God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1532: Secret of dust

The secret of the first thousand five hundred and thirty-two chapters

The system was silent for a while before jumping out of a line.

"The bronze crystal that I just got is the key to mastering the cultivation system in the opposite world."

Qin Qi licked his mouth and could only shrug his helplessness.

Although it feels sloppy, but this is normal, after all, the system has incorporated a lot of real things into the original game.

Therefore, the ranking of this arena is another cultivation system. It is nothing to say.

Qin Qi did not immediately use the bronze crystal, but asked: "According to what you said, then this heavenly martial arts, which level?"

"Colorless diamonds, diamonds." The system replied.

Diamonds, isn't it the second best?

Qin Qi's eyebrows, the strongmen who have met before, the one who has surpassed the power of the true God, and the body is the black **** of the realm of the king.

In this way, isn’t the bronze rank equal to the peak level of the Tianyuan world?

Bronze is still the case, the diamond segment, beyond the four levels of bronze, and how strong it should be.

The ninth martial soul of feelings is not weak, but is the strongest?

"Explain the power of the opposite world first." Qin Qidao.

The system did not hide this time, and introduced the system of the alien world.

Of course, the system that does not look at the outside world is originally bronze, but in fact, there is a rank called a trainee under the bronze.

The trainee is equivalent to the god, above the emperor, the former back of the strong outsider is the apprentice peak.

To put it simply, the aliens are born to be powerful, that is, the babies have the strength of the emperor level.

This is really unimaginable, so Qin Qi can't help but sigh the injustice.

And the opposite is true, then there are other stronger worlds?

Those worlds should be strong.

"In the end, those worlds themselves have transcended the heavenly world. It is like the difference between the poor and the rich. The poor second generation was born and poor, but the rich second generation was born, but it is already a billionaire."

"The world's grades are different, and the starting point is naturally different. If you have to say it, they are good, and you are not good."

Qin Qi's eyes are shaking, and the system is really unrelenting.

However, it is true. He is not even as good as the people of Tianyuan World. The starting point is lower. After all, the earth is very weak except for science and technology.

And the upper limit is completely incomparable to the Tianyuan world.

"But the place on the earth..." The system was silent and continued: "As for the bronze above the trainee, that is the level of the **** to the king of God."

The system of the outer world is divided into six segments. The strongest king will not mention it first. The first five segments will be divided into four segments, and each segment will be divided into five segments.

In other words, each large segment has a total of twenty stars.

The five segments are exactly one hundred stars.

The four small segments, the smaller the number, the stronger, such as bronze (IV, III, II, I), the bronze IV is the second, the bronze I is the strongest.

The simple division is as follows:

Bronze (IV, III, II, I), each small five-star

Silver (IV, III, II, I), each small five-star

Gold (IV, III, II, I), each small five-star

Platinum (IV, III, II, I), each small five-star

Diamonds (IV, III, II, I), each small five-star

The weakest star bronze IV.

The strongest five-star diamond I.

On top of this, it is the strongest king.

The body of the strong alien can defeat the **** of the gods, and the position of itself is the five-star bronze I, which is equivalent to the peak of the **** of heaven.

It is almost the level of the first generation of the king of the gods, Uranus, and the three generations of the god, Zeus.

It is indeed stronger than the Dark God.

Now Qin Qi, still can't resist the gods, and can't reach the level of one star bronze IV for the time being, but when Qin Qi is filled with two progress bars again, it will be almost the same.

"Bronze crystals." Qin Qi took out the bronze crystals and looked closely to perceive the power of the bronze source inside.

"System, my martial art is not a colorless diamond, why should I start from bronze?" Qin Qi asked.

The colorless diamond, which is a diamond segment, is a strong mess.

"This needs to tell you some secrets of the past. You should also guess what it was like to gather this group of strong people and do things together." System Road.

What he said is that there is a body that has assembled eight martial arts such as the Nether Ghost Emperor and Alice. The one that was done together is called stupid by Devadado.

"Is it to fight against the strong powers?" Qin Qi whispered.

"It's almost like this. To be precise, it is to prevent the strong outsiders from coming."

"After the first contact, not only the strongest people in the Tianyuan world knew the existence of the alien world, but the alien world also learned about the Tianyuan world. For the outer world, the Tianyuan world is a piece of fat, and nature must not be missed."

"They have been thinking of ways to come over, and in the end, they did find another way, and they succeeded in being a strong player in the silver sector."

Silver rank, that is above the peak of the king!

It is taboo!

"Later?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"Later, the silver powerhouse was killed."

"Ah?" Qin Qi listened, nodded, but then slammed.

Was it killed?

That is silver!


"In fact, after the first contact, the Xeon in the Tianyuan world foresaw the occurrence of this kind of thing, and the people at the top also initially touched the laws of the world, knowing that the nature of civilization is war and plunder."

"So the outside world can't give up the attack on the Tianyuan world. They will definitely come again, and the one who created me has been waiting for this moment."

"In the end, I did wait and succeeded in killing the silver powerhouse, but from his mouth, we know some things about the outside world."

"The silver power is nothing but an advance soldier from the outside world. His mission is to open the door from here and connect with the outside world."

"Now he died, he did not complete the task, and the outside world paid a great price for it. For the time being, I am afraid it is difficult to continue, but even so, there is still a way to make up for it, but it takes a certain amount of time!"

"We believe that the opposite world can never give up, so in order to resist the resurgence of the strong powers of the opposite world, create my existence, start to prepare, spend millions of years before and after, summoned eight Xeon, and in this period In the middle, it is extremely sublimated!"

"Time has come to the junction of the ancient times and the ancient times. The strong neighbors have finally completed the construction of the portal. The strong ones have come to the world of heaven and have almost destroyed the world."

"And we, awakened from the slumber, began the most stupid and unconstrained showdown."

"In the end, the advance forces of the outside world were killed by us, and we paid a very heavy price, but we all know that we are defeated by the advance troops."

"Soon, there may be a strong alien who will come again. At that time, there will be no future in the Tianyuan world."

"So, in order to prevent the outside world from coming again, we made a more stupid decision."

"Counterattacks outside the world!"

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