God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1537: Hai Tingtao

The first thousand five hundred and thirty-seven chapters

When I saw the name of the sea, Qin Qi was indeed a bit strange, and seemed to have heard similar names.

Just, I didn't think about it.

Now he thinks about it, isn't it just a word from Hai Tingtao?

There have been too many things happening before, and all of them are extremely impactful, which makes him feel awkward and has not been completely adjusted.

He even forgot the sea intelligence that was photographed at the auction of the Sin City.

This time, the name of the sea people of the mainland's major powers, his name is Hai Tingtao!

The whole new city was trembled, because the arrival of Hai Tingtao shivered.

At least the pressure of the true **** level, the drums swayed, there was no opponent at all, and all were suppressed by a moment.

Everyone is shocked inside, and I don’t understand where it is.

Only those who are extremely strong, five-stars or even six-star gods know who is coming.

One of the protagonists of the Haitian first-line cliff battle finally arrived.

I just didn't expect him to fall directly on the cliffs of Haitian, but to the new city, with a strong and unparalleled attitude, shocking the audience.

Moreover, the Bihai Pavilion was directly shattered. It is rumored that it was built by the Hai people. It is difficult to achieve it. Is it the wrong information?

But no matter what, no one is willing to approach the Bihai Pavilion. This Hai Tingtao is not a kind-hearted generation. It has made a big savage in the East China Sea.

And his mood at the moment, afraid that it is not so good, no one is willing to touch his mold.

Qin Qi also did not want to continue this awkward posture, and took back his hand.

"Don't misunderstand, she has a bug here, I am kind enough to help her catch." Qin Qi smiled twice.

However, despite this, Qin Qi did not mean to loosen the sea.

The momentum of Hai Tingtao is simply invincible. When Qin Qi saw his moment, he understood that the information obtained before was not accurate. The strength of Hai Tingtao is not so simple.

The bottom of the East China Sea is really unbelievable, and Hai Tingtao did not stop strong for a moment.

Perhaps the previous information was not fake, but now it has no meaning.

The rhyme of the sea listening to the Tao, if it is natural, I am afraid, has completed the second question, to achieve the power of God.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Hai Tingtao is indifferent, and the momentum is getting stronger. He stands there, like a raging sea of ​​raging seas, big and infinite!

"Of course I know." Qin Qi shrugged.

"Do you know who I am?" Hai Tingtao's voice is getting colder.


"So, do you know my strength?" Hai Tingtao, a wave of breath swells out, it is like a wave in the sea, a wave of victory over a wave!

The void began to shatter, and the ground gradually shattered and floated into the sky.

In this way, the new city will be disintegrated into nothingness under the momentum of Hai Tingtao.

"Is this the strength of the Haiqiang strong?" Among the Bihai Pavilion, the strong ones have recovered from the song of the mermaid, but at this moment, they are all lying on the ground and cannot move at all.

"This is too strong, I am afraid it is not much weaker than the first ancient ancestor of Zeus." The strong man of the Mozu exclaimed.

"So the power is like the pressure of the sea, the fairy is happy, can you really defeat him?" The master of the Terran could not help but worry.

No one ever looked down on the East China Sea, but it seems to be a contempt for the strength of the East China Sea.

Hai Tingtao is far stronger than the intelligence!

Everyone is shaking, and the people in the new city are more afraid. They are afraid that the sea will continue to shake the power. In that case, they will be directly crushed into blood.

However, Qin Qi is still calm, but has never let go of the sea.

"I know." Qin Qi replied.

The Taoist god, that is, the bronze IV, and now Qin Qi, is almost at this level.

The sea listened to the heart and couldn't help but stop the fake crying that couldn't be fake again. Some looked at Qin Qi with surprise.

Hai Tingtao has come. He has never concealed his power. At this moment, Qin Qi should be very clear about the power of Hai Tingtao.

But even so, Qin Qi still did not intend to let go of her.

If Qin Qi is not an idiot, then I am afraid that it is the real strong.

However, I have heard that there is such a person in the world who can compete with Hai Tingtao.

Hai Tingtao’s opponents have already been confirmed at the time of the next day’s war, and there is nothing else.

"No matter who you are, you can die." Hai Tingtao's voice turned into a complete ice cold, his hand guns shaking, guns as if the stars.

This gun, the Bohai Seat.

Almost a supreme artifact!

The Taoist god, with the quasi-supreme artifact, plus the Shanghai family without uploading.

Almost, it is already invincible!

"Hey, I can tell you, let me go, or my brother really killed you!" Haixin couldn't help but shout, some eager.

Although she is swearing, the gambling is not good, but her heart is not too bad. This time, she lost her gambling. If Qin Qi is killed, she is still somewhat unwilling.

"Hey, I am willing to gamble and lose, I can't let go." Qin Qi snorted. "And, you should persuade your brother, otherwise he may not be able to fight with the fairy."

The sea listened with a big mouth and was almost mad at Qin Qi.

She is aware of the strength of her brother. There are many rumors that Hai Tingtao is a true god, but she is very clear. Not long ago, Hai Tingtao has realized the second time and achieved God.

The ridiculous Qin Qi is still blunt, and clearly understands the strength of Hai Tingtao. How does he know how strong God is?

"Hey, if you are looking for death, then go well, don't blame me!" The sea heard the truth.

Hai Tingtao obviously has no plans to continue nonsense. Since he is ready to start, it will certainly be hands-on, and no one can stop him.

Qin Qi is cold, what is fear?

Hearing this sea, he will not put it back. The song of Mermaid is the only thing that can affect the emperor Ji so far. It must not be missed.

What's more, it is the sea that listens to its own gambling and loses, no wonder he.

However, everyone thinks that Hai Tingtao will be shot. When Qin Qi will be killed, a fairy light will suddenly burst out of the unknown.

It seems that an unknown space has been pierced and connected to the Tianyuan world.

If the sword is light, take the sea to listen to the waves.

Sudden changes, so that everyone is shocked, and the power of this sword is even more dazed, as if it can be destroyed!

Who, dare to fight against the sea?

"Well?" Hai Tingtao looked a move, a gunman immediately pierced, if the gunpoint burst open, the sword light blocked.

"Oh?" Hai Tingtao glimpsed, the power of this sword, even above his expectations!

Moreover, the sword's killing power surpassed his previous cognition.

"It turned out to be the case." Hai Tingtao thought about one or two, they know who is the shot, the current cold, and no longer control Qin Qi and the sea to listen to the heart, jumped up and fell to the top of the cliffs of Haitian!

He stood on the top of one side of the cliff, straight like a gun, and because of his appearance, the wind and clouds began to change, the waves in the sea surged, seemingly echoing the power of the sea listening to the waves!

Hai Tingtao suddenly left and stood on the cliff of Haitian. This is really unexpected, but immediately, everyone wants to understand the key, and they are shaking and excited.

The sword just now, is it from the fairy?

He came to fight, and Hai Tingtao, is standing on the cliff of Shanghai Tianyi, and is on the battle!

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