God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1638: Lightless feather arrow

The first thousand six hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the lightless feather arrow

"Kid, do you also fight with me?" Lu Qianmo looked disdainful.

"The original words are returned", Gong Sun Yilin faintly said, but did not look at Lu Qianmo, but looked at the condensate.

That little expression is completely a compliment to the enthusiasm.

"Okay, I know you are so powerful, I am not disappointed, but if you can't even beat this kind of goods, I won't marry you." He glanced at Gong Yiyi, and he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Qianmo was directly hanged on one side, his face suddenly seemed difficult to look at, and he became angry and said: "Don't talk nonsense, come and die!"

"Then I am up." Gong Sun Yilin smiled.

"You haven't told me the two words yet!"

Gong Yiyi smiled and said: "I may not be able to defeat them all, but I still have brothers, so today's game... must be 'perfect'!"

"My bow is for you, defeating him in front of the ancestors, let everyone see, the person I chose, there is nothing wrong!" Cried, confessed, handing the longbow in his hand to Gongsun Yilin.

Nine Star Bow, the supreme artifact, although it does not reach the power of the big bow, but it is much stronger than the copy of the Gong Sun Yilin.

Gong Sun Yilin took over the nine-star bow, and this time he first fell to Lu Qianmo, one hand forward, hooked his finger, "Come on!"

"Cowardly!" Lu Qian said with an angry voice, an archer did not open the distance beforehand, but let him first shot. What a madness?

No, this is not arrogance, but stupid!

The family does rely on the famous melee archery, but the melee arch is stronger, and how does it compare with the real melee fighter?

"The waste of the outside world, let me take the shot first, you are not qualified enough!" Lu Qianmo naturally will not let Gong Sun Yilin wish.

He actually took the lead in shooting a kid from the outside world. Isn't that a joke?

Gong Sun Yilin has no words, not willing to shoot?

That's naturally the best.

When the bowstring is pulled directly down, it will be like a full moon, and the whole bow will be filled with the power of Gongsun Yilin. The nine stars on it will shine.

Pull the bow, but did not take the arrow.

What do you mean!

Everyone was puzzled, but in the next moment, Gong Sun Yilin directly loosened the bowstring, and the bowstring tore the void, and the sound of the sound blew through the audience.

"Are you looking at me?" Lu Qian screamed, and Gong Sun Yilin not only did not open the distance, not even bow and arrow, this is completely a shame to him.

It’s just that Gong Sun Yilin didn’t pay attention to him, but continued to bend. So nine times, everyone didn’t know what he was doing.

"Wait, can you say that the last piece of Jinwu Riyan pool is a matte feather arrow forged before the ancestors disappeared?" The brow was locked, and finally, he couldn't help but whisper.

Regarding the no-light feather arrows, they only saw a few words when they sorted out the early ancestors' notes.

This is a very special arrow, no real, only a core.

With the core income in the body, the archer can converge the arrow at any time, and after the arrow is shot, it can be summoned at any time.

If properly controlled, it will achieve similar effects to the endless glass arrow.

The biggest feature of the lightless feather arrow is not this, it is silent, and immune perception!

In theory, no one can detect the existence of a lightless feather arrow, and the king of God does not.

Of course, whether or not we can achieve such extremes has a lot to do with the strength of users.

"No light feather arrow, yes, it must be this, otherwise what does it mean to pull the empty string?"

And if this is the case, then Gong Sun Yilin is not pulling the empty string, but has already shot all nine arrows!

At the moment, relying on the realm of the **** king, I concentrated on the perception, and I found the trace of the lightless feather arrow!

"阡陌, speed defense!" Lu Youfeng also perceives the existence of the lightless feather arrow, and suddenly feels awkward in the heart, and does not care about the identity rules, directly open the reminder.

Lu Qianmo, I don’t know what happened, but Lu Youfeng’s disregard for his identity, then Gong Sun Yilin’s work just now is definitely not a meaningless provocation.

There is no hesitation at the moment, directly running the defensive exercises, the shield is in front, covering the whole body!


A full bang came out, and Lu Qianmo’s defensive shield, which had been distorted, was almost broken.

If Lu Youfeng does not want a face reminder, Lu Qianmo now, I am afraid it has been defeated!

Lu Qian’s heart is stunned, and these invisible arrows are too amazing, almost killing people invisible.

This is still dare to scorn, not only the defensive exercises, but also activates the defensive treasures, and is full of trepidation, pushing the defensive power to the extreme.

In this way, even the silent arrows can't cause too much damage to him.

and many more.

Why did you only have eight shocks just now?

Although Lu Qianmo looked down on Gong Sun Yilin, but Gong Sunyi had just pulled the bow nine times in a row, he still knew, that is, there was still an arrow left?

However, he is now defensive, and even if there is still one arrow, it is not enough.

Then, the counterattack begins!

Lu Qianmo's long gun shaking, the same is the supreme artifact, the tip of the gun, if the pear is trembled, it is a pear blossom, full of flowers!

This hand technique is also extraordinary.

Lu Qian Mo has to counterattack, and the shot is Lujia's famous stunts and hundreds of turns of pears. This is an ancient martial art. The power is terrifying. In the hands of Lu Qianmo, there is no such thing as a war.

However, the moment of Lu Qian’s shot, the figure suddenly slammed, and it was a bit of awkwardness.

There was blood oozing out of his abdomen and he was already injured.

Just nine arrows, one of which has already injured Lu Qianmo, but Lu Qianmo himself does not know.

Is this the power of the lightless feather arrow?

Lu Qianmo was injured at the moment, which naturally affected his offensive. Although he immediately responded, he fully demonstrated the strength of the Lujia elite children.

However, after all, it was a little flawed.

Close arch surgery!

Gong Sun Yilin continued to bend the bow. Within a short distance, he has shot no less than one hundred physical arrows. Each branch is wrapped in gold wire and can fly around. If necessary, it can accelerate several times and improve penetration. force.

At the same time of archery, there are also starlights on the Jiuxinggong. Like a star knife, even if it is a close combat, it is not weak!


The violent collision directly piled the battle into a climax, and you came to me, even if you won't win or lose!

Lu Qianmo apparently suppressed the Gongsun Yilin in power. After all, he was born in Lujia, and the martial arts and martial arts were all of the ancient Wuzhou-class martial arts.

However, the combat skills, the aggressiveness of the attack, but the huge gap was drawn by Gong Sun Yilin.

The game of life and death, the pride of these gods, can you really experience it?

Moreover, this is still a close combat, but the advantage of Lu Qianmo.

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