God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1492: Gong Sun Yilin’s little girlfriend

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-two chapters of Gong Yilin’s little girlfriend

"Do you eat or not?" Situ Jing said.

Qin Qi laughed and raised his eyebrows: "You are too small to look at me, even if you don't eat this stuff, you will not let you down!"

"Who is disappointed!" Situ Jing's face was red, and he looked at Qin Qi. "I don't care, I have to have a baby, you can eat it quickly, so the success rate is high!"

Qin Qi couldn't help but laugh.

He naturally knows the mind of Situ Jing.

This girl, who has been following him since the girlhood, has no regrets.

No matter how many obstacles, he always took this foundation for him and made every effort. He has really taken on too much for so many years.

Such a girl, Qin Qi really should give her an account.

"You can rest assured that your husband and I are always accurate!" Qin Qi laughed.

Situ Jing blushes, and then whispered: "You still eat, more tonic, at night, there are two people!"

Qin Qi’s eyes widened and he coughed twice. He looked at Su’s words that were talking to Su Qingqing in the distance and couldn’t help but swallow.

"Hey, you are like this!" Situ Jing snorted.

"If we don't eat, go home now?" Qin Qidao, such a tempting discourse, I can't stand it when I think about it.

"Be your dish!" Situ Jing hit Qin Qi, turned and walked back.

Then I took the words of Su and said nothing. I only saw Su’s words suddenly flushed and reddened to the roots of the ears. No matter what Situ Jing said, there was no response.

Obviously, the head has burned out.

"Hey, these food, how can I eat this, and quickly finish the scatter!" Qin Qi said, of course, although this is true, but there is no urgency, the level of deliciousness will not decline.

Today, I am not going to be drunk, and he is not so anxious.

The golden-winged Dapeng and the old Qinglong are all cooked. The mountain-like beasts finally satisfy the appetite of this group of people, and then, drink!

Drink him for a dim day!

"Qin Gongzi, this is the secret wine of the Emperor City secret, the eternal season, how to taste!" Yan Qing laughed, poured a glass of wine for Qin Qi.

It’s the secret of the Emperor’s City, and it’s just a steady taste.

Jing Jing smirked and gathered in Qin Qi’s ear: "And, this wine is especially helpful, and the Qin brother is unforgettable tonight!"

"Rolling." Qin Qi pushed the appease to the side.

Everyone toasted and shared this wine, and I don’t know if there is such an opportunity in the future.

After three rounds of wine, everyone did not use the soul to disperse the wine, so a little bit of alcohol, has been lying on the table and fell asleep.

"Xiao Linlin, how do you drink a lot of wine, I heard that you have found a little girlfriend, people, do not bring back to everyone?" Qin Qi has been drunk, and Gong Sun Yilin shoulders back.

Gong Sun Yilin heard the words and couldn't help but slap the table.

"Why!" he yelled.

Qin Qi was shocked and vaguely said: "What is your name, scare the old man!"

"Why don't let us be together!" Gong Yilin yelled.

"You tell me, is there someone who grabs a woman with you, Lao Tzu helps you out, hit him!" Qin Qi patted the table.

"That is, hit him!" Chu Xuan even shot the table.

"Who is playing, talk!" Mo Zi screamed.

Gong Sun Yilin took a sip of wine, which tells everyone what his legendary little girlfriend is.

"I went to your uncle, how did your kid hook up?" Qin Qi was surprised and couldn't help but shout.

"I drip, you can!" All of them came together and couldn't help but be shocked.

"What, are you talking about Xiao Linlin's little girlfriend, which princess, or which big man's daughter?" Su Qingqing was the gossip, and quickly got together.

"His woman is a big man." Chu Xuan admired the public Sun Yilin. "Big brother, you tell the younger brother, how did you do it, the younger brother can learn something!"

A big man.

Scared everyone to jump.

People who are not drunk now are coming together.

Daxie, the ancient man, that is a real big man, can shake the ancient and modern.

The bow was shot for nine days. It was just a slap in the middle of the day. The achievements of the scorpion were far above that. It was close to the king of God and even the existence of the king of gods.

However, the blood of Daxie has always been a mystery, and no one can confirm whether it exists.

Gong Sun Yilin, even soaked into the future!

It’s just a model for my generation!

"Big brother, this big man, is there really?" Mosang looked at the ancients.

The ancients nodded and said: "The old shackles are the strong ones who have come out of the temple of the gods. Now the temple of the gods still exists. I think the descendants will be among the temples of the gods."

God Devil Hall!

Qin Qi’s heart was moving.

If you talk about the mysterious forces, the mask of the dead and the Temple of the Devil, it can be said that it is the most representative of them.

They are all powerful, but no one knows the details. Even the dojo is unknown.

Especially the Temple of the Devil, rich in mythology, and even rumors, created the existence of the Temple of the Devil, is the first taboo female emperor!

"Xiao Linlin, hurry up and talk about what happened!" Qin Qi came to interest.

"Don't call Laozi Xiaolinlin!" Gong Sun Yilin angered, but still said everything.

In fact, the story is very simple, Gong Sun Yilin left the Thunder mad field to experience this time, and met the same descendants who also experienced the same experience.

The first sight of the two can be said to be unpleasant. The little princess of the Dai people is higher than the top, and does not put Gongsun Yilin in his eyes.

Gong Sun Yilin’s hand-held Japanese bow is a counterfeit. Nowadays, the descendants of the big brothers are naturally ridiculed.

Gong Sun Yilin is of course unhappy, seeing the other side is also an archer, they will propose a discussion!

The great descendants are not the future generations, the strength is extremely horrible, and Gongsun Yilin is not an opponent at all, and he is directly slammed.

But Gong Sun Yilin is not a public grandson, he is extremely attached to the power. Although he lost, he is still not convinced. He simply follows the little princess all the way and wants to learn more from the other side.

Of course, with the temper of Gong Sun Yi Lin, it is categorically not asking for advice. So, all the way to the trail, the little princess has become a pig head many times.

Finally, the little princess is not tempered.

After all, she is only a arrogant character, and her nature is not bad. Seeing Gong Sunlin’s persistence, she is also soft-hearted and has guided many of her grandsons.

So when you go and do it together, you will naturally feel loved.

Unfortunately, the little princess is destined to return to the Temple of the Devil.

On that day, the little princess was brought back by the strong people of the Dai people. Gong Yilin wanted to stop, but nothing could be done. It was suppressed in an instant.

If the little princess is pleading, Gong Sun Yilin may not be able to live now.

"I am going, there is this, Xiaolin Lin, don't be afraid, brother will give you a head!" Qin Qi shouted.

Bairi and Qiankun are members of the Temple of the Devil. I haven't seen it for so many years. Qin Qi is worried about the day, and when he is idle, he plans to find this temple.

Moreover, the Temple of the Devil is related to the female emperor, and Qin Qi said that he should go on a trip.

Now it’s good, Gong Yilin’s little girlfriend is also in the temple of the gods, and it’s even more important.

"You can rest assured that when we go together, see who dares to block us!" Qin Qi shouted.

"Really?" Gong Sun Yilin could not help but get excited.

"This is natural, so don't be decadent. During this time, try your best to improve your strength. At that time, rely on yourself to get the woman back!" Qin Qi laughed.

Gong Sun Yilin solemnly nod, he will do it!

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