The first thousand four hundred and ninety chapters of the void

"Qin Qi, do you really want to kill it, don't forget, the bright king is still there, and now he is strong enough to win the world first, it is not that you can fight!" In the Holy Palace, the strong.

"So, is the holy thousand falling?" Qin Qi snorted.

"Since the Holy One is gone, what is your enthusiasm, dare to talk to me so loudly?"

"About, is it impatient?"

The strength of Qin Qi is desperate, but it is also a situation that has already been guessed. Since Qin Qi returned, how can he stop?

Ten years ago, he still dared to do what the world did not dare to do. Ten years later, it was just another one.

It’s easy to get started!

"Qin Qi, you will regret it!"

Above the sky, a hollow suddenly appeared, and the surrounding voids continued to collapse, and a sword appeared from the end of the void, and then suddenly fell.

It can represent the power of punishment, the breath, even more terrible than thunder!

The sword of Damocles!

The strongest supreme artifact that has been hated by the sky, is not far from taboos!

"With this sword, the Holy King smashed a four-star void beast **** outside the starry sky, Qin Qi, you are even stronger, how to resist?"

In the holy fairy palace, there is a pleasant roar.

The sword of Damocles has been constantly being completed in the past ten years, and the divine reunion has already possessed a lot of power in the past.

As this person said, even the four-star gods can't resist the killing of the sword of Damocles!

Qin Qi looked at the Jianguang coldly, and the killing in his eyes suddenly became violent.

This is the sword that killed Fu Caixuan.

How can you let this sword appear in front of him again?

The Emperor of Heaven came, the Emperor Sword!

Qin Qi turned upside down and pulled out a more horrible sword light!

The double sword collides, the void smashes directly, and the chaotic airflow rushes out. It is like a horror!

Only Yuwei, the defensive array of the Shengxian Palace was completely shattered.

Both swords are invincible.

But no one can hurt anyone!

Qin Qi, still standing there, is like a demon.

The sword of Damocles can't kill him either.

The strongest of the Shengxian Palace, all in the heart of the cold, felt the death of the approaching.

And their feelings are not wrong, in the void, the inexhaustible sword light penetrates out, like a starry sky.

Immediately, the sword was like a rain, and it fell in an instant.

The smoke quickly rushed into the sky, and the Holy Palace was no longer sacred, and it was completely destroyed by the sword rain.

The Samsung god, can not escape the end of death, was nailed to the earth by a sword, as if the original Fu Xuan Xuan.

In the past, an iron rod destroyed the Shengxian Palace.

Today, a sword rain is like a repeat of history.

The Holy Palace, once again destroyed!

Qin Qi looks indifferent, that is, thousands of people have died in front of him, and his expression will not change in the slightest.

The Dark Wizard appeared and detained the soul of the four-star god.

I am not interested in asking anything. I will search directly for memory. Then I will pinch my hand, the soul will be annihilated, and the body will die!

"St. Thousands, you went to the extraterrestrial starry sky, find the void, what conspiracy he has?" Qin Qi whispered, the heart could not help sinking.

From the memory of that person, Qin Qi knows a lot about the situation of the Holy Land and the Earth.

This person, indeed, is not a human being in Zhongzhou, but from the land of the earth, the aborigines there.

The land of the earth, made by the emperor, is an independent small world, but since it was lost, it has never been associated with the Tianyuan continent.

In today's realm, the martial arts prosperous, seems to be better than the Tianyuan continent, the birth of an extremely powerful dynasty!

The scale is huge, no less than the Zhongzhou Terran!

And now the owner of this dynasty is the Holy One.

It is no wonder that he can have endless resources and conduct various research.

Back to the ground, the benefits he can get are really too big.

However, the Terran of this place is also somewhat strange, such as the people in front of you, the blood is very strong, it should be partially pedigree.

But it is not pure, there are other blood vessels mixed with it.

Moreover, this kind of breath does not even come from the Wan nationality of Tianyuan, and there is a strange sense of alienity.

Qin Qi's eyebrows, unfortunately this person is only a prince who has no real power in the realm of the earth. He is not a core member of the royal family. He does not know much.

Of course, this is not an important thing, no matter what the origin of the strong people in the realm of the sky, as long as they are strong enough, they can naturally fight.

It is the movement of the Holy Spirit, which makes Qin Qi difficult to reassure.

He actually entered the extraterrestrial starry sky, looking for the void!

To know that the void is the nest of the void beast!

The Void beast is only a few more powerful than the wild beasts. The veneer is the nest of the Void, and the degree of danger is absolutely the first in the world!

Qin Qi can't believe that after only ten years, the current holy thousand has grown enough to reach the level of the void!

You must know that the world is shattered and everything is back, but it never includes extraterrestrial stars.

The Void Beast is not comparable to the three short-lived ghosts. Their longevity is long, and they can live forever even if they are willing!

Ghosts know that in the void of the void, is there a void beast that has surpassed thousands of years to live?

That kind of existence, the **** king will also worry about seeing it!

However, since the Holy Spirit has dared to do so, it must be sure.

"System, do you know the location of the void?" Qin Qi asked the system.

No matter what he wants to do, he can't let him do it anyway.

However, the legacy of the void is deep in the sky, and it is not easy to find it.

I don't know if the illusory illusion is gone, otherwise it can let it lead the way!

"The position of the vain remains is constantly changing, but it also follows certain rules. Now, the emptiness of the void should be near the Chaos Xinghai."

The system gives the answer.

"Chaotic Xinghai?" Qin Qi a glimpse.

Mo Ziqi and Xunzi, did you go to Chaos Xinghai?

However, the Chaos Xinghai is boundless, even if it is a holy thousand, I am afraid I can't meet Mo Ziqi.

Moreover, the purpose of the Holy Thousands is the legacy of the void, and does not necessarily need to enter the Chaos Xinghai.

"So, do you know what the purpose of the holy thousand is?" Qin Qi asked.

"It is similar to his purpose of going to Huangquan."

The system answers.

"The dawn of the gods?"

"The thing of Huang Quan was upset by you. The dawn of the gods was only halfway through, so the Holy Spirit had to go to the void and fill the other half!"

"How to complete?"

"The Void Beast has mastered the supreme ambition of the Void Avenue. It is the power that no foreigner can master. It condenses the emptiness of the word "Yu". In front of the Void Beast, it is like a pediatrician!"

"With the power of this void, the ancestors of the Void beast created a portal that can lead to the outside world!"

"That's the door to the difference!"

Qin Qi’s light flashed. “The purpose of Shengqian is to open the door to this difference?”

"At that time, the gods can naturally return, and this door is actually..."

The system said that half did not even say, but also learned to sell off!

However, Qin Qi knows that if the system does not say anything, then it will certainly not be said, and there is no need to ask questions.

It seems that I really want to go to the extraterrestrial starry sky.

However, it is not in a hurry. Qin Qi can't believe that the holy thousand is so easy to find the void, let alone open the door to the difference.

Void beast, not a vegetarian!

"Almost, go back to cooking." Qin Qi smiled and disappeared in the same place.

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