God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1534: East Coast

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-four chapters of the East China Sea

These conversations, Qin Qi did not take advantage of the emperor Ji, directly show her to see, he just wants to see, what will happen to Di Ji.

Emperor Ji’s eyes were still awkward, but she still looked at Qin Qi, and the light flashed slightly. “You are not bad now, it’s not too late.”

“Not too late?” The system suddenly glimpsed.

"The changes in the world are much faster than expected. Perhaps, it has been slow, but it is not too late."

The system did not return, it seems to be immersed in contemplation.

Qin Qi is even more unknown.

The system said that time is just right.

Di Ji said that time is not too late.

Is this the difference between the forbidden female emperor and the system creator about what can be foreseen?

"First like this!" Qin Qi shook his head.

Mastering the power of bronze, the trip to the Qinqi Black Forest also came to an end. The bronze spot was left for Xiaoyou, and the rest was sent back to the Alliance and handed over to Peng Peng and Yun Er.

This bronze spot does not let them master the system of the outer world, but at least it can get some bronze power, and the bonus to the combat power is not small.

Later, Qin Qi helped Xiaoyou to consolidate his position, and strengthened the array of dark dragon nests, paving the way for Xiaoyou to dominate the Black Forest.

In this way, it is finally the day when Qin Qi left, and the confrontation of the sea line cliff will also open.

This is a world-famous battle, the mysterious sea powerhouse, the third in the battle against the sky, in some respects, is the collision between the endless Wang Yang and the Tianyuan continent.

The East China Sea is boundless. Even if it was destroyed 100,000 years ago, it did not completely destroy the East China Sea. Compared with the mainland, the ocean does have more secrets.

However, the sea people have always been low-key, let alone the 100,000 years, it is ancient, and in the endless years, the contact with the mainland is also very rare.

Nowadays, it is really surprising to take the initiative to provoke the incident.

Is the sea finally wanting to dominate?

But no matter how it changes, the battle of the first line of the sea and the sky will be a test of the East China Sea and the mainland, and it may affect the future situation.

Far in the southeast of the mainland, the border between Nanban and the East China Sea.

Here, you can see the endless ocean, the blue sky and blue sky, is the ultimate beauty, but also the portrayal of power!

It is rumored that the waves in the sea contain some kind of power.

In history, there are quite a few views on the sea. From this wave, we have learned a powerful Taoist method, and finally we have a history of staying in the Qing Dynasty.

However, the East China Sea has always been impermanent. It is indeed a beautiful scenery, and even a vision of a sea lotus. If you are fortunate enough to see it, it will last forever.

But sometimes, the sea really riots, and the waves cover the mountains and rush to the sky.

In such a raging sea of ​​anger, any existence will appear small, and it is impossible to resist the kind of raging.

Therefore, even the Nanban Yaozu, rarely come to the coast of the East China Sea, not to mention the sea, it is very little contact with the sea monster.

But nowadays, this place is extremely lively, the whole continent, the four forces, all the strength is enough, have gathered here.

After all, no one wants to miss such a battle.

"Huo, lively." Qin Qi and Yan Kun and so on came out from the transmission array.

In order to fight this entire Tianyuan world, Nanban signed a treaty with several other forces. Within half a month before and after the battle, Nanban will open the border and let the strong people of all ethnic groups lead to the first line of the sea.

Therefore, at the back of the cliffs of the Haitian line, a new city has emerged in the area of ​​the wilderness jungle, which has been transmitted for the rest of the strong families.

As for the upcoming auctions, business and so on, there is no need to repeat them.

"That is the cliff of Haitian." Qin Qi and so on came to the wall of the new city. There are several observation towers here, you can see the East China Sea.

In the sea ahead, it is not only the sea waves, there is a special landform that can attract people's attention in an instant.

It was two long stretches of giant peaks that jumped from the bottom of the sea to the sky, like a knife and axe.

And between the two peaks, it is a straight canyon until the end of sight.

This is the cliff of Haitian, the world's wonders!


Haitian first line cliff, chose such a downfall, can afford this battle.

