The first thousand five hundred and fifty-four chapters of Quake

Even in the face of the **** of Zeus, it is still unscrupulous!

The moon and other people have to explode, Qin Qi, how dare!

Even if it is yielding, it is not a shame to face the **** Zeus, why bother?

At this time, really should not be a hero, this is stupid!

"You are not afraid of death?" Zeus's eyes screamed, and the thunder and thunder roared in the world, much more than William did not know.

"Say as if you can kill me." Qin Qi is cold.

"With your fighting power, you couldn't have known that thing in the past, but in the end, you chose to shrink, and wait for others to save the world of Tianyuan, and to call the king of the gods?"

Qin Qi smiled coldly and revealed sarcasm.

"I don't know why you were forbidden by the female emperor to be sealed in another world, but I think it's about because you are too embarrassed."

"So, a trick, what qualifications are arrogant in front of me?" Qin Qi shouted, it is more unscrupulous, it is simply daring!

Even the king of the gods is not in the eye.

However, this is the right thing to do, knowing the power of the opposite world, the king of the gods in the district, what counts!

Not to mention, but it is a will.

Also dare to play in front of Laozi!

Zeus was angry, and the wrath of Thunder.

A kid, dare to put it in front of him!

He is the king of the gods, and he is the best in the world of endless years!

His majesty, the heavens and the earth have been remembered so far, and Qin Qi, the district, dare to speak loudly?

If you really want to die, there is no forgiveness.

"Some things, killing you, you can still get the answer." Zeus sounded like thunder, and the world of thunder behind him was constantly propping up. "And rebellious, there is no second possibility except death!"

The sound passed, as the Thunder roared, the power of Zeus, this moment, really broke out, the whole Mount Olympus is shaking, Tianyuan, all tremble for it!

This is the king of the gods!


The Thunder roared, and the power surpassed William too much. This is the power of destruction. Every way, you can kill an extraordinary god!


The rich bronze color suddenly came out, Qin Qi punched, the fist front against the Thunder shock, the power of each punch, can also destroy the extraordinary god!

The loud noise continued to ring, the void completely shattered, and the entire Mount Olympus collapsed completely. The laws of this world seem to be unable to accommodate such power.

Thunder killed!

The thunder was covered with the void, and the Thunder world was shrouded in the world. Nothing could be seen except for the thunder.

Against this kind of power, Huang Quan behind Qin Qi is almost completely revealed.

The world of Huang Quan is on the thunder world, and it is the confrontation between the ghosts of the Nether and the Zeus.

Power is crazy and raging. Zeus can display the power of a god, equal to the power of this realm, and can exert a certain degree of power of the king.

The Qin Qi realm is slightly weaker, it is the power of bronze, or some are at a disadvantage.

However, the body of the dragon vein, the martial arts of all, are all mad, the strength continues to rise, and the thunder that is suppressed.


The tremors continued, even if they were ancient ancestors, they did not dare to approach them. They could only hide far away. As for the results of the battle, they could not even perceive them.

This is the power to return to God, the last step before the king of God.

Jianguang, cut everything, rushed out of the Thunder Sea, and formed a tunnel in an instant, dispelling the Thunder.

However, almost the next moment, the more violent Thunder will fill these voids again and completely destroy them.

Zeus's Ray, can really represent the trial!

The mark of the sky, the tears of the sky, the double swords overlap, and open everything.

"Hey, was the sword that was broken up in the past, was it reorganized by you, but what is the use of it?" Zeus sipped coldly, pressing it with one hand, and the Thunder turned into the palm of his hand and crushed the heavens and the earth.

God of wrath!

Qin Qi turned the sword front, and his body was also a thunderous roar. A sword once again cut the Thunder and took the Zeus in the Thunder world.

Must be in the state!

"Hey, and the dragon sword of the body of the dragon god?" Zeus flashed.

The body of the last generation of the dragon god, the peerless posture, surpassed the peak of the peak, he is about to fight the dragon, want to decide a strong and weak, and finally defeated by the dragon pulse.

After the war, Longmai received the Dragon Sword of the Dragon God and turned it into his own weapon, which is a respect for the body of the Dragon God.

This dragon sword, although not forbidden to the gods, but really want to talk about it, but not much weaker than the hammer of Thor.

"This combination is really fun!"

Zeus drank, Thunder turned into a chain, swaying the heavens and the earth, Qin Qi's Jianguang, can not penetrate the past.

"Unfortunately, the two swords are one, but not as good as the original one!"

More Thunder wraps around and turns into a chain that blocks the entire void.

Before such a force, the ice and snow enchantment of the Ice Queen was difficult to expand, and it was impossible to seize the control of the void.

That chain of chains, each of them is like a dragon, constantly smashing to Qin Qi, even if Qin Qi's body, if it is hit, I am afraid it is not good.

Not in the state!

When the king stepped out, the Thunder could not hurt Qin Qi.

Heavenly Emperor Sword!

Qin Qi is cold, and the ancient bronze power, the unparalleled ancient sword, is coming out.

The smashing of all the Jianguang, the Thunder chain has broken, this sword, is Zeus at the moment, do not dare to easily resist it.

When Zeus was cold, he did feel the threat. He took a hand, and the power of the Thunder continued to gather and concise. The law of judgment really turned into a representative of the trial!

Quake hammer!

On the peak of Zeus, the summit of the peak, no one can be close to it for 100,000 years, precisely because it houses the supreme artifact of Zeus, the hammer of Quake!

Previously, William was only able to borrow the power of Quake, but now, Zeus has completely summoned it!

Exploded, this piece of heaven and earth is completely filled with thunder, and there are bursting arcs everywhere, and the power of judgment reaches its peak!

"Does the king of God return?" Zeus Peak, the steel giant eagle humming.

Quake, only Zeus can use.

"Prometheus, your prophecy is wrong, it is impossible to achieve!" The giant eagle shouted, constantly fanning the steel giant wings, and his heart was very excited.

Prometheus, the body of the Titan giant is like a mountain. At this moment, he is also excited and inexplicable. The muscles are wrong, such as the mountains stacking. At this moment, the chains are also stretched, as if they are to be broken.

"Prometheus, are you afraid? You can rest assured that the King of God did not kill you at the beginning, just to let you see this scene!"

"The Titans destroy the language of Zeus, and it will never be realized!" The steel giant eagle laughed, and the claws were sharp and directly grabbed the chest of Prometheus.

This is the torture that has always been, the judgment of Zeus on Prometheus!

Prometheus ignored the steel giant eagle, and the wound blood on his body was completely ignored. He just looked at the infinite Thunder in front of him.

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