God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1518: The power of bronze

The power of bronze in the first thousand five hundred and eighteen

"So best, then wait for him, only perish!" Zeus's second ancient ancestors chilled his eyes, flashing a touch of pleasure.

Finally, Qin Qi is going to be defeated, and this time, he will definitely let Qin Qi figure out and not give him any chance to return.

Can not escape, can not attack, it is indeed a dead end.

"You can give me the dragon's blood, so I will give you a good time." The darkness slowly went to Xiaoyou, and the corner of his mouth was a little proud.

Today's business is indeed a twist, but in the end, he still won.

Darkly, I thought he would be the biggest obstacle, and as a result, he was directly killed by Qin Qi.

With the arrival of Qin Qi, the momentum of Xiao You suddenly became strong and became the biggest enemy.

But now, Qin Qi is hard to protect himself, what can Xiao Qi do?

In the end, the throne is still his!

There is quite a kind of feeling that I have no strength, and you have all fallen down.

"Are you so confident?" Xiao You cold and cold.

"Hah, can you still have any unexpected accidents, the Qin Qi has been dead, his power will soon fall from the peak, then, his death!" Dark voice.

Xiao Youshen is indifferent, cold and cold: "If I were you, I will wait until the result appears and then jump out."

"Oh, I don't see the coffin, I don't cry. As a result, I have already been doomed!" Dark and cold, "Well, don't talk nonsense, give me the dragon's blood, otherwise I have to take it myself!"

Among the dark dragon nests, there are strong people, and Kun Kun can't protect Xiaoyou.

"The results are indeed doomed." Xiao quiet smiled.

Fulong, Xiangtian!

The power of Qin Qi has once again skyrocketed.

"Absolute defense? Hey, I have to say a few times to understand that you are blowing this cow, too much!" Qin Qi was indifferent, and he was surrounded by dark wizards.

The power of the Nether Ghost Emperor suddenly surged out, accompanied by the promotion of Fulong Xiangtian. After Qin Qi, an independent world slowly opened a mouth.

That is, Huang Quan.

Backed by Huang Quan, the power of Qin Qi was so huge that it was incredible.

"Huang Quan, this is the world of Huang Quan, he actually used this world for his own use!" Zeus second ancient ancestor exclaimed, his face was pale and bloodless.

"How is this possible, how does he get the control of Huang Quan, is he learning the law of the local government, is the inheritor of the land?" The black dragon emperor stared at Qin Qi unobtrusively, staring at the world of Huang Quan!

Although it is not a truly independent world, it is not far behind, at least much stronger than the world.

At this moment, Qin Qi, who is backed by Huang Quan, is like a god, and cannot be defeated!

"Maybe, you can still hold it!" The old Xuanwu voice was a little trembling, and he still had a glimmer of hope.

However, Qin Qi’s sword immediately told him the answer.

From the sword, the Xuanwu Black Dragon Circle is directly broken.

The sword fell, what absolute defense, simply could not resist, was instantly pierced.

The basaltic turtle shell, known as the world's first defensive force, can not withstand the Qin Qi at the moment.

A sword is worn through, and the soul is deprived, and the soul is directly harvested by the ghost of the Nether.

The defense is broken, Qin Qizheng God descends directly, stepping out, war trampling.

The Black Dragon Emperor can't help but retreat, and waiting for them is the Jian Jianguang who can smash the sun and the moon.

"Puff puff!"

No one can stop, only the sword is raging, the mountains and rivers are eclipsed.


Everything is shocking!

The divine progress bar is full of instants. This is already the second progress bar. At this point, Qin Qi also successfully reached the basic threshold of the emperor road.

“Hey, congratulations to the players for their success in the physical/divine progress bar, and the emperor road opens.”

“Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the SSSS level main task ‘Bronze power’, accept?”

The expected Emperor Zun Road appeared at the foot, but Qin Qi did not expect to trigger a task, but also the main line task.

The main line task, but it has been a long time.

No possibility of not accepting, Qin Qi instantly clicked to accept.

Then, view the task details.

"Task Name: The Power of Bronze"

"Task level: SSSS"

"Task requirements: gain the power of bronze"

"Task reward: the real chapter (initial)"

The power of bronze?

What a ghost thing.

What power can bronze have?

Is that piece of bronze?

It seems that this bronze piece must be in the hands of it.

And Qin Qi did see the power on the bronze piece, although it is not the same, just similar, but if it feels right, then I am afraid, there will be a huge surprise.

However, before the confirmation, Qin Qi did not intend to do anything. In short, with this task now, it is imperative to obtain bronze pieces and go to the depths of the Black Forest.

In addition, the mission reward is the real chapter (initial), which is the first page of the real chapter.

Qin Qi has now got the first and third chapters of the real chapter, from the virgin mission and the main task of asking.

In addition, there is a real chapter (2), which requires Qin Qi to go to bed with the gods.

This is indeed an unattainable task, but the temporary arrival of God is simple, and it is not difficult to complete.

But don't worry, just let it go, how can you get this "real chapter (initial)" first.

"Bronze, a little bit of meaning." Qin Qi whispered, and all the spoils of the gods were searched, which naturally included the bronze fragments.

What surprised Qin Qi was that there was a piece of bronze in the hands of the Black Dragon Emperor, and they could be put together!

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and he had a care in his heart.

No matter what, the useless Tiandi Dibao Qin Qi swallowed in one breath, used for the improvement of the physical progress bar.

After all, it is a collection of big people, it is rich, and the physical progress bar is full again. This is already the third one!

What followed was the strengthening of Qin Qi’s body, and he went further on the road above the peak.

True God, you can also fight!

These things, the Qin Qi system with the system is really simple, almost instantaneous, and at the same time, Qin Qi has returned to the front of them.

Dark, stunned, all over the body can not stop shaking.

Qin Qi actually won, turned defeat into victory, and it was destroyed, and did not give the Black Dragon Emperor any other opportunity.

Killing in general!

He regrets, should not jump out when the victory or defeat is not divided, just, what is the use of regret?

Or, you can beg for mercy and trust.

He still doesn't want to die.

However, he did not say anything. Qin Qi fanned his hand, as if it were a mosquito, and he and his dragon were directly photographed as blood fog.


"Dragon Ball of the Black Dragon Emperor, good things, holding." Qin Qi looked to Xiaoyou, hehe laughed.

With one of them taken out, there is the old dragon and the dragon ball of the green dragon. If this power is absorbed together, with the dragon blood, Xiao You will get unimaginable benefits.

I don’t have to say that God can go even further!

"Thank you big brother!" Xiaoyou was grateful.

"My brother, why are you polite." Qin Qi smiled.

"I said, is there any good thing for me, but also for the brothers!" cried Kun Kun, his eyes bright, and his heart was long and relieved.

Qin Qi is still a metamorphosis, it is impossible to lose.

"When you go to the Dark Dragon Nest, let Xiao You board the throne. As for whether you can hook up to the beautiful mother dragon, you will see your own." Qin Qi laughed.

"Just kidding, Laozi Langli little white dragon, in fact, the wave is worthy?" Yan Kun said proudly, has been gearing up, ready to show his skills.

Qin Qi does not care for him, but is facing the small secluded road: "What do you think, if you want to return to the league, it does not matter."

Xiao You shook his head and his eyes were firm and said: "I will not let you down this time. In the future, the entire Black Forest is my Qin family!"

Qin Qi laughed and said: "You have not let me down."

As the saying goes, the sinner is coming over.

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