God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1670: Goodbye dragon light dance

The first thousand six hundred and seventy chapters goodbye dragon light dance

The Great Brahma and the Buddhist monk are extremely deep, and they are the inheritance of one of the 28th day of the Buddha's Gate, the great Brahma. The Buddha's Dharma has entered the realm. In just a few decades, it has come to the realm of a god. It is already strong. It is.

This is not the infinite amount of incense that will be able to accumulate, and its buddha nature is profound, and the understanding of Dharma is the key!

Buddhism pays attention to meditation, and once it is realized, the breakthrough of the realm is a matter of course.

And this is one of their rhetoric to enter the Buddha.

Not interested in Buddhism, it is impossible to ignore the powerful strength.

"I hope that there is no problem, that evil sorrow, even dare to hang on the sky, and to see what is the purpose!" The three nets are cold and sly, and they are angry, but they are a buddha.

The Dafan Buddhist monk is deep and faint, saying: "This is the overseas Buddhist monk. Since the evil spirits will be looted here, I am afraid that it is also related to the empty air itself."

"I saw that island!" Among the group of old men, the only young monk snorted and suddenly speeded up and turned into a Buddha light.

“Is this Mount Putuo?” The Dafan monk whispered a Buddha’s name, and his hands were in ten, and the Buddha’s light broke out in the body, and it rushed into the fairy mountain.

Qin Qi is near them, and when they hear their conversation, they can still calm down.

The air in their mouth is not a dragon dance?

She has already left the pure land of the sky, and she has been smashed into the earth in the East China Sea.

And the fairy island in front is the legendary Putuo Mountain?

All of this is a bit amazing, but compared to the safety of the dragon light dance, these are nothing, Qin Qi is no longer followed, and the body shape has flashed, has entered the Putuo Mountain.

I am afraid that the evil one was the one I met in the ancient times, and the inheritance of the power of Devadado. Has he finally appeared again?

In the middle of the chaotic world, he once said that the dragon dances with the Buddha. After a long time, it appears again, and the dragon dances, is it for that?

In the eyes of Qin Qi, the coldness is getting deeper.

He did not want to see the dragon light dance, because he consciously lost a lot of dragons and danced, erased all her memories, but also wanted her to live happily in the second half, no longer worry.

But letting her be in Buddhism does not mean that Qin Qi no longer values ​​her.

If the evil is afraid of the dragon's light dance, Qin Qi absolutely let him regret his life!

Putuo Mountain, one of the most prestigious Xianshan Mountains in the East China Sea, is also an important pure land of Buddhism. At this moment, mountaineering, it is not worthy of fame, everywhere is full of fairy scent, great compassionate buddha nature, deep-rooted.

A mountain, a forest, all have Buddhahood, it is amazing.

This is also the place where Qin Qi follows the Buddha's door. Otherwise, I am afraid it is difficult to come to this fairy island.

Entering Xiandao, Qin Qi's mental power is finally released. Even if it is Putuoshan, it can't resist the power of Qin Qi. Most of the time is in the Qin Qi's perception.

"With!" Qin Qi eyes bright, has already perceived the breath of the dragon light dance.

The breath is very smooth and should be safe.

In addition, Qin Qi also sensed the evil spirits.

His breath and the chaos of the ancient world changed a lot, and became deeper and stronger, but if he had a trace of the past, Qin Qi could only send him to see the Buddha.

Step by step, the natural prohibition in Xianshan could not stop Qin Qi, the next moment appeared, Qin Qi has come to a piece of Zizhu forest.

This piece of Zizhulin is very strange. Although there is no ban on it, Qin Qi can't force it to cross the past.

In this way, Qin Qi can only come out and walk into it.

Zizhulin is extremely ethereal, and there is a mist of immortality. The bamboo leaves are covered with a purple light, and the light is gentle. There is a Buddha shape in it. It seems that even this purple bamboo must become a Buddha.

This is unusual. Only the place where the Buddha is meditation all year round will have such a sight.

Qin Qi’s heart was inevitably more vigilant, and his breath was not revealed at all. Even if he walked in, he still could not detect his trace.

Finally, Qin Qi went to the depths of the Zizhulin. Here, the Buddha's light is more intense. It seems that every bamboo, every inch of mud, has the power of the Buddha.

Like a Buddha!

In front, the fairy smog, together, is a woman.

Qin Qi heart could not help but slightly tightened, seeing her, Qin Qi still could not help but step back, the heart is complicated and difficult to say.

Dragon light dance, for Qin Qi, is a woman who wants to let go, but knows that she must not let go.

Pity her, love her but she can only bear her.

Seeing the pure land in the sky, Qin Qi did not know how to face it, but now reunited again, but it is only like the world.

Qin Qi can only stand quietly and watch quietly.

The dragon dances lightly, she is still so beautiful, as she first saw it, but at that time she was more vivid, like the goddess, and at this moment, under the glory of the Buddha, the skin looks crystal clear and flawless, such as the female bodhisattva. general.

She sat on a piece of bluestone, hand-picked the Buddha's seal, and behind her, it was a shadow, and it was constantly solidifying.

Qin Qi can clearly feel that everything around him, even the entire Putuo Mountain, is centered on the dragon light dance, and the Buddha nature, the fairy light, is also pouring into the body of the dragon light dance.

As if, the dragon light dance is the master here.

As for the evil spirits, he sat not far away, and he stepped on the basalt that was originally accepted as a mount. This little turtle has no enchanting charm at the moment.

It seems that whether it is Sakyamuni or the descendant of Devadado, it is very keen on this point.

The evil spirits are still evil and sinister. On the chest of the dew, the dark and sturdy words are deeper. Obviously, he has become closer to the power of Devadado.

And his realm has come to return to a god, and I don’t know what kind of creation.

Qin Qi frowned, the power of evil spirits, he did not put it in his heart, but he did not understand what the evil spirits wanted to do.

At this moment, the dragon light dance is nourished by the whole Putuo Mountain. It is obviously changing. It can be said that it is a kind of creation.

Is evil so kind?

"Oh, it seems that there is a guest." The original eyes of the evil spirits slowly opened.

At a certain moment, Qin Qi only felt that Huang Quan was trembled, and there was a feeling of being pulled a little. However, with the power of Qin Qi, it was natural to instantly break this connection and not be aware of evil.

It seems that the evil spirits are getting closer and closer to Devadado.

After all, Huang Quan is not only a ghost of the Nether, but Deva Dado is also one of the builders. It is normal to have induction.

On the occasion of evil eyes open, the void on his side began to shake, and then a dark portal appeared, one stepping out, but like an endless swordsman!

Although the atmosphere has been converged to the extreme, the kind of swordsmanship can be felt, and it is scalp and numb.

Knife damage!

Yes, the mask of the dead is subordinate to the government, and it is not too surprising to stand in the same place as the evil spirits!

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