God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1659: Return my color to me

The first thousand six hundred and fifty-nine chapters returned my color to me.

"Is it bad?" Qin Qi screamed. "She certainly has a bad life. If she is a good life, how can she die?"

"But I just want to change all of this, I don't believe in life, I want to change her life!" Qin Qi said.

“Change the fate?” The woman shook her head. “Who can change the fate?”

"The fate of the weak is never in their own hands."

"And your destiny begins when you are selected by this power, or when you are born, you are written." The woman is faint, and the look is slightly complicated.

"I don't care about this, I don't care, I just want to make a color announcement!" Qin Qi said.

"Is it impossible to communicate?" The woman reached for a stroke, and Qin Qi’s mouth suddenly closed.

"Hey, let me finish talking. After all, things are already here, you are not willing to use it." The woman was indifferent.

Qin Qi can't struggle, can't talk, he can only listen, listen.

Yi Xiaoying and others are swallowing their mouths and dare not make any noise.

"How much do you know about the strength in your body? Is it just a chance to make a difference?"

"With it, you have been able to achieve the peak of the world in just over a decade. Who can do it before you?"

"But, such a good thing, why fall on your head?" The woman faint.

Qin Qi wants to open his mouth, but he can't make a sound.

"Oh? Can you finally communicate? Then, let's talk about it." The woman took a hand and Qin Qi's mouth could open again.

"Return my color announcement to me!" Qin Qi said.

Rao is a woman who is extraordinary, and her eyes can't help but shake a few times.

She snorted and swiped her finger again to let Qin Qi shut up.

"The stronger you are, the more you should be confused. And when you come along, you understand that it is no coincidence that you are chosen. Someone intends to do it."

"So, why choose you, because you are the body of the dragon, because you look very similar to a person, it is like..." The woman showed a few lonely look.

"Well? Do you have something to say? You better stop making trouble, my temper is not good." When the woman saw Qin Qi want to talk, she took a hand.

"Take me..."

The woman’s eyes were shaking and her fingers suddenly stroked back. I couldn’t help but be annoyed: “It’s incredible that you can complete this kind of situation today!”

Just looking at Qin Qi, the woman has a different kind of patience, or hold back.

If the emperor sees it, I am afraid I will cry in the toilet. The difference is too great!

When the woman shook her head, she continued: "You must admit that you are very special, and that he can find you from the heavens and the world. After all, the body of the dragon and the person with your skin are in the endless years. In countless creatures, it is hard to come out."

"It's like... reincarnation!" In the woman's eyes, there is a special light flashing.

It was her, and her eyes even appeared to be confused.

Because she can't be sure, although she can deny nine out of ten, there is still a possibility of that point.

"Oh, you have something to say, okay, finally give you a chance, I hope you have calmed down." The woman glanced at Qin Qi and took a hand.

Days, Qin Yi, and ghosts and ghosts are all coming to Qin Qi and helping him. They are also supporting him and encouraging him.

They don't know how to comfort Qin Qi, and they don't know how to solve things, but they know that if Qin Qi does not return to calm, then there is no chance.

Their mind Qin Qi understands that the temperature on their body also makes the blood cooled in Qin Qi gradually recover.

This time, Qin Qi finally recovered some calm.

"I know who you are, you are a taboo female emperor!" Qin Qi did not know what to look like, it has been so far, how can he still guess who is the other party?

If it is normal, I know that the taboo female resurrection, Qin Qi may be shocked, but at the moment, it has become very calm, but some can not believe it.

After all, is this really a taboo female emperor?

Is she paying a lottery, or is she a taboo female emperor?

"Well, then?" The taboo female emperor laughed.

"Your brother will not come back again!" Qin Qi shook his eyes and shouted.

"Is it mad? Just because your Fu Cai Xuan did not come back, it is really a child who grows up." The taboo female emperor laughed and looked like a big sister.

Qin Qi breathed a stagnation, knowing that he was indeed somewhat dysfunctional. At the moment, he took a deep breath and pressed down the negative emotions that constantly surged in the body.

"The purpose is to do this, always have a picture?" Qin Qi Shen channel.

"This is nature. As for the purpose, there can be a lot. Everything you have done along the way may be part of the purpose. And, if you want to have other deeper goals, who knows?"

"But the same, it should be for me."

"For you?"

"Yes, in order to check and balance me."

"Other purposes, you can do it in exchange for other people. You don't need to spend so much energy to find you in the world."

“Just because I might be the reincarnation of your brother?”

"Yes, the moment you see you, everything is clear."

"The man forcibly intervened in my resurrection, let me owe him a love, and intervene in the cause and effect. Even if I shot the man, it is necessary to spare him once."

"In addition, your existence also makes me unable to make up my mind to destroy everything he has set up." The woman snorted.

"But why do you want to do this?" Qin Qi did not understand.

If the guess is good, find him on the earth, and promote him to pass through the system maker, which is the first taboo of Dijiang.

He used to block the invasion of the alien world for Tianyuan World, and even counterattacked the outside world. After the war with the colorless diamonds, he was very unknown.

He is not hostile to the taboo female emperor, but is the hero of the Tianyuan world!

"You don't understand, it is the first taboo, the strongest existence of congenital taboos, and his existence itself is completely different from other taboos." The taboo female emperor shook his head.

"What is different?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"Specific, I don't know, but only him is not a congenital taboo in the Tianyuan world." Taboo female emperor.

However, Qin Qi did not understand what the difference represented.

Is there a problem with the first taboo?

He tried his best to do so much, one of which was to balance the female emperor?

He is jealous of taboo female emperors.

But have to resurrect the taboo female emperor?

This kind of contradiction is really puzzling.

Moreover, this is really the great existence that led Tian Yuan Yingjie, resolutely counterattacking the outside world?

It seems that I changed someone.

"You don't have to doubt that the facts are already here, but the reason is not one or two sentences can be said clearly." The taboo female faint.

"Even if you don't have me, can you resurrect?" Qin Qi took a deep breath and asked instead.

"I have already laid the cause and effect before I die. Once someone in the future will use the resurrection technique, then the resurrection will only be me." The taboo female emperor bluntly said.

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