God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1702: Cleanup

The first chapter of the seven hundred and twenty-two chapters

The Emperor has no choice, he must shoulder the responsibility that this spirit cannot afford.

Even if you leave your people, you must move forward.

This matter cannot be known by outsiders. Only a few natural taboos are known.

Because even the Emperor doesn't know if their plan will succeed, or even how long the plan will last. If the middle of the world returns again and learns about it, then everything will fall short.

Therefore, you can't let outsiders know about it.

Also can't let the aliens come early!

So the final decision, the first taboo and Heines stayed in Tianyuan, in case of emergency.

And several other natural taboos, such as the Devil's smallpox - Farnes, the demon **** blood - the demon ancestors, they left by the road opened by the emperor, the soldiers divided the three way, to seek stronger power.

After that, the taboo female emperor turned out to surpass the qualification of the emperor, and the Tianyuan is the first taboo, not her opponent.

Such a person is the one who is most capable of leading the plan to continue.

The first taboo found her and told her about the plan.

However, the taboo female emperor did not agree.

She does not care what the Tianyuan world will become.

Because with her strength, even if the outside world falls, even the Tianyuan is destroyed, there is no need to worry about anything.

What she wants is just waiting for her brother to come back.

But in the end, the taboo female emperor still took over the plan.

Because of the Holy Witch of Atlantis, the day after the day is the most taboo, she received a prophecy at the expense of her life.

The prophecy of the destruction of the world.

This prophecy is the emergence of great fission in time and space, which is the chief culprit in the destruction of Tianyuan world!

The taboo female emperor wants to wait for her brother to come back, so she can't watch the world destroy, she can only take over the plan.

The Holy Witch did not believe that the taboo female emperor could succeed. She used the prophecy of the female emperor as a bargaining chip in exchange for the departure of Atlantis.

For this, as the guardian of Atlantis, the natural taboo - Heines, can not stop.

The practice of the Holy Witch does have a sense of escape, but she has also paid for it!

She is willing to give everything to the city of God. She protects her people in her own way. No one can say anything.

The taboo female emperor promised her and sent Atlantis to leave the world of Tianyuan.

However, there is only one such Atlantis in the world. Only such a great city of gods, the world of spirits, can not leave the heavenly world through the road left by the emperor.

Therefore, the plan can only continue.

Since the taboo female emperor presided over the plan, she would not do nothing, she must ensure that the plan can proceed smoothly.

She began to make up for the omissions in the plan with her anti-sky posture.

The emperor they left, to find other worlds in the cold and endless universe, this is extremely difficult, and the direction of loss is inevitable.

The Tianyuan world is a world that other worlds don't know. In the marginal zone, there is no coordinate at all.

Even if people and others really become extremely strong, returning becomes a problem.

The ancient lamp of heaven is the lighthouse in the darkness, and will guide the emperors to return them!

The appearance of the ancient lamp of the destiny has made the world of Tianyuan begin to be jealous. The laws and regulations of the world do not allow this kind of rebellion to exist.

Thousands of seas have appeared, and the ancient gods, as part of the will of the world, began to obstruct the plan.

Then, the ancient **** of thousands of robbers was crushed by the taboo female emperor.

If the other party is part of the will of the world, the taboo female emperor can kill it directly.

As a last resort, the imprisoned female emperor left his life and sealed it, so that Heinez, who had already been beaten by her, was taken care of.

Everything is going well, but the content of the prophecy has always made it difficult for the taboo female emperor to feel at ease.

She believes that the possibility of returning from the emperor and others is too low, and more people must be sent out to have a chance.

Then, the taboo female emperor made the prophecy of the holy witch into a taboo secret, let it pass on, whoever can read the contents of the taboo secret, who is eligible to participate in the plan!

Tianyuan World is very weak, but it seems that there is no shortage of surprises, and the eternal glory of the times has emerged.

For example, the two demon kings are against the heavens, and the emperor and the emperor, such as the Buddha, the Buddha, and the Buddha, the Buddha, and the Buddha, and the daughter of the Buddha, all read the contents of the taboo secret.

Therefore, the taboo female emperor also sent them away. ,

Buddhism has its own magical method, the water depth is unpredictable, and Sakyamuni and Devadado are all successfully taking the children together.

While Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi could not do this, only two people left.

However, their departure is not without conditions.

Shakyamuni left the eggs of the time he had mastered. Most of the heads left the world of the land, and Emperor Jun and the emperor of the East were taboo, and the female emperor took the initiative to open the door and asked them the ten sons of the Jinwu and Baijinwu.

These have become part of the plan to complete the female emperor.

Then there is a long wait.

Later, the outside world opened the door and invaded the heavenly world. The first taboo was the hero who took Tianyuan, and at the expense of life, he rushed back the powerful.

The taboo female emperor did not participate in the war, she could not reveal herself, she had her mission.

After that, it is waiting again.

Until, the spatiotemporal fission in the prophecy is finally coming.

The taboo female emperor, etc., left a fire for all ethnic groups, and then began the plan.

The struggle between the two Jinwus touched the weak barrier of the Tianyuan world in the time and space, which led to the destruction of the Tianyuan world.

But in fact, this is a last resort sacrifice to bring back things that have come with time and space to bring back to the world of heaven.

The two things are the mysterious fragments of the day, and the anti-Kunlun obtained by Qin Qi.

In order to do so, both of them have paid their lives and bear the nickname of the world.

Even if it is a system, I dare not disclose the true premature disclosure to Qin Qi. So what Qin Qi saw 100,000 years ago is what he thinks is true. For the death of two Jinwu, I also think that death is not enough.

Until I saw the contents of the real chapter, I was so embarrassed that it was difficult to conceal my sentiment.

And after they followed, the taboo female emperor finally began his mission.

The egg of causality in the expectation appeared, and the gods rose together, and the female emperor was forbidden, and the egg of cause and effect was captured, and then the power of the egg of time was used to seal it in that period of time.

Then, at the dusk of the gods, the female emperor turned into a portrait with her own flesh, and blocked it before the crack, and then used the land as a shield to completely seal the crack.

But she also left two strengths.

One is the egg of time, which is the key to returning to the egg of cause and effect with the return of a good man 100,000 years ago.

The other is the blueprint of the plan, and the gifts left by the strong people who have left the Tianyuan world.

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