God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1697: Suddenly

The first thousand six hundred and ninety-seven chapters suddenly turned

Can not continue this way, or sooner or later it will be consumed by thousands of ancient gods, Qin Qi even if the recovery is amazing, it is impossible to compare with the ancient gods.

From the beginning to the end, he did not have the slightest power to decay.

For the present, there is only one way.

That is killing!

Killed Zeus and killed Lu Youming, so Qin Qi can enter the ranks of silver, which is equivalent to the level of taboos!

However, the difficulty of the war situation, the mutual defense between the three is a big reason.

And the other two guys are by no means a good match. It is not easy to kill them.

If they fight back, Qin Qi thinks that I am afraid I can't stand it.

Need to wait for an opportunity.

The battle situation is a little bit glued, and it is difficult for the ancient gods to go all out, and Qin Qi, they are indeed strong enough. For a time, no one can help.

As the hub of heaven and earth, Athena is the core of supporting Zeus.

At this moment, her dawn flashed slightly, her eyes fell to Zeus, and fell to Qin Qi.

Her look seems a little different from before, and that is a very subtle difference.

"蝼 蝼, 蝼 蚁!" Thousands of robbers and ancient gods furious, and they could not take Qin Qi, and he was very angry.

And beside him, the water droplets slowly condensed, it was not water, but the condensed to the extreme.

Immediately, the water droplets are shot like bullets, and the speed is fast, even above the thousands of robbers.

The three strongest people are all in the heart. It is very clear that if they are hit by this water droplet, I am afraid that they will not be killed.

The current rapid evasion, and the defense has been raised to the extreme.

The thunder and light roared, the gun mans and the sword mans cut through the void, and the bottom of the water was crushed.

However, the arm of the ancient gods has been pressed again, and Qin Qi’s pressure has suddenly multiplied.

Meng Meng, Qin Qi look changed, the eyes can not be seen in one place.

At the same time, Zeus's roar sounded.

He was hit, and several drops of water directly broke his Thunder defense and put his chest hole through!

But it shouldn't be so right. With Zeus's current power, even if it is very stubborn, it should still be able to withstand it. Even if it is slightly careless, it can't be hurt like this.

"Athena!" But Zeus screamed wildly and his face was scary.

At the time of the millennium, once the power changed slightly, it might be hurt, and Athena, who gave Zeus support, suddenly put away the heavenly policy.

This change came too suddenly, and Zeus did not think of it.

After all, even in this case, even if Athena has her own ambitions, it is impossible to choose this opportunity to attack him.

That is simply to find death.

So even if Zeus responded with the fastest speed, he was penetrated by three water droplets.

This injury is not too light, enough to make Zeus robbed.

Zeus had no time to get angry, because he felt the ultimate danger, it was a killing atmosphere, to give him permanent death!

"Zeus, remember the prophecy of Prometheus?"

Qin Qi’s voice was very cold, and after Qin Qi’s body, Cronus’s body grew to the extreme.

The disappearance of Cronus led to the complete destruction of the Titans led by Zeus, and the prophecy of Prometheus, Zeus, will die in the hands of the Titans!

Now is the time to predict the realization.

The timing of Athena's shot was very well mastered, just as Qin Qi had the spare capacity and gave Zeus a fatal blow.

Invincible sword!

The sword fell.

Zeus smashed, and all the power was turned into a Thunder, attacking Qin Qi.

It’s just that the trade-offs, how can he fight Qin Qi’s invincible sword?

Swords, the head rolled down.

The third generation of the gods of Tianyuan, the **** of Thor, the hiding of the scorpion, survived the endless years, and finally at this moment, was killed by Qin Qi and a sword!

"No!" Zeus screamed wildly.

How can he end this life?

He is Zeus!

But no matter how unwilling, it can't resist the advent of death.

Qin Qi’s killing sword directly shattered all the possibilities of Zeus’s survival.

The body and the soul are all dead.

This is not over yet. After Athena concealed Zeus, as the hub of the heavens, the body still retains the power of the gods.

She did not hesitate at all. When Qin Qiyi was at Zeus, she had already smashed her sword to Lu Zhao!

Athena suddenly rebelled, Zeus died directly, who can think of it.

The battlefield between Lu and Zhao also moved, and it was difficult to fully support Lu Youming.

"You are crazy, do this, that is, everyone will die together!" Lu Youming's pale snarl.

Zeus is dead, and with him and Qin Qi, it is impossible to fight against the ancient gods.

And now, Athena and Qin Qi, is it going to kill him together?

What is the difference between this and death?

However, Qin Qi’s sword has arrived.

A force, all gathered in this sword.

Lu Youming bites his teeth. In the end, there is Zeus in front. He is not totally unresponsive. If he is going all out, he can still avoid this sword.

It’s just the tears of the dragon **** in the hands of Qin Qi, but it slammed brightly, and there was a special wave of volatility.

Jianguang is still smashing down according to Lu Youming.

"What about your sword?"

Lu Youming thought hard, he rebelled the temple of the gods, so the taboo female emperor gave punishment?

This dragon **** tears, this is part of the power of the taboo female emperor, under the cause and effect, Lu Youming can not escape, was Qin Qiyijian opened his body.

All the ambitions, in the end, are extravagant.

And thousands of mistakes, in the final analysis, is that you should not betray the taboo female emperor.

This mistake is doomed to his destruction!

This cause and effect, Qin Qi slightly surprised, but this is also good, traitors, since the death of the female emperor's sword.

While smothering Zeus and Lu Youming in one breath, the breath of Qin Qi’s body finally began to skyrocket, the bronze gas rolled, the color of silver became more and more intense, and the power was stronger and stronger!

Bronze, no longer.

Now Qin Qi, has come to the ranks of silver!

One Star Silver IV!

The ranks of taboos.

The whiteness of the body continued to flow, and Qin Qi’s power at the moment was violent and scary.

"Leave you one person, enough to extinguish this light!" Thousands of robbers and ancient gods shouted, the giant hand suddenly pressed.

"This light will be bright and will light up the road!"

"And you, stop here." Qin Qi said indifferently, the body also condensed a giant hand, blocking the power of the ancient gods.

Heavenless diamond gods!

Then, Qin Qi deceived forward, and the power above the dragon god's tears was also brewing to the limit.

Sword one!

Destroy all!

"Impossible, I am the will of the world, even the taboo female emperor can not destroy me, how can you!" When the ancient gods are crazy, endless thousands of robbers come out.

However, all of them were blocked by Qin Qi’s silver gas.

In the chest of the ancient gods, a hollow is constantly magnifying, and no matter how the ancient gods stop it, they cannot stop it.

It is dead.

"Your Majesty is not ruining you, it is scrupulous about this world, but now, you don't have to care." Qin Qi said indifferently.

"No, no..."

Qin Qi looked indifferent and did not continue to listen to the desire. The silver gas on his body continued to stir up and wrap up the ancient gods.

"We can't make the water in your hands, but you can be the fire of the smelter in my hands."

"Good cherish, your last value!"

After all, Qin Qi turned his hand, and the ancient gods suddenly became distorted and turned into a thousand-robbery fire. This is the refining of the mysterious debris, the best one!

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