The first thousand five hundred and forty-seventh chapter

"This Tianyuan, not until you are a Zeus family, can lead the heavens, only the Virgin!" Ankuya shouted.

"This is natural, no one will deny this." Zeus's principals smiled.

"In this case, why do you want to control the will of your Highness!"

"This is for the entire saint, and only the first ancient ancestor of my family accepted the power of the saint to allow the saints to overtake the sentient beings. This is no longer necessary to continue the debate!" Zeus's principal said.

"Yes, this is for the saints. His Royal Highness is a member of the saints and shoulders the responsibility of leading the saints. Even if she is unwilling, she must make sacrifices!" Hera's principal sang.

"The sacrifice of His Holiness, the saints will remember it, and will be respected by the world. It is you, stop it all, what is it?" The principal of Poseidon was cold.

"No need to say anything, the judge of the presiding judge, let the judgment be made." Athena's principals faint.

Ankuya’s face is ugly, but this is the rule of the arbitral tribunals of the gods and even the whole heavens. After the verdict, he can’t stop it.

In the dark fog, the presiding judge slowly opened his mouth. "The next vote of the Virgin's Palace is to vote for it, and it is still impossible to change the voting result."

"Then the court announced here that the 3,640th bill..." The presiding judge is about to pronounce the sentence.

Zeus and other faces are smug, and they are also fierce. They will be madly revenge afterwards.

Ankuta sighs, this is the end of the matter, nothing can change.

The main event of Athena, the heart sighed, the sacred ceremony was held as scheduled, then Athena would not make the wrong choice.

Now, it's time to think about how much profit should be diverted from Zeus. The attitude of Athena is not free.

When the presiding judge paused, he had to make a final ruling.

Only the voice of the fall of the law did not sound, and the final ruling of the presiding judge had not yet been exported. A voice rang from the temple.

At the same time as the sound passed in, a figure has come in and out.

In the ruling of the heavens, the arbitral tribunals of the gods, except for the twelve clan and the new thirteen allies, no one is qualified to enter this place.

This person, dare to come in like this, ignoring all the laws of the heavens?

"I see, vote again."

Until then, the talents were awakened and could not help but reveal the color of shock.

Come, it is Qin Qi!

"Qin Qi, you are so bold, here is not where you can come!"

"Quick expulsion, the arbitral tribunal of the gods, let me come to you?"

"I can’t say anything about it, but I still want to influence the resolution. Do you really think that you are invincible?"

On the other side of Zeus, many of the big cockroaches were angry and violent, and the reaction was extremely fierce. Obviously, the emergence of Qin Qi made their hearts very unpleasant.

However, more is the killing.

Qin Qi is in Zhongzhou, but now he dares to come to Tianyuan and even enter the arbitral tribunal directly.

Isn't this looking for death?

He really thought that he would return after ten years. No one in Tianyuan could cure him?

"Sure enough." The moon and the frog mirror looked at each other and saw the joy in the eyes.

Fortunately, in a timely manner, and put into action, otherwise Qin Qi will not easily let them and the clan they represent better.

And Ankuya, while looking excited, can not help but worry.

Qin Qi, is it really possible to influence this resolution?

Qin Qi ignored these things and stood up with his hands. He said: "You, vote again."

"Qin Qi, the arbitral tribunal of the gods, is not the place where you are arrogant, the supreme judgment, the graceful play!" Zeus's main agent roared.

"The presiding judge, please also ask to clean up the small, the arbitral tribunal of the gods, can not tolerate half a minute!"

"Jokes, Lord Qin Qi is the guardian knight of the saint, who can vote on behalf of His Royal Highness, and is naturally eligible to participate in the meeting."

"Yes, the Highness of the Virgin Mary is not present. Now that Qin Qi is coming, since then, what is the point?"

The moon and the frogs opened their mouths.

After more than a decade, the guardian knight has been almost forgotten, and it is indeed dumbfounding.

"Oh, even if he voted in favor, the result will not change at all!" Zeus's main thing was cold.

After all, the number of votes just now, this is the calculation of the saint, now is the process of a true vote, and has no effect on the results.

Qin Qi thought that the arrival of himself could affect the results?

Idiot said dreams!

Out of this arbitral tribunal, the first ancient ancestor of Zeus will let him die.

The tribes of the arbitral tribunals have probably received the news for the first time. When Qin Qi came here, there is no possibility of leaving it!

Yeah, in addition to Qin Qi, look after worry!

In the dark fog, the presiding judge silenced for a long time, and finally slowly said: "If this is the case, then vote again, but after this time, the matter will be finalized and will not be accepted."

The main thing of Zeus sneered, why not vote again?

"I oppose!" Zeus's main event was cold and cold, and he smiled and looked at Qin Qi.


Just the next second, the main thing of Zeus, the body exploded directly, and the blood was filled with blood. It was Qin Qi who took his whole person into blood.

The realm of the five-star demon can't stop Qin Qi's foot!

Qin Qi, has it been so strong to this extent?

However, compared with Qin Qi's combat power, Qin Qi's approach is even more shocking. The entire arbitral tribunals of the gods are all stunned and stare at Qin Qi incredibly.

It is the moon and the mirror, knowing the true combat power of Qin Qi, but I did not expect that he actually went so far!

In the arbitral tribunal of the gods, the court of the highest high grounds, shot out, no scruples, killing the master of Zeus!

Historically, there has not been such a thing.

"Qin Qi, you, how dare you do this, you..." Hera’s principal could hardly speak.

There has never been such a madman, that is, the king of the year, the once smallpox, and never made such a crazy thing!

This foot directly ignores the laws of the past, is this going to overthrow everything?

"Well, vote to continue, what about you?" Qin Qi looked at Hera's main event, with a smile on his lips.



Hera’s main body exploded directly.

He didn't even answer.

"Oh, the hand slipped, but forget it, anyway, it is also against the vote." Qin Qi shrugged, then looked at the principal of Poseidon.

Really, no scruples?

The principal of Poseidon was trembled, and the souls of the dead were all taken. The heart was completely occupied by horror. This Qin Qi would not care about anything. He came here and killed!

However, the arbitral tribunals of the gods cannot be ignored if they want to ignore them.


A moment of invisible pressure came in, it seemed to be heavier than the sky. It was the arbitral tribunal of the gods that suppressed Qin Qi.

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