God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1714: Miraculous person

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-four chapters to create miracles

If you want to bring a crown, you must bear the weight!

The fire enjoys everything, but at the time of the human race, she also has the responsibility to stand up and fight for the tribe!

This is the emperor. This is the female emperor. This is what the past generations have done and they have done.

The fire, this is a kind of will, the inheritance is immortal, the unwilling will!

Qin Yi went up to the sky, and the salary on the forehead burned indefinitely. The power was transmitted to all parts of Zhongzhou through the Emperor's pen. Everyone can feel a call.

In their bodies, the blood flowing in them has boiled up, and the power rushed out like a raindrop, gathering from all directions to the fire.

These forces are small, but once they get together, it is a huge force!

The officers of the borders were kneeling on the ground and carrying military ceremonies.

Before the red-white double hall, everyone looked at the direction of the power gathering, and they were bright red and white, and together with the strength of the soldiers, turned into light and broke through the sky.

Now, I can only do this.

The people of the day, one by one, in the whole of the state, completely liberate their own power and transport the past to the fire.

Wang Qianyu, Zuo Qiuhan, Su Qingqing, Nangong Law Kill, Shi Tianhao, Cai Ziqing, Jiang Xueting... Their strengths go away, leaving no trace.

Mo Ziqi, Su Shi, Xiao Bai, Situ Jing, Gao Wei, Qin Xiaopeng, Brahma Sheng, Yun Er, Fu Er... They are all shining, and they will send their strength without reservation.

Qin Qi has already informed them about the end plan and told them the danger they will face.

However, he promised to come back.

Then, it must be the same as before, and it will come back completely.

Border, to the hinterland, sects, to the country, the warrior, to the mortal, all the people, one by one, whether it is the enemy of the past, or the comrades, whether it is a wicked person or a good person.

As long as it is a human race, at this moment, all contribute to their own strength.

They couldn't help but lie on the ground and bow down in the direction of power gathering.

They don't know what happened, but they know that someone is sacrificing for them!

Qin Yi, like a torch, the power that comes together will flood into her body, which brings together the power of the entire state, all human races.

Even if it is a fire, it can't be carried.

It’s just that the Terran is a fire, and it’s always going to protect its people!

Without hesitation, he does not need to hesitate. Although Qin Yi is a woman, he also has the discouragement of sacrifice for the human race.

"Brother, let me help you!" Qin Yi whispered, and the fire was even more blazing, and all the forces that came together should be poured into the body.

"Let me do it."

It was a hand, pressed on the shoulders of Qin Yi, and then a group of equally blazing flames carried all the power away!

"Beautiful, you said your man, a hero of the Terran!"

"I won't let you down. Now, am I qualified to meet you?"

Ye Liangchen, he is coming.

The salary on his body is so blazing, just like in the past, he first appeared in the battlefield of the North, and turned the tide.

He has always been a fire.

Shengqian is not mistaken, he has always been a fire, not a fake, but he never really shows the power of the fire.

But now, he did it.

Today is a desperate situation, only a miracle can reverse the situation.

Then let the miracle come.

Because the miracle has always had a name, he called the people to be a fire, his name is Ye Liangchen!

The emperor's city lord, etc., squatted on the ground, clenched their teeth, and burst into tears.

Ye Liangchen, carrying the power of all Terran, rushed into the universe, that is the last hope of the Terran!

"Ye Liangchen!"

Qin Qi's only reason, seeing the fire burning, Ye Liangchen, he came, he is a miracle, he is also a hero.

Chen Meijing, you are right, the person you like, not fake, not scorpion, not waste, he is the real fire, the real miracle!

"Ye Liangchen, don't care about anything, rush over, and leave the rest to me!"

"We two, together for the human race, kill a day!"

Qin Qi roared, he abandoned all the last reason, and the boundless killing filled him, and he was surrounded by blood, like a monster killed by killing!

He held the sword and rushed to the green diamond.

He also wants to create miracles!

Because the miracle has always been color, just from the nine colors, turned into scarlet!


Qin Qi was in front, and the blood was broken through a million miles.

After Ye Liangchen is behind, the fire is bright and shines through the new century!

"Hugh thinking!" Surprised in the heart of the quenched green, I did not expect the Tianyuan world in the district, there is such a power.

However, he is a green diamond, the invincible power of the diamond realm.

It is impossible to break through his barrier.

Green Jade's drill was serious, and a big hand condensed and shot to Qin Qi.

This kind of power, that is, the world of Tianyuan, can be directly broken, not to mention Qin Qi.


To answer him, only one word is killed.

Behind Qin Qi, the mountains emerged, clearer than ever before.

The scarlet color reddened the mountains.

A scream of Kun Kun, killing Kunlun!

Sky Market!

Heaven and earth become a market.

Like this mountain of God, it was slammed down, nine hundred and ninety-nine faucets, rising up and biting into the green diamond.

"Is this mountain really?" The heart of the green diamond was shocked, and his power was actually broken by the Qin Qi sword.

He is a diamond, and he was smashed by a silver in the district?

But no matter how you don't believe it, the facts are already in front of you. The ancestor of Wanshan, the king of the mountain king, the 999 mountain ranges, do have inexplicable power, and diamonds should be taboo.

A gap has appeared.

And Ye Liangchen, where will let this opportunity pass, forcibly break through the past with the power of all Terran, and connect with the power of the Emperor!

It seems that from the depths of the distant universe, there is a cry of anger, is that the emperor is roaring?

Connected to the fire, the quenched green diamonds are no longer able to block the power of the emperor, the palm of the hand directly rushed to the state, grabbed it and pulled it to the world where the emperor was.

"Where is the fire, Qin Qi!" The gods must drink and they must be brought back at the last minute.

Just seeing it, let the fire burn out, leaving only the ignition seedlings, like a meteor, falling into the depths of the universe.

Ye Liangchen, passed away.

Here, the flowers are falling, and the pieces are broken into fires to form a dream. When it is like a good day, it will not bear the beauty!

God's Wandao and so on, all show grief, but there is no time, they have to pick up Qin Qi.

"This time, it seems that there is still an unexpected joy. If you can motivate this mountain, then your value is above the heavenly world!" The quenched green diamond has not taken care of Zhongzhou.

After all, he has not stopped.

But Qin Qi is an unexpected surprise.

He was still skeptical before. After all, he did not believe that Qin Qi could use the power of the mountain, but now, the sword has already made him convinced.

It must be the mountain!

That is the real powerful force, the heavens and the world are respected!

The quenched green diamond shot, Qin Qi seized, with Qin Qi, he paid the big price this time to get here first, it is not in vain.

"Qin Qi!" The empress of the night screamed, and the instinctive wanted to rush.

"You are crazy!" But it stopped her after the death.

The empress of the night sighed.

She has always hated Qin Qi, and there is no doubt about this.

In fact, only Qin Qi is the only proof of her past. In this world, only Qin Qi is special to her. For Qin Qi, it is also true.

They are all witnesses of their past, only the other party knows the origin of the other party, and that memory is a proof that each other existed.

Now, the only proof is to disappear.

The Empress of the Night never sighs silently. They pass through the universe like light and shadow, and it is no longer possible to save Qin Qi.

"If you die, he will help you kill the outside world."

Zhongzhou, also left, disappeared into the universe.

The end of the plan ended here, with sacrifice, in exchange for a miracle.

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