God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1474: Ignore

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-four chapters are ignored

"Hey, how can you not dare?" Wang Qianyu was cold, his guns were shaking, and he despised everyone. "This is a big day, no one wants to break the rules. Otherwise, he is an example!"

Wang Qianyu, this is killing a hundred, not wanting people to shoot them.

The authentic face of Xuantian is ugly to the extreme. This is of course their loss, but they are Xuantian Orthodox, which is stronger than ten years ago. How can it be so soft?

"Wang Qianyu, so to speak, you must help the demon?" Xuantian authentic elders shouted.

"Demon?" Wang Qianyu snorted, these people, want to give him a hat, pull him to the Qin Qi camp, so there is a reason to deal with it.

After all, today's Terran, the Holy Sepulchre is the only one, once the position is chosen, and the alliance with the Chaos era, it is also unbearable for the emergence of the gods.

However, Wang Qianyu is not an idiot.

"I am the Chu Jun of the gods, you dare to smear me, or I will challenge you, life and death by the sky, to wash the stain!" Wang Qianyu coldly said.

Hearing this, the man suddenly trembled.

He is the elder of Xuantian Orthodox. The strength gained in the past ten years is also huge, but how is it compared with Wang Qianyu?

A life and death battle with him, no doubt he died.

This is not the time to use things, even if it is a shame, it can not fight.

"Hey!" Wang Qianyu knew that it would be like this. If he snorted, he would not force him to fight. After all, this would be enough.

"Thousands of His Royal Highness, it is better to be your opponent." But it was Luo Kai, faintly speaking.

In his eyes, there was a beating of the gods, and the gods were planted in his body and slowly burned.

That breath is indeed amazing, not just himself, but also from the Qinglian sword god!

"I heard that you have been an opponent with Qin Qi. If you want to come to your strength, you should be able to make me seriously!" Luo Kai smiled and saluted Wang Qianyu.

Only his words, but so arrogant, even Wang Qianyu is not in the eye.

However, he is Luo Kai, one of the Seven Stars, the most outstanding young generation of the Pro-generation, indeed, has such a sigh.

Don't say that Wang Qianyu is the ancient man, he dares to challenge!

Such a battle, countless strong people have been looking at each other, thinking about whether Wang Qianyu will accept this war, at the same time, for Luo Kai's confidence, but also surprised.

However, the result is a big surprise.

Wang Qianyu simply did not pay attention to Luo Kai, just like he did not exist at all, put away the long guns and smiled and went to win them.

The discerning person can naturally see that this is not a battle, but a real disregard. At the end, Luo is not open to the eye.


This is the general disdain of textbooks.

Luo Kai's face was blue and white, and his teeth were almost bitten. He was one of the Seven Stars, and he was one of the strongest of the generation!

A past tense, a genius who lived in the previous era, what qualifications are disregarding him?

Damn, **** it!

Luo Kai almost went crazy, and he felt that everyone’s eyes were taunting him.

As for the authentic people of Xuantian, they can't speak, and there is nowhere to vent, forcing them to hit the wall.

"Oh, bored." In the camp of Tianjian Shenzong, Zuo Qiu snorted coldly and looked disdainful.

In exchange for him, where come so much nonsense, for the sake of these wastes, he is even more than a word to waste.

However, despite this, he disappeared directly into the place.

These things, Wang Qianyu naturally will not go to control, he shot, is to show attitude, people are taboo.

At the same time, there is no one who can grasp the handle. Naturally, no one can help him.

And with the mystery of Xuantian Orthodox in front, and this place is the site of Buddhism, it is not going to happen if you want to come to something similar.

Sure enough, Buddhism could not sit idly by.

A pressure fell from the sky, into a splendid gold, almost obscuring the entire sky.

It was the Golden-winged Dapeng King. He had a few strengths to come out and shocked the audience.

Of course, it is not the strongest, but those who exist at the same level will definitely not be opposed to this.

As a result, the rules of Tianyuan Dawei should not be violated any more.

"Xiaosheng, after the test, don't worry about anything else, you can fight with all your strength." Wang Qianyu came and smiled at Xiaosheng.

"Yes, Uncle Shi." Xiaosheng respectfully said.

"Uncle Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I have become handsome again!" Lili also cried sweetly.

Wang Qianyu nodded, then looked at the little bit and smiled: "Yun, remember your uncle?"

He will pick up the little ones, and his eyes are full of smiles. It is indeed the joy of the heart.

This is the bone of his life and death brother!

"Of course, remember, you are a thousand handsome uncle, he is Uncle Autumn Cold!" Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

These two uncles came to hug him after he was born, and the little talents will not be forgotten.

"How come you have come." Wang Qianyu saw Zuo Qiuhan around him, his face was speechless.

"Hey, don't hold the child, lest the cloud be like a woman like you." Zuo Qiu snorted and screamed.

It is his character, seeing the little bit, but also revealing a soft color.

"Shuai uncle can be domineering!" Little does not force Wang Qianyu.

"Yes." Wang Qianyu grinned, thinking that you are holding a child like this ice, it is the mother.

However, he looked at Fuer and couldn't help but groan. He always felt that he was somewhat similar to Qin Qi.

"This is my sister." The little is not milky.

The existence of Fuer and his relationship with the Qin family are only clear to some people, and Wang Qianyu does not know.

"I am not her sister, I have nothing to do with them." Fuer grinned.

Wang Qianyu laughed. "In short, there are uncles, you don't have to worry!"

Brahma wins a sword and abolished Duan Qian. It is indeed amazing. No one dares to take a break from this Qin Qi disciple.

But here is the Tianyuan Dabi, almost all the strong people of the Pro-generation are concentrated here, and more surprises are constantly being staged.

Xiaosheng is indeed eye-catching, but it is by no means the most eye-catching.

The seven-star Tianzhu, the thirty-six small kings ranked the top ones, one stronger than one, unimaginable, cover all!

Big than, continue, countless strong players are watching the wonderful battles back and forth.

But no one will notice that in one corner, two people are standing there.

"Don't you go?" Su said.

"Thousands of feathers can cope, first wait, I want to know, who wants to be bad for my children, my disciples!" Qin Qi faint, the bottom of the eyes, but it is a cool color.

At the same time, however, Qin Qi also set his sights on Fuer.

That is the feeling of blood connection.

But where did he come from?

Thinking of a certain possibility in my heart, Qin Qi's look can not help but be a bit complicated, especially when I heard that Fu Er denied the relationship with the Qin family, it was even bitter.

He really wants to come out now, but he needs to wait urgently, only then can solve all hidden dangers in one go!

With regaining his gaze, Qin Qi could not continue to look at it. Otherwise, he would not be able to show up.

I will look down to the camp of Buddhism.

In ten years, Buddhism has been so strong, and Qin Qi has to be shocked.

Just seeing a figure in the Buddha's door, Qin Qi is the contraction of the pupil.

Familiar, but also strange!

He couldn't help but tremble with his whole heart.

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