then let Qin Qi hold.

"Don son, you..." After a while, Su’s words suddenly cheeked red, his body stiffened, and he was out of Qin Qi’s arms, as if he had encountered a soldering iron.

"Don't call me a son, change the name." Qin Qi took her back.

Su Shi is somewhat overwhelmed and flatly said: "What is it for you?"

"Aqi, Qi Ge, Qi Ge Ge, or simply husband Jun!" Qin Qi laughed.

Su Shi suddenly became ashamed and bit his teeth: "No."

After ten years of companionship, Fang Xin had already promised him, but she was called "Fei Jun", but it was impossible. After all, the skin was too thin.

"Don't just don't want to marry later, and then call it no later." Qin Qi laughed.

Su dialect bites his lips, not worrying: "Don't you, your mood has not recovered, is it still affected by the demons?"

"No, it has completely recovered." Qin Qidao.

"Then what do you want to do?" Su said shy, big eyes and watery.

"I, suddenly there is a bold idea." Qin Qi smiled.

"This, here is the bridge!" Su screamed, and the blush was bleeding.

"A broken bridge, what to do with it." Qin Qi did not care, at this time, it is necessary to show the strength of men.

However, there is still a need for further action. Qin Qi suddenly has a stiff body, and some look at Su’s words, and his eyes are full of resentment.

"Get down from me."

"I still don't want to press you." Qin Qi cried without tears.

Su’s face was too thin, and he couldn’t help but be shy. He fled and fled back, and changed the moon.

She is not afraid that Qin Qi can't take it anymore, and she has done the month.

The moon is also a bit funny.

Su Shi and Qin Qi's feelings she knows, how can they be intimate between the two, Su dialect is good, actually ran away.

"What are you anxious, can she still not be with others?"

"I can't help myself." Qin Qiwei smiled.

Knowing that Su has kept him for ten years, for him to experience the boundless wind and rain, Qin Qi is hard to hide, he just wants to hug her, have her, and then, care for her, guard her!

However, with the temperament of Su, it is estimated that it is unlikely before marriage.

Of course, Qin Qi still tried hard to try it out. He intended to use the rhetoric and sweet words to deceive the Su dialect. The result is that he will not come out. Qin Qi can only laugh, and he will give up.

"I am fed up with you. If there is a way, I will peel off my body and reshape a body!" The moon is speechless.

These two people, Xiu En love is not so showable, really was shot by dog ​​food.

"You are not two souls sharing a body, but a soul with two consciousness, which can be a bit difficult." Qin Qi shrugged.

The Empress Dowager and Qin Ye were originally in this state, from one to two, while the Su dialect and the Lunar New Year were the opposite. From two to one, the twin souls made them merge.

How did the Queen of Eternal Night get Qin Qin out, Qin Qi did not know, anyway, it can only be so.

"I don't know, what happened outside this decade." Qin Qi whispered, and the scorpion picked up slightly. Inside, there was an infinite number of gods beating.

He stood up, and this **** world began to change, and countless raging blood-colored forces revolved around him, slowly spinning.

He is the master, this place, and the outside of Huang Quan, has been thoroughly mastered by him!

It is best not to have someone who is impatient to take action on his family and friends. Otherwise, Qin Qi will let the world relive, the feeling of trepidation!

Even after ten years, the outside world must be turned upside down, but Qin Qi still has such a temperament!

In the past ten years, Qin Qi has been lost, but it is not without gain.

In ten years, his soul has been many times more powerful, and his strength has been like a lot of baptisms.

After all, this is the other side of the bridge, staying on this bridge for ten years, the benefits will be idle?

With Qin Qi’s current combat power, even if the realm does not improve at all, if it is a full-scale outbreak, the ordinary gods can be directly killed and there is no difficulty.

"Ten years, separated by too long, you have to go back as soon as possible." Qin Qi whispered, but before that, there are still some things that he needs to do.

For example, the other side of the bridge.

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