God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1695: snatch

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-five chapters snatch

"It is this power. If you can have it, you can break through the shackles of the kings of the gods, and the taboos!" The thunder of Zeus suddenly swelled.

He has been standing at the apex of the king of the gods for too long, but the world does not allow the power of the king of the gods.

Unless it is a natural taboo.

Or, it is the incredible existence of the taboo female emperor.

Zeus did not realize that the road to the taboo female emperor was different from them, but he did not have the ambition to re-cultivate.

After all, it is possible to go to the apex of the king of the gods. It depends on itself. It also needs the righteousness and harmony. All the way, many creations are not repeatable.

Once you come back, even abortion is possible.

However, there is no hope.

The power in the taboo palace, or the power in the thousands of seas, can make them break through the shackles of the world and come to the taboo!

For those who have come to the top, nothing is more desperate than despair.

The world is ruthless and does not allow for stronger forces to emerge, so once you seize the opportunity, you can't let it go!

This ancient lamp is theirs!

Zeus and Lu Youming, both eyes are full of excitement, they do not care about anything, the power of the body is crazy, direct shot.

Lu Youming has a long gun in hand, Lu Jiajiu cold kills the gun!

Lujiadiyun, the peak of the supreme artifact, can be compared with the monkey's iron rod.

The guns were moving, the chill was covered with empty space, and everyone was numb, feeling all under the lock of this gun.

Zeus drank, and directly turned this land into the thunder's ocean. The thunder with the power of judgment is everywhere, and no one wants to dodge!

Zeus holds the thunder hammer, and the endless thunder bursts out.

His weapon has been obtained by Qin Qi, but even if it is not the artifact that he is famous for, it is almost the same, and it is only a step away from the sacred artifact!

At this juncture, it is to destroy the earth.

The two real kings of the gods, even a nonsense, did not open directly, naturally incompetent, is Qin Qi, can not help but frown.

"You are going back!"

Qin Qi shouted, the body of the bronze force mad, turned into a barrier, blocking the king of the two gods.

"The power of the opposite world, damn, you are the same as the woman, and you have gone the other way!" Zeus gritted his teeth, his eyes were terrible and scary.

They can hope that the realm of Qin Qi, but they can break through, without the constraints of the world.

Why is the sky unfair!

"Dead!" Zeus growled and the thunder hammer fell.

The violent Thunder instantly rushed out, each of them was like a dragon snake, and the mouth spit the snake letter, and these snake letters were actually the appearance of the thunder hammer, and the "bang and boom" sounded non-stop.

The arc wandered and was surrounded by all directions. Most of them did not attack Qin Qi, but rushed to the dragon to dance them.

Obviously, Zeus is trying to force Qin to take care of it and not be able to fight.

Lu Youming also means this. The gun is swaying, but the trajectory is not a straight line, but a seven-turn, and he does not know where he will be.

"Hey, how can it be so simple, how about putting you in the past?" Qin Qi was cold and retired, and he stepped back a few steps. The body was full of power and the dragon light dance and others were protected.

At the same time, the dragon gods tears and squats, the traces of the sky and the tears of the sky come out together, with the meaning of killing swords, straight through the soul.

Both Zeus and Lu Youming were in a tight heart. I didn't expect Qin Qi's sword to be so terrible. As I saw before, I was judged to face death directly.

Has the horrible guy grown to this point?

It is enough to match them, even if they are not careful, they will be killed by Qin Qi.

I have to get the old lamp and say it!

After all, Qin Qi has to be distracted by his care. Moreover, she did not fully stop Zeus and Lu Youming. Although the bronze gas is oscillating, the silver mans are already clear, but they still can't stop the king of the two gods.

The thunder roared, the long gun and the dragon, the two kings of the masses of the gods repeatedly shocked, breaking the sword of Qin Qi and rushing to the ancient lamp of heaven.

"My!" Zeus was dazzling, and the thunder on his body turned into a giant hand, and he grabbed the ancient lamp.

The mysterious power of taboos seems to have already arrived, which can help him break through.

"Come to me!" Lu Youming sneered, how could Zeus succeed, the nine cold killing guns, and even the number of points, the power of the king of the gods condensed to the extreme.

Looking at nothing, just a straight stroke, but if it is hit, Zeus is also uncomfortable.

In the first place, Zeus and Lu Youming will not let anyone, and they want to get it.

"Athena, you are not helping me!" Zeus shouted.

The ancestors of these Mozus hated the taboo female emperor too deeply. Even though Tianyuan’s current situation is beneficial to several of the ancestors, he did not choose to stand on the Qinqi side.

They really hate the taboo female emperor!

Naturally hate Qin Qi.

The light of Athena flashed slightly, her breath was extremely strong, and she was rewarded under the water, and now it is closer to the king of the gods.

She is not a guy who is willing to be behind, and she also has the capital to surpass it.

But now, it is not the time.

"Heavenly heavens policy!"

Athena low drink, the magic of the body swept out, she is the goddess of war and wisdom, which gives her the advantages of both single and joint operations.

Tianyuan’s policy is the unique power of Athena. It can unite with the power of the Tianyuan 12 clan to fight against strong enemies.

At this moment, the ancestors of the remaining clan, angered, and the magical powers came out, through the body of Athens, attached to Zeus.

And Zeus, arrogant, attached the power of the gods, his fierceness is already unable to contain the momentum, rolling out, this special space, can not bear.

The body of Zeus was almost turned into a thunder, and there was a rush of thunder from him, and the thunder hammer swayed, and indeed had the power to judge everything.

Lu Youming was cold and cold, and the Jiuqu cold-killing gun repeatedly stabbed and shattered the pieces of thunder, but it was obvious that it was impossible to rival Zeus in this state.

"Get out of the way!" Zeus drank, Lei Guang hit the pole, the giant hammer shook, Lu Youming could not compete, has been forced to open.

"Help me!" Lu Youming drank.

He is not alone, but also stands behind the masters of Lu and Zhao.

At the same time that Lu Zhao and the two gods joined forces in the same day, they also unveiled the alliance in an instant, and the battle matrix was superimposed. All the forces were poured into Lu Youming.

"Zeus, this light does not belong to you!" Lu Youming yelled, the gun was out, the week was frozen, and the Thunder was crushed and shattered before the gun.

Gun out, if the beam is normal, directly penetrates all the thunder, Zeus is close to the ancient lanterns, but with such a shot, can only avoid its front!

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