God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1522: Easily beat

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-two chapters easily beat

"Is the ruins of the gods and princes, even so remote, ordinary can not find." Qin Qi in accordance with the results of the month of the deduction, came to a relic.

This place is already deep in the Black Forest. Although it is not the deepest, it is still incomparably dangerous. There are chaotic forces everywhere, and the darkness is extremely strong.

When you come to this place, it doesn't really matter if you don't have the ability, whether it is the flesh or the soul will be tortured.

Jun Wudao, this guy, for the sake of strength, personally ruined all the tribes, united the blood, integrated into his own body, has reached a breakthrough.

Such a hot person, this is the darkness, from the people into the devil, the negative power of this place is really difficult to affect him.

Qin Qi stood outside the ruins, and the dawn flashed slightly.

He is a sect of the Fa. He can see through all the formations, but this is a ruin. It has already been ruined, but Qin Qi can clearly see the large array of operations.

Even if you haven't stepped in, you can still feel the terrible power. I am afraid that it is the true God, it will be a little troublesome.

In the end, this is the relic of the sacred sect of the past, although it is not the most important dojo, but as a comparison with the undervaluation of the demon temple, it must not be underestimated.

Moreover, Qin Qi saw some new arrangements. Obviously, Jun had no way to do it. Once Qin Qi stepped in, the big array would directly detonate.

That is the power that the true God will kill.

"Know that I will come, so lay such a bureau?" Qin Qi sneered twice.

This kind of array method, which contains the vertical and horizontal way, is not impossible for people who are not sacred and sacred.

It is necessary to know that the gods and sects are so powerful, relying on this aspect of the vertical and horizontal, naturally there are a few doorways, which is absolutely unusual.

But Qin Qi is not inexplicable.

He is the body of the dragon vein, and the pulse channel is unparalleled in the world. It can be said that it is the nemesis of all formations. It takes only a certain amount of time to break this battle.

However, Qin Qi did not want to continue to waste time for Jun.

Hurry and kill, just waiting to pick up the emperor!

When Qin Qi did nothing, he went straight into the relics and said faintly: "Jun has no way, I also let you live more than ten years. What are you not satisfied with? Don't waste me time." Ok?"

Qin Qi walked in the ruins and took the lead. It looked very conceited and he had no way to eat.

Among the remains, there is a region where black mines are constantly beating.

Here is a safe area that Jun has no way for himself. Even if it explodes, it will not be affected.

"Hey, so no one in the eyes, I thought I had to eat this seat!" Jun had no way to detect Qin Qi entering the relics, and his eyes suddenly excited.

"I thought that killing a lot of gods, can be compared with the six-star gods, do not put this seat in your eyes?"

"This seat is so good to you, you want to die if you want me to die?"

"This is the best, otherwise, how come you will be so unprepared!"

"And now, it is the turn of this seat to set your life and death, and our ten years of grudges should be finished!"

"The last thing to laugh at is the seat!"

Jun has no words in his heart, and he can't help but tremble. It is excitement.


In the hands of Jun, a piece of jade was taken out by him.

There is only one "ten" on this piece of jade, which is the line of red and black thunder, which represents the essence of the gods.

Immediately, the "Ten" word lit up and turned into two arcs, which appeared in the vertical and horizontal directions and fell into the remains.


The entire ruins began to vibrate, and the arcs of the roads leaped out. The red and black colors rose into the sky and turned into a network of vertical and horizontal.


The ruins directly exploded, and the power of the Thunder destroyed everything. A hemispherical Thunder field appeared at the foot of Qin Qi, and then it was launched horizontally and exploded.

Everything has been broken, and this remains, which has survived to this day, disappeared completely after this moment.

The mysterious and terrible Black Forest, the dark trees, can not withstand such an explosion, hundreds of miles, a hole in a few breaths thoroughly formed!

The Black Forest has been in the 100,000 years since the opening of the female emperor. I am afraid that this has not been done.

"Ha ha ha, hahahaha!" Jun no way laughed.

"Qin Qi, how is your talent, how strong and better than me, in the end, still die in my hands!"

"This is the price of your enemy with me. From the moment you set foot on the family, you are doomed to your end!" Jun nowhere snarled.

Indulge, at this moment, he feels more relaxed than ever.

From now on, Tiangaohai will be a bird, and he will reach a level that he could not think of in the past!

Such an explosion can be killed by the true God. It is the power that is highly loved by the gods and the patriarchs. Qin Qi is stronger and there is no possibility of surviving.

"The bronze piece seems to have a huge secret, maybe I can also share a piece of it." Jun whispered, his mouth smirked.

He is thinking about the things that follow.

"You like this, and you want to share a piece of it. I really want too much."

It was a voice that was passed into the ears of Jun.

And he, the whole person is freezing.

It’s ice cold in an instant, just like being frozen.

"How is it possible?" Jun shivered his mouth, and even the anger was hoarfrost.

He has already died!

"If you are stronger, you may be able to kill me, but unfortunately, it is the array of ancient methods, and the power loss is too great." Qin Qi shook his head, and suddenly stood in front of Jun Wudao.

Jun has no way to look at Qin Qi, and he is shaking.


Invincible state, completely blocking the power of vertical and horizontal destruction.

"Even so, your consumption is not small!" Jun Wudao's face suddenly showed coziness, his hand black thunder madly jumped.

All the powers broke out at this moment without any reservations.

In the vertical Thunder, the speed is too fast, and the two are close at hand, and the attack is approaching, and it is not a time to respond.

However, Jun’s most powerful blow was so weak in front of Qin Qi.

Qin Qi stepped out, the dragon force raged, the power roared, directly crushed the attack of Jun, and stepped on the chest of Jun.


Jun’s sternum was broken and blood spattered.

Weak as small as an ant.

"I said, let you live more than ten years, what else is not satisfied?" Qin Qi cold and cold.

Jun nowhere roared again and again, he was constantly coughing up blood, while the dark thunder on his body was even more terrible, and constantly hit Qin Qi's foot.

However, the body of the dragon vein above the peak, what a horror in the flesh, even if it is a black mine, can not break Qin Qi's defense.

Regardless of him, Qin Qi slammed a bullet, and an arm of Jun was directly blasted, and the space ring fell into the hands of Qin Qi.

First look at the fragments of the last piece of Tianfu secret key.

Searched for a moment, Qin Qi eyes suddenly brightened.


The last piece of Tianfu secret key!

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