God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1558: Strongest prophet

The strongest prophet of the first thousand five hundred and fifty-eighth chapter

"The heresy, how can your power..." The steel giant eagle is incomparably weak, and the huge body is dragged by Qin Qi, like a dead dog.

Ever since he was created by Zeus, why have you experienced such a fiasco?

Moreover, Qin Qi at the moment is obviously more powerful than just now. He even used the power of the flesh and completely abolished it.


Such a growth, can you not achieve the prestige of the king of God?

Qin Qi naturally ignored it, threw it in front of Prometheus, and then sat on its head.

The giant eagle's body is huge, and the Titan giant, so Qin Qi can just talk to Prometheus.

"The Titan's children, the first time I met, I was Prometheus, the son of Titan." Prometheus looked at Qin Qi, the most powerful prophet in the history of Tianyuan. At this moment, he could not help but reveal the color of curiosity.

Obviously, even if he, the language of Zeus's demise, but can not know the specific performers.

He did not know anything about Qin Qi.

"I am not a Titan's child." Qin Qi shook his head and his fingers bounced. It was a few swords flashing, which would lock the chain of Prometheus.

These chains are forged from the scrap left by Zeus during the Thunder Hammer. They are extremely strong, and Prometheus can't open it, but now Qin Qi is already available.

Prometheus finally regained his freedom from the trap of the chain.

The huge body swayed, and every one of them was crushed with a void. He was a little embarrassed. After all, he was locked in the endless years of the peak. At this moment, he was a little stiff.

"Thank you." Prometheus recovered and thanked Qin Qi.

"Prometheus, you will never escape the trial of the king of God. Do you think that you are free? When the king of God returns, you are still a prisoner!" The steel giant eagle whispered, staring at Prometheus with great hatred.

Prometheus did not care, calmly said: "My prophecy is not over yet, Zeus, destined to die in my prophecy."

"Just rely on him?" Although the steel giant eagle was suppressed by Qin Qi, it is obvious that Qin Qi can compete with Zeus.

This time, it is just a will of Zeus. When Zeus really returns, raising his hand can destroy Qin Qi.

The king of the gods is not a king of the king.

"Yes, just rely on him." Prometheus said indifferently.

Zeus took the lead and destroyed the Titans. Now, Zeus is also dead in the hands of the Titans. It is the causal cycle.

The steel giant eagle disdain, but also to say something, but Prometheus slowly raised his hand, in the hands, there is a titan power emerged, turned into a rune.

"Exactly, Lord Qin Qi, this giant eagle contains some power, which may be helpful to people around you." Prometheus smiled, his eyes filled with wisdom, as if he knew everything.

The prophet, who has been trapped in endless years, does not seem to have lost his understanding of the world.

"Do you want to refine?" Qin Qi eyebrows pick one.

"Yes, please also take the shot together." Prometheus nodded.

"Is there a requirement for life and death?"

Prometheus snorted and shook his head. "There is no requirement for this, and life and death can be done."

"That would be the case, otherwise it would be accidentally killed in the process, who is it?" Qin Qi snorted.

The Steel Giants listened to their conversations in their ears, and they couldn’t help but fear, Zeus’s greatness, and there was no way to calm it down.

It feels that it is not at all a god-level steel giant, but a bird waiting to be slaughtered.

"Wait for me……"

The point of death is that the steel giant eagle has no meaning for Zeus's loyalty. Living is the only thought in its mind.

Then, its brain was shattered by a punch.

Killed the steel giant eagle, above the bronze II of the system interface, another star was lit.

Two Star Bronze II!

However, with the improvement of the realm, it is getting harder and harder to light the stars. The existence of the steel giant eagle is only worth a star.

The road ahead is not good.

"Hey, what do you do?" Qin Qi asked after curious about the steel giant eagle.

Rao is Prometheus, who is used to life and death, but it is still a little speechless to see the steel giant eagle being so easily beaten by Qin Qi.

After all, in this endless years, he was all tormented by this steel giant.

However, he was Prometheus in the end, and he quickly recovered. Immediately, a **** read into Qin Qi’s mind was a specific method.

Qin Qi’s light flashed, and behind him, the first ancestor slowly emerged, and his current identity is already very clear. It is the king of the second generation gods, Cronus.

Prometheus looked at Cronus in front of him, could not help but feel awkward, as if returning to ancient times, Cronus ruled the days of the heavens.

At that time, Prometheus Zeus began to emerge, and Cronus was the king they looked up to!

Of course, for Prometheus, Cronus is the object of catching up.

For Zeus, Cronus is the existence he must overthrow.

Once you were in front of you, how can Prometheus calm?

However, the gods of the past, today, have turned into a martial soul, attached to a human.

As for why it became like this, Prometheus naturally knew that Cronus was involved in the battle that was considered stupid.

Prometheus sighed and the runes in his hands slowly lit up.

In contrast, Qin Qi is also a method that runs from Prometheus. Kronos raises his hand behind him, and the richer Titans converge and turn into a similar rune.

This is the Titanic pattern!

Two Titanic lines merged on the body of the Iron Giant, and then fell into the body of the Iron Giant.

Then, the steel giant eagle, can not shine, looming, Qin Qi even heard the thunder, fierce, like the roar of Zeus!

The steel giant eagle began to shine, and the huge body also shrank.

"It takes a certain amount of time. We can talk about this opportunity." Prometheus smiled.

"Alright, but can you narrow it down?" Qin Qidao.

Prometheus wants to talk, naturally there is something important to tell him, although Qin Qi wants to destroy the Hera and other clans, but now Olympus is under the control of Qin Qi. Not in a hurry.

Prometheus laughed, and the body of the mountain quickly shrank, but it was still a burly man of more than two meters. It was difficult to connect with the prophet of wisdom.

Prometheus is not handsome. In fact, the Titan Protoss, there is no concept of handsome or not, completely different from the twelve clan.

They are more rugged and advocated by force. In their view, the strong, naturally, is handsome!

If you don't talk about those grievances, after the twelve clans replaced the Titans, Tianyuan can be said to be all-round development. The overall strength, knowledge and even aesthetics have all been improved by more than one star and a half.

However, the ability to perform in the sky, even the natural prophet such as Apollo and Artemis, can not catch up with the Titans such as Prometheus, it is indeed difficult to understand.

"You must be curious about the dusk of the gods, right?" Prometheus sat casually on a rock and smiled.

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