God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1525: Dark beast

The first thousand five hundred and twenty-five chapters of the dark beast

Di Ji nodded and did not refuse, and did not know if it was the system that rewarded her to Qin Qi.

And now Qin Qi is very skeptical, is the system qualified to call the emperor Ji, don't the system lie to him?

Asked a few words, the system is pretending to be dumb, Qin Qi can only give up.

Anyway, with Emperor Ji, at least more secure, after all, apart from opening the mysterious mask, the power of Di Ji himself cannot be measured.

Unfortunately, the system also did not know the specific information of Di Ji.

Returning to the Black Forest, the rest of the time Qin Qi did not idle, constantly entering and leaving the Black Forest, familiar with the characteristics of Hessen.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, the battle is not awkward, and Qin Qi’s current strength can compete with the true God, but he does not dare to be arrogant.

What may be encountered afterwards is the power left by the world's strongest, but it is the ability to directly explode the **** of the gods.

Real God?

It is estimated that one finger can not be blocked.

In addition to Qin Qi, other people are also actively preparing, Xiaoyou is fully committed to cultivation, he is no longer a person, he will take off all the way.

When Meng Hao ate Cheng Shen Dan, he returned to Huang Quan. The remaining Cheng Shen Dan was also given to the Wan Gui Prison Emperor.

Huang Quan has already belonged to Qin Qi, and Qin Qi certainly needs to strengthen the power of Huang Quan.

So, the black moon night is coming.

The Black Forest has always been a gathering place for dark power, and even more so in this dark moon night, the entire forest is incomparably dark and dangerous.

After the nightfall, the Black Forest became silent, and the horrible beast that grew up in the Black Forest did not make any sound.

However, they are not hiding, but become more fierce, waiting for prey!

The entire Black Forest gives people a very bad feeling, as if they are in a swamp.

"This feeling is too depressed, there is a threat of death anytime and anywhere." Yan Kun could not help but look a little bit look bad.

"The will of the Black Forest is shrinking and cohesive, I am afraid it will not be too easy." The opening of the moon can be used to calculate the current state of the Black Forest.

"Compared to the past black moon night, tonight, you can see more people." Ding Qiubai could not help but smile.

They have been in the Black Forest for thousands of years and have experienced too many black moon nights, but never once felt this time.

"Be careful." Qin Qidao, keep vigilant.

Everyone nodded and played a 12-point spirit.

Only Emperor Ji, just following Qin Qi, looked blank, like the environment of the Black Forest, can not make her change.

A team of people did not dare to be too swaying in the Black Forest, quietly flying in the forest.

The endless dark trees, grotesque, like ghosts, are even more strange in this dark moon night.

The power of darkness here is dark, and with the dark moon, almost nothing can be seen, only relying on perception.

Even the small map of Qin Qi was seriously disturbed.

The return of the Dark Gods, even if only a part of the power returns, is unimaginable.


Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of shackles in the dead, and there were fierce beasts rushing in. The momentum, the ground shaking, the power is terrible.

In the Black Forest, these fierce beasts are far more powerful than the presence of the same territory, especially the black moon night, which is even greater.

They have already noticed the arrival of Qin Qi and others.

"The black magic horse face beast, the strength is roughly around a star beast god." Qin Qidao, although there is only one star beast god's realm, but this night, I am afraid that a star-studded battle force can erupt.

Everyone is sinking in the heart.

This force is naturally not in their eyes, but there is still a distance from the destination, and there is no depth in the depths. How powerful these beasts will be.

Since the dawn of the gods, the changes in the Black Forest have been enormous. Even Ding Qiubai and so on, this decade has not gone deep into the Black Forest.

"Puff puff!"

The black magic horse-faced beast roared, and the momentum was shocking, but in front of Qin Qi and others, it was really not enough to see, and was instantly killed.

Collect some materials and several people move forward again.

The deeper darkness is constantly presented in front of a few people, so their faces can't be improved.

"Is this the Black Forest?" The Duke of Crimson couldn't help but wonder.

They are the people who know the Black Forest best, but even so, they have issued such doubts.

At this moment, it is like being in the darkness of the extreme, it feels like it is coming to another world.

"Some, the darkness of the world." The mirror suddenly opened.

"What?" The people couldn't help but be surprised.

"Don't misunderstand, here is the Black Forest, but for some reason, the power of the dark side of the world has been pulled over." He looked at the mirror and he could not understand.

Historically, it has been able to enter the dark side of the world, and it has been studied, and only the **** of darkness is known.

Qin Qi’s flash of light flashes, and speculation may be what “June is no way” is doing, stimulating the power of the dark side of the world.

"First open the bronze and say." Qin Qi faint.

Going forward, the beasts are even louder, swaying the mountains and rivers, and the more powerful beasts are rushing out, and the Qin Qi and others must be shredded.

Of course, they were eventually killed by Qin Qi.

However, everyone is more heavy in mind.

These fierce beasts are getting stronger and stronger, and they are accompanied by a force that was not available in the past.

The power of the dark side of the world.

"These beasts, I am afraid I have to become a dark beast!"

The dark beast is a kind of beast that lives in the dark side of the world. It is born with dark power and extreme horror.

It is fortunate that these fierce beasts have not completely become dark beasts. Otherwise, let alone the danger of opening bronzes, that is, the cruel beasts will not pass.

Qin Qi has no special feelings about this. As long as it can be killed, it is not a problem, it will only become the progress of the progress bar.

Even Qin Qi doesn't mind that these beasts come more. If they can fill the third divine progress bar, Qin Qi can laugh out loud.

Others, such as Qin Qi, are in the forefront, but they are relieved, and they are fortunate to be able to cooperate with Qin Qi. Otherwise, they may not even be able to reach their destination.

Now it seems that their previous ideas are too arrogant, and they did not expect the Black Forest to become so dangerous.

But soon, they will be difficult.

In the place where there are not many distances from the destination, Qin Qi was stopped by several beasts.

The rich dark power, the silky, sprouting, constantly condensed around the body, forming a mysterious rune.

Everyone is in a tight heart and can feel the unusualness of this beast.

"That is a dark character, this is already a real dark beast!" 穹 惊 惊 exclaimed, the body of heavy magic light appeared, completely wrapped himself.

Dark beast!

Tianyuan mainland has very little understanding of this kind of beast, and it is even worse than the understanding of the void beast. However, it is speculated that the strength of the dark beast will not be weaker than the void beast.

"Six-Star Beast God?"

These realms are too terrible, let alone dark beasts, and will only be stronger than the realm represented by the realm!

And, there are still a few!

Even Qin Qi can compete with the six-star gods, but it is impossible to block these dark beasts?

"It seems that this is the limit of the Black Forest." Qin Qi whispered, and the ancient gods were as heavy as heaven.

Heavenly Emperor suit, the Emperor is coming!

In the flesh, the pure dragon power is unreservedly spewed out, and the colorful light can even break through the darkness.

Above the peak, the body of the dragon vein!

Behind him, the ancestor king grew up.

Step on one foot and trample on the war!

Now Qin Qi, is not able to compete with the six-star gods, but has the power of the true God!

One foot, breaking everything.

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Qi stepped on the body of the six-star dark beast and pointed to the openness in front of him. He said, "Is there?"

In front, thirty-six dark columns of stone towering, even if Qin Qi just broke out of the power, smash everything, but it is difficult to move them.

In the middle of the thirty-six stone pillars, there is an ancient stone platform, the top of the stone platform, and the groove is faintly visible under the colorful light.

That shape is like a bronze piece.

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