God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1585: Grab the fairy

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters catch the fairy

Qin Qi’s eyes lingered across the sea and listened to his heart. However, he was not prepared to break it. He immediately looked at Lin’s roaring month and said: “Predecessors, what is Tianshen III?”

"I don't know," Lin's answer to the roaring month is extraordinarily direct.

"I only know that this thing is extremely important. In ancient times, there was a strong man who fought in the starry sky on the 9th, destroying the star field, and finally knocking down the moon. It seems that it is the life of the gods." Moon Road.

Qin Qi brow suddenly wrinkled.

If the guess is not bad, the existence is a taboo female emperor. This so-called destiny is laid by her?

What is it for?

Qin Qi did not expect to go to the emptiness of the void, and actually encountered these unexpected things.

However, it seems that it is not an accident for others.

"How can the things that exist in such a presence be obtained by the daughter of the fairy?" Qin Qi wondered.

"It can only be said that her talent is different, and she is born with it." Lin Roaring Month is also a headache.

Qin Qi's eyebrows couldn't help but say: "Since the predecessors don't know what the destiny is, then what is it to be taken away?"

"It is true that this is true, but who told Lao Tzu that he was swearing at the end of the year, and promised that he would look at Tianshen III. This is nothing. I can’t take it away, let alone others. The result is now good, and the girl has gotten a hole. I was taken away at once!" Lin growled angrily.

"And this moon, the enchantment of the sky, the old man can not go up, or what is the strength of the roar here?" Lin roared the moon, helpless,

"However, the gimmick is not expected to hide for a long time." Lin snarled the corner of his mouth and smirked.

"Why?" Qin Qi was curious.

"Look at it, pay attention to help me stop, don't run away by her!" Lin roared a pair of wolves in the eyes of the ball, very confident.

Qin Qi, immediately there is an induction, the moon in the distance has become somewhat awkward, it seems that there is a heavy ripples to cover it.

That is, the voice that Lynn screamed before the roaring month?

It has concentrated all of the roars that have been around the clock, and at this moment, rushed into the moon together.

Even the enchantment above the moon can't resist, and there will be endless sound waves passing in.

"Predecessors, how long have you been here?" Qin Qi Wei Khan.

"I have been calling for a whole year." Lin snarled the voice of the moon.

a whole year...

Qin Qi suddenly had some poor daughters of the fairy, she is about to bear a year of ghosts crying!

"Little girl, see your little butt, come to the wolf's bowl!" A wolf sounded and shook the whole moon.

Qin Qi breathed a stagnation, almost a head to plant, this bandit wolf, is still an old rogue!

Lin’s roaring month is the same as the look, and the name is “tactical”!

And with the first sound, then there is endless rumors, the whole year's voice, all broke out, it is almost pervasive, not to mention the moon above, Qin Qi is far apart, I feel can not stand at the moment.

Not to mention the girl.

Finally, a flash of silver trembled above the moon, and Lin snarled for a while, and became a little girl who couldn’t bear it. The endless stream of words was already on the moon.

"Brothers, together, grab the hoe, and when the time comes to me, the **** will return to you!" Lin snarled and shouted, and again turned the wolf.

Although there is no such thing as a huge month before the picking of stars, it is still not small, and the prestige is arrogant. I am afraid that the speed of crossing the void will not be weaker than the small deficiency.

"Small illusory, let us prepare." Qin Qi shouted.

Since it has been met, nature can't just go away. The things that God has to pay attention to and the moon of the wolf are worthy of attention.

Moreover, Qin Qi also wants to see what his daughter looks like.

Above the moon, Yinhui kept vibrating. Finally, a light band emerged from the moon and rushed into the distant starry sky.

"Before..." Qin Qi is going to call Shanglin Roaring Month, just around, where is his figure.

Has rushed to the light belt.

This speed is really fast, and Qin Qi can vaguely see that after Lin’s roaring, there is a light wing appearing, I am afraid it is some kind of powerful flying treasure.

It is a must-have, and it is absolutely necessary to hold the woman of the shackles.

"Boss, are we catching up?" asked Xiaoxu.

"Of course, I have to chase... Hey, wait a minute." Qin Qi was about to catch up, but suddenly stunned, and the light in the middle of the dragon continually beat, staring at a shadow under the moon.

"The chick is not stupid." Qin Qi laughed, and a thought passed to Xiaoxu, and the void beast took control of the void and instantly swept away.

Lin’s roaring month chased the light belt and rushed into the distant star field, while Qin Qi flew to the moon. There seemed to be nothing special, but Qin Qi could perceive it.

A shadow, such as the fairy of the moon, although it has completely converged, but still can feel the shock of her body, the coldness of a piece.

I am afraid that it is the daughter of her sister. She crossed the void and went in the opposite direction to Lin’s roaring month.

In the starry sky, chasing the fairy of the moon, it is indeed unexpected, and the speed of the other party is beyond the expectations of Qin Qi, no less than a small deficiency.

"Or I will come by myself." Qin Qidao, behind the spring, Huang Quan emerged, the sea heard heart and small imaginary are all included, then the body shattered the void, quickly chasing away.

His use of the void is naturally less than a small deficiency, but he is strong enough to ignore this gap and have a faster speed.

Numerous stars disappeared behind the head, Qin Qi is getting closer and closer to each other, so go on, sooner or later you can catch up.

However, the other party apparently also noticed Qin Qi, knowing that it has been exposed, and no longer hides the atmosphere, the endless moon glow spreads out, she is like a meteor, breaking the starry sky!

Under the struggle, the speed has also been improved a lot, but the salary is good.

Yi Xiaoying couldn't help but be shocked. The chasing is not the wolf. Even the speed is not bad, and even wins. If this continues, she will be caught up by Qin Qi.

Although I don't know the purpose of Qin Qi, it will not be a good person to be mixed with the bandit wolf. If you are shackled, it will be bad.

When the next game Xiaolian was linked to the next printing method, the surrounding stars were all motivated by her, and even one shot like a cannonball, shot to Qin Qi.

"Hey!" Qin Qi snorted, and there was no retreat at all. The star that rushed to it was a fist.


Numerous explosions are heard all over the ear. In the case of a huge star, Qin Qi was also smashed by a fist. The star nucleus was obtained by Qin Qi and can be given to Su.

Yi Xiaoying was shocked by the madness of Qin Qi. The small mouth was slightly open, and the silver teeth were biting. The strength of the body was stronger. The surrounding stars, countless stars were drawn, even including the scale exceeding God. The big star in the territory!

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