God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1680: Listen to my heart

The first thousand six hundred and eighty chapters listen to the heart and mind

"Hey!" Zi Yan snorted and did not raise objections.

Thousands of seas and seas will be opened every ten years. Although every time there will be a good chance of making things, it is just like that. Purple is not to join in the fun, and now it has not reached the realm of the king.

It’s just this time, obviously different, there are too many unimaginable masters coming together.

The purple scorpion has a hunch that the opening of the thousand seas will be far more than any previous one.

"Let's go, time is estimated to be coming." Qin Qidao.

"Accurately, there is still a quarter of an hour."

"Isn't that fast?" Qin Qi was speechless, dancing with the dragon, and dive away.

"Purple, I am slow, you pull me!" Tian Hao quickly called.

The purple scorpion spits out a breath and stretches out a tentacle to entangle the scorpio.

"Hey, why don't you take me, I don't want to touch!"

"To shut up!"

"It’s still a while away from the destination, Zi Yan, I will give you a poem."



This place is a trench, extremely huge, and the deepest part of it is the deepest part of the entire East China Sea, that is, the entrance to the Thousand Seas.

When Qin Qi sank to this place, they immediately felt the strong pressure from all sides.

Obviously, the strong have gathered here.

This area, unlike the darkness of other places, has a radiance that radiates from the bottom of the sea and can see everything around it.

On the bottom of the sea, above the land, at this moment many strong people are standing around a stone monument.

This stone monument has been placed with countless precious sacrifices in front of it. This place is the key to the opening of the sea.

If you look closely, it is the stone monument centered on it. The thousands of kilometers are all traces of ancient times. It is the proof that Atlantis once existed.

"The time is almost up, let's open the sea of ​​thousands of seas." Zeus whispered.

After escaping from the Temple of the Devil, Zeus and other demon gods did not return to the heavens, but directly hide them, in order to wait for the opening of the thousand seas.

In the 100,000 years of the local government, they have learned a lot of secrets, and there will be a great creation in the eyes of thousands of seas.

"When time is not up, why bother." Among the Haizu, the first one of the Hailong people has a faint opening.

He is also one of the gods who escaped from the Temple of the Devil, and is the king of the half-step gods, but this place is the ocean, his home, so it is not how afraid of Zeus.

"Reassured, at this time, we can still wait." And this time, it turned out to be Lu Youming!

After Lu Zhao and two rebelled the Temple of the Devil, they also disappeared. The reason was similar to that of the Devils. Once they were worried about the return of the taboo female emperor, they would wipe them out. Second, it is also known that the opening of the Thousand Seas is not normal. Must not be missed.

It is said that the Haiqiang strong people are not very good-looking. The strong people attracted by this time are too many, and they are all prepared to take a share.

Although they have the key, they obviously have no ability to expel these strong people, and they can only rely on their own skills.

"The opportunity to create, the people who live, but also hope that you do not hurt the gas is good." Qinglong God opened.

Since the Yaozu and the Haizu are ready to unite, the Qinglong God naturally does not mind going on this basis and reaching an alliance with the Haizu.

With the power of the King of the Dragon and the Dragon King, the king of the gods is almost able to compete with Zeus or Lu Youming.

"This is natural." Zeus sneered.

The time passed by, and the atmosphere of this area began to change gradually. The old stone monument shook slightly, and the mud on it naturally fell off, revealing a road.

"Get started!"

All the strong are breathtaking, each brewing strength, ready to enter the eye of thousands of seas.

The stone monument was completely revealed, and the ancient lines above were also lit up.


An invisible wave spreads out, and it is followed by a powerful and unrivaled force that can crush the world and smash the sea. It is the king of the gods, and can't help but change.

They can feel that there is a will, which is beyond the power of the king of the gods!

Is the sea eye will?

However, the sea-eye will obviously be restricted by the thousands of seas, it can arbitrarily succumb to the existence of the true gods, but it is difficult for Zeus to have such a presence.

This also gave Zeus a sigh of relief.

At the same time, both eyes are even hotter.

"let's start!"

The mermaid emperor sighed, his eyes were full of worries, but nowadays, even if there are strong enemies looking around, they can't shrink back, and they must open their eyes.

The sea as the key to hearing is naturally the focus of everyone.

The sea listened with a wry smile, and the big liar in the heart of Qin Qi was not even there now, which made her feel a little safe.

This is surrounded by the king of the gods, and it is possible to kill her with a little finger.

Especially, Zeus and others, who hate Qin Qi, will not shoot her now, but once she has completed her mission as a key, I am afraid that it is impossible for her to live.

At that time, her father couldn't keep her, and Hailong God wouldn't fight for Zeus for her. It was the key to take the opportunity to enter the thousand seas.

But even so, the sea has no choice but to go forward.

"The big liar, you must catch up." The sea listened with a heart, and slowly walked toward the stone tablet step by step.

"Little girl, move faster, don't delay our time!" Lu Jia, a **** king, is impatient.

The sea listened to the heart, and the corners of the eyes shook. Grandpa’s, she is now in danger. If she is not lucky, she may be killed. Will it also threaten you?

The **** of the Lu family, if you hear the heart of the sea in the weekdays, you have already hid, and you dare to provoke, but now, who are you?

"You said to the old lady again, believe it or not, the old lady is not doing it!" Hai listened directly to the hips and shouted.

Anyway, now the thousand seas are still not open, who is afraid of who, now has the ability to kill me!

The sea listened to the heart and went out, ready for the final prestige.

The sea’s strong counterattack made Lu’s eyes stunned and his face was suddenly ugly.

The mermaid in a district even dared to be so arrogant in front of him, just looking for death!

"Little girl, are you impatient?" Lu Youzhen shouted.

"I am impatient, you have to kill me now!" This time, the sea is still afraid of you?

"You..." Lu Youzhen was furious.

"Enough, don't waste time!" Lu Youming shouted.

"Hey!" Lu Youzhen snorted, but it was clear that no one can listen to the sea now, can only bear it, but when the sea listens to open the eyes of the sea, he is the first to not let the sea Listen to the heart.

"Continue," Lu Youming is cold and cold.

"I don't, he dared to threaten me. If you don't apologize, you will wait another ten years!" The sea is not immune.

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