God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1497: Divine division

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seven chapters of the division of the gods

The appearance of the sea people undoubtedly attracted the attention of the world. The great riots caused by the return of Qin Qi were also suppressed.

After all, compared to Qin Qi, the sea is more taboo.

This family has always been mysterious, deeply in the innocent East China Sea, and even destroyed it without destroying it.

That is to say, even the existence of 100,000 years ago in the sea has survived in this world. Whether it is seal or sleep, as long as it is true, it will be shocking.

Although I don’t know who the seas are on the shore and challenge the strong people in the world, but since they release these rhetoric, they will inevitably be shocked.

It is even possible that it is above the seven-star god.

The gods, the seven stars are a hurdle, this kind of rhetoric is not lacking in every big realm, it seems that there is nothing along the way.

But this hurdle of the gods is really terrifying.

Almost, one day a day.

Seven stars can be called true gods.

Eight stars, the **** of the road.

Nine stars, extraordinary gods.

Ten stars, return to God!

Every small realm is almost equivalent to the previous realm.

Every step is very difficult, and all the existence of the true **** level can be named forever, and can be awesome!

This is the temporary generation of this god, the heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and it is infinitely suitable for spiritual practice, and there is a kind of god-like fire, and no one can reach this realm.

Not to mention the **** above the true God.

The martial art one way, the sacred enlightenment, clear the road under the foot, the emperor further, the law of the body, as a basis, cultivate divinity, and finally burst into divine power, into the realm of God.

God can bring the world back to the world, until the return to the truth, the amount of true God, power is already strong.

After the true God, I have also gone through the road ahead and lost the direction. At this moment, I need to ask the Taoist again. I ask twice. Once successful, it is the Taoist god.

In the world, I don’t know if there is a **** to survive. If so, I want to come only in the depths of the East China Sea and outside the stars.

In any case, after the first day of the sea, the cliffs of the sea and the sky, the possibility of erupting the power of the gods is great. No one wants to miss the collision of these forces.

It’s just that compared to the true **** of the sea, the third election is hard to see.

Although it is the third best in the world, but after all, it is only the third day of the election. If it is the first choice of the day--the gods of the world, it is what makes people feel equal.

And the immortality of this immortal, the end is a little worse, most of the world's strong, do not think he can defeat the true **** of the sea.

There are a lot of strong and disdainful feelings, and I feel that the immortality will be defeated.

And then rumored that after the loss of the fairy, the first ancient ancestor of Zeus will shoot, defeat the true **** of the sea!

This is even more exciting.

Of course, this is a month later, Qin Qi still can't take care of this.

The first and foremost thing at the moment is to go to the Black Forest and meet with Xiao.

"If nothing happens, I will go first." Gao Gao got up and was ready to leave.

When she came back, she wanted to tell Qin Qi the information. Others, but did not want to say more.

Qin Qi also stood up and coughed twice, then said: "You will not be too strict with Fu, and she has not done anything wrong, even if you do not want her to recognize me, but you are always her mother? ”

"This is not a big worry." Gao Wei faint.

Qin Qi’s eyes shook a little, and then the evil road said, “You look at it yourself. If I come back, I will let you tell me if I hear you, I will let you regenerate one!”

"You!" Gao Yan's eyes, then snorted and turned away.

"Hey, let you bully my daughter." Qin Qi said, it is time to prepare.

Before leaving, Qin Qi still has some work to do.

For example, devour the heavens and treasures.

Qin Qi has traced countless heavenly treasures from the Xuantian Orthodox and the Shengxian Palace. It is a sect of tens of thousands of years. The foundation is so profound that there are countless treasures.

If you don't have a system backpack, the ordinary space ring can't fit at all.

A little bit of discrimination will leave the resources that will benefit the development of the alliance. With these, the growth of the alliance is almost flawless.

And the rest, Qin complete department swallowed.

The flesh progress bar has soared, so the massive amount of heaven and earth treasures is enough for Qin Qi to fill the progress bar with two progress bars!

After continuously filling the two-pipe progress bar, Qin Qi clearly felt the soaring strength of the flesh, and the dragon's body of the peak was once again raised, which is already the power above the peak!

Just by the flesh, today's Qin Qi can already fight the five-star gods.

A divine progress bar, two tubes of physical progress bar, is not far from the initial conditions of the emperor road, as long as you fill any tube progress bar.

Already there is something to look forward to!

Depressed the power of the flesh and blood, Qin Qi began to transform the two giant cities of the Chaos Era Alliance.

Nowadays, the league's martial arts masters have far surpassed, and the entire array system is extremely mature, but many ideas can only be listed on paper and cannot be realized.

Now that Qin Qi arrives, these problems have been solved in an instant.

In line with the unparalleled pulse of Qin Qi, the array of the two giant cities has been upgraded as never before, unless it is true, it is absolutely difficult to break through.

In particular, the Thunder madness is even more closed. Qin Qi uses countless veins to cite the power of the whole domain as the pedestal, and the force of the big array has covered the entire area. It is difficult to get in the sky if you want to come in.

This is the rear of Qin Qi, and it is the home. Qin Qi naturally has to prepare everything. The safety of this place cannot be overseen.

And this, it is also relying on Qin Qi to rob these forces, otherwise there are such big things.

It seems that there will be more looting in the future, especially the Zeus Peak. Qin Qi has already booked it, and one day it will be looted.

So, for nearly five days, Qin Qi said goodbye to Situ Jing.

This time, Qin Qi left alone and did not release any news, and as long as he was willing, then no one could know his whereabouts.

After all, even the strongest alchemist can't figure out anything about him.

However, Qin Qi did not go directly to the Black Forest, but first entered the West Desert and used the power of the Nether Ghost Emperor to collect Huang Quan.

Huang Quan is almost equivalent to an independent small world. Although it is far less powerful than the land and the land, it is beyond the deep night sky of the Empress of the Night.

Backed by Huang Quan, Qin Qi's combat power will be upgraded again, perhaps without killing or swallowing, and can also fight with the true God.

Although it is largely defeated, it is no problem to survive.

"Where is this going?" Meng Yu asked, she did not leave in Huang Quan, Qin Qi received Huang Quan, she also went together.

"Go to the Black Forest." Qin Qidao.

"Oh, the black forest in the north?" Meng Hao spit out a cigarette.

"Do you even know?" Qin Qi was quite an accident.

Huang Quan is completely isolated from the outside world, and he also loses the knowledge of the existence of the Black Forest.

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