"This sea-sky line cliff is not just a wonder of the heavens and the earth. It has a kind of inexplicable protection. It has never been destroyed since ancient times." The mirror was hidden under a black robe, slowly.

They also followed Qin Qi to the cliffs of the Black Sky. This kind of battle is naturally impossible to miss. At the same time, it was also tied to the chariot of Qin Qi.

"Oh, why is this?" Qin Qi came to the interest.

"No one knows," the frog mirror shook his head. "However, perhaps this world will have an answer."

This is the strongest one, all the secrets will be untied, and the sea and the sky will be the first line of cliffs.

Qin Qi looked a few times, but he could only shake his head.

"Okay, there are still some days since the war, my brother will not accompany you." Yan Kun smiled with a look of lasciviousness, just came over, but he saw a lot of beautiful women.

Qin Qi was speechless, and he flew out with one foot. At the same time, he also let them leave and act freely.

As for what action they will take, Qin Qi does not care, because after the battle of Haitian first line cliff, he will go to the Mozu to solve all concerns.

"Go, go around." Qin Qi smiled, with Emperor Ji, wandering around the city.

People in the city come and go, the facilities can be said to be readily available, although not comparable to the giant city, but it is amazing enough.

And many of these buildings are even more spectacular, and it is hard to imagine that it was completed in just a few days.

“Bihai Pavilion?” Qin Qi walked down the street and saw the best position in the city. A tall building stood tall, decorated with luxury but introverted, and not received, and the style, there is a taste of the sea.

Such a pavilion, it is absolutely not easy to build, not to mention those special building materials, just to say that the decoration inside, is extremely sophisticated, absolute masterpiece.

This is not something that can be done with great strength, and it needs a strong foundation.

Such a Bihai Pavilion naturally attracted the attention of many people. All the families were looking forward to it and wanted to go in and find out.

Just at the door, it was stopped by a light curtain and could not pass.

I thought that it was not allowed to enter, but some people were unimpeded, and those who entered were all talented.

In this way, outsiders will almost understand the access conditions of Bihaige, and the elites of non-elites cannot enter.

“It’s a bit interesting.” Qin Qi heard the conversations of those people and saw that someone was blocked, but some people went in.

"Go, let's go in and see." Qin Qi came to the interest and took Di Ji to the Bihai Pavilion.

For them, nature is unimpeded, otherwise, this world is afraid that no one is going in.

Originally thought that such a place, which should be elegant or solemn, but did not expect that the waiter was introduced into the hall, but it was a casino!

The casino is simple, and the audience is full of talents. On the stage, it is a beautiful woman wearing a gauze. Although I can't see the face, but the instinct, I feel that it must be the best!

The woman, wearing a veil, as thin as a flap, did not know how many layers she wore, but the figure, the perfect figure, was vaguely visible and extremely confusing.

She is shaking a beggar in her hand and is betting on a handsome man under the stage.

The rules are also simple, without any strength, all by luck, than the size.

If a woman loses, she will take off a layer of clothing, and if the guest loses, she will need to surrender the most mysterious thing.

However, from the face of everyone, it seems that no one has won the woman.

When the scorpion settled, both sides were smashed. As a result, the woman still won, and the lost Junjie took out a special iron, not a powerful treasure, but it was mysterious and had a special power flow. .

"Thank you for the son." The woman raised her eyebrows and smiled softly: "I don't know who else is willing to gamble with the little girl?"

Many of the strong players in the audience are shaking their heads and have been betting for so many days, but the women have not lost.

Although the bet is not big, then taking off a layer of clothes, it is with a sense of amusement, winning or losing nothing, but all of them are ordinary characters, have been losing, can not be hanged.

When the woman saw the unmanned battle, it was also a bit of a sorrow. Then she looked at the new face that had just entered, and suddenly smiled: "This guest, can you try to try?"

Saying, there is a more awkward posture.

Qin Qi stunned for a moment, then he smiled. "Alright, but my hand has always been good, the girl is ready to be looked at by me."

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