God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1592: Taboo secret

The first thousand five hundred and ninety two chapters taboo secrets

"I finally came out, son, how, did you catch the chick?" The sea heard the heartbeat, it was a curious question.

"Boss, you have come here, chaotic **** Lei's nest, this is." Xiaoxu has some understanding of Chaos Xinghai, knowing such a place.

"Oh, this is the chick, so beautiful, but it is not changing clothes, son, is it your twilight?" The sea heard the heart of the game, and suddenly the eyes lit up.

Yi Xiaoying’s face was shy and angry, and it was difficult to keep it cool, and Mo Ziqi looked at Qin Qi with a slight look.

"To say what to do, let you come out is not a mess." Qin Qi face black.

"Oh, what does the son have to explain?" The sea listened.

"You should be clear about what I want to ask." Qin Qi snorted and his attitude was not friendly.

The sea listened to the body's stalemate. I also knew that some of her micro-disorders had been seen by Qin Qi. Now I can only sigh in my heart. I can only say the truth: "In fact, I have to follow the son to come to this extraterrestrial sky. The reason."

The sea listened to some embarrassed words, deliberately kept a distance from Qin Qi, afraid that Qin Qi would do it to her.

Originally, Haixin wanted to follow Qin Qi to the outside world. He did not want to stay in Tianyuan, and he did not want to go back to accept the marriage contract. Qin Qi did not doubt him, but did not expect the sea to listen to another purpose.

And this purpose is related to this so-called destiny.

"The son may not know that in the hands of the sea people, there is a taboo secret, which is left after the mysterious Atlantis's demise, but the words on it are very special and cannot be translated." The sea listens.

Since the sea people have been in the world and started to contact the mainland, the information of many sea people has been continuously transmitted. The so-called Atlantis, Qin Qi also heard a little.

It is the **** city where the ancestors of the sea lived. The position is equivalent to the Mount Sum of Buddhism, or the Mount Olympus of the Heavenly Kingdom, which is the source of the sea people.

However, this city of gods has disappeared. It has been a long time, and it is impossible to trace back. Even it is difficult to determine whether this city of God exists.

The legend of Atlantis is widely spread among the sea people. They all believe in the existence of the **** city and believe that the ancestors of the sea have the strongest power.

Of course, these are just a group of beliefs. It is not so important to foreigners. Qin Qi has not paid much attention to it.

Compared with these, the strength of the sea is now more crucial information.

At this moment, the sea hears that Atlantis is mentioned, and the existence of the "taboo secrets" is really surprising. So, is Atlantis real?

At least it used to exist.

"Although I can't read the taboo secrets, the Hai dynasty's ancestors convinced that the fate of the world was recorded in the taboo secrets and recorded the direction of everything!"

"And, she predicted the destruction of the world. As for the process of destruction, it has already been recorded on the taboo secrets. It cannot be changed. Everything is doomed!"

"Unfortunately, no one can detect the content."

"That was before the death of the first generation of the Great Sacrifice. At that time, she was already integrated with nature, and she might have foreseen what it was, and this incident caused a huge shock among the sea people."

"The strong debate is fierce. It is impossible to determine whether this prophecy is true. In the end, there is really no way. The various ethnic groups began to send talented young people to the Temple of the Sea to understand the taboo secret."

"Since it is the ancestors, there will always be people who can translate the above words. This is a stupid way and a helpless way."

"And I have had the privilege of going to enlightenment." The sea listened.

"Can you read the taboo secret?" Qin Qi flashed.

"I can only say that I understand a part of it. At the time, I was also amazed at myself. I didn't expect to be able to understand the above text. However, I did not tell anyone." The sea listened.

Qin Qi was shocked and could not help but say: "Why?"

"As far as I understand, there is no information about the destruction of the world. It only describes four fates."

"Four destiny?"

"Well, I don't know who's set up. There are four in total, one in the outer sky, one in the sea, and the other two, and I don't see it clearly." The sea is also a half-baked.

Qin Qi was shocked, but the sea listened to only half and half of it. When he came back, he naturally learned less.

"So this ‘Tian Ming San’ is the setting of the extraterrestrial starry sky?” Qin Qi said.

"Well, in the eyes of thousands of seas, it is 'Destiny II'. In addition to this, there should be 'Destiny One' and 'Destiny IV', which is the connection between the prophecy of the world's destruction and the unknown." Listen to your heart and shake your head.

Because I have learned this, I will listen to the extraterrestrial starry sky, and I have experienced the illusion of Emperor Ji with Qin Qi, knowing what the sea eye will always be preparing.

At that time, the sea listened to the heart and guessed that it might be a destiny. Although it could not be confirmed, it is definitely worth noting. As a result, of course, she must follow Qin Qi to this area.

Unexpectedly, I actually met.

The destiny of the sky is obtained by Xiao Yi, close at hand.

At this moment, Qin Qi naturally remembered the illusion. His guess was similar to that of the sea. As for the emperor Ji, he hoped that he would go out to the Thousand Seas, but he should not be destined.

But something else.

"What is this life, what is it?" Qin Qi frowned.

"I don't know much about it. I can't see the entire taboo secret, but there is a feeling that this so-called "destiny" should mean 'reverse the sky.'" The sea is not sure.

Is it a life change?

Qin Qi is alive.

Isn't it predicting the destruction of the world?

"But now, the girl has a destiny in her body. What is the setting? I will know when I ask." The sea listened.

"Hey, the accounts between us are still not counted." Qin Qi was snoring.

"Don't go!" The sea listened to his heart and cried, and asked for mercy: "I don't mean to hide it, and I don't want to be against you. At most, I have to take a small and imaginary ride."

"You don't have anything to hide?" Qin Qidao.

"No, I swear!" The sea listened quickly.

The sea listens to its own minds, but it does not harm Qin Qi. So, Qin Qi does not intend to go deeper, but to look at the game.

"You also heard that what we are doing is nothing but destiny. Although Lynn’s roaring month is a bandit, but I am not interested in your hue, he only cares about the fate of three."

"And I, but it is just to help him." Qin Qidao.

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