God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1717: Academy

The first seven hundred and seventy-seventh chapter

"It’s really amazing to have absorbed so many smog in the town and not turned into a dream."

On the small island surrounded by the smog of the town, a tattered woman squatted on the edge of the pothole that had just been thrown out, and looked at the blood underneath with curiosity.

The woman is very curious, this kind of injury, coupled with the absorption of a lot of smog, how this person is alive.

"This killing is really amazing, obviously lost consciousness, but it still makes people feel cold." The woman whispered, can feel the kind of killing spirit of Qin Qi.

"Does it be thanks to this killing, so can he maintain this state?" The woman thought about it.

After the killing of the violent, Qin Qi’s mind was directly abandoned, but the impact of the town’s smog on the spirit of the gods countered the reaction and allowed his mind to return.

So now Qin Qi is in a delicate balance, but keeps the self, but still in a coma.

The woman glanced at the smog in the town outside the island, and they had a tendency to shrink to the island.

The foggy night is about to begin, and the power of the smog will be multiplied, and it will no longer be around the island, but will be completely shrouded.

Only a few caves on the island can resist the power of the town.

And the smog of the town is not the most critical. The most important thing is that with the foggy night, the things in the smog are the real horror, and the root cause of Platinum not approaching this place.

The woman frowned, she must leave immediately, but she was hesitant.

But in the end, she dragged Qin Qi out of the pothole and flew to the island.

The duration of the foggy night is never fixed. Sometimes it's just a night, sometimes it can last a long time.

This time, it seems to be particularly long.

Qin Qi, lying in a dark cave, he has been in a coma for a long time, and now, finally, there is a reaction.

His body moved, his cracked lips opened, he wanted to say something, but he could only make a hoarse voice.

His consciousness began to return.

not dead.

He realized that he did not die.

After a while, Qin Qi recovered calmly. He began to examine his body and also observed the surrounding environment.

Immediately, Qin Qi was a sinking heart.

The surrounding environment is very special, even his perception, even spreads ten meters.

What is even worse is his body, which is so devastating that even now, there are several deep visible bone wounds, all of which are black and have thick water flowing out.

This is affected by the greening of the toxin, even if it is the body of the dragon vein, it is difficult to recover.

Or, if it is not the body of the dragon, Qin Qi can not support the present.

"There are traces of dressing, just this method..." Qin Qi noticed that someone helped him and gave himself medicine.

Although the dressing technique is very bad, this medicine is good in medicine and has a lot of help.

At this time, Qin Qi’s heart moved and someone came over.

Did she help herself?

Qin Qi opened his eyes and saw a pair of white and bare feet, stepping toward him step by step, and then Qin Qi's line of sight slowly went up, and finally, fixed on the other's face, his eyes suddenly showed a look of panic.

The woman was surprised, but she did not expect Qin Qi to wake up.

"Give you grass." The woman stepped forward.

"I don't!" Qin Qi screamed in anger and fainted.

The woman took the herbs and couldn’t help but sneered at herself. "Is it hard to survive, is it scared to death?"

The woman shook her head and sat down on the side of Qin Qi, looking out of the hole.

There was light coming in from the hole and it fell on her face.

It was an extremely ugly, distorted face!


Today, for the vast alien world, it can only be regarded as an ordinary day, but for the country of dreams, Qianhuzhou is a very meaningful day.

Thousand Lakes State, which is the state where the Big Dream Qianhu Lake is located, such as this state domain, there are no fewer than 100 dream countries, and each one is far above the Tianyuan world.

The reason why today is special, it is because the colleges and universities of Qianhu Prefecture, the outstanding students will gather together today to compete.

In the outside world, the inheritance of the Zongmen family and other practitioners does occupy a large proportion, and it is also the oldest way of inheritance.

But for nearly a million years, the enthusiasm for the war against the heavens has become higher and higher, and the technology of the door has been thoroughly matured, so that almost every diamond strongman has devoted himself to the feast of plunder.

It is only the ensuing, it is the huge consumption of the repairer.

Those worlds, though weaker than the outer worlds, are not without warfare. Just like the Tianyuan world, they are indeed weak, but they can also take away a diamond-level existence.

So even if not all the world has the first taboo, but platinum, etc., it is still life-threatening.

In addition to the war plunder, it is not just the autumn wind sweeping the leaves and looting a meal. Some important resources cannot be taken away. They must also be stationed to ensure the exploitation and transportation of resources.

In this way, the repairers of the outside world are obviously not enough, and they cannot support the growing ambitions of the diamonds.

As a result, the college began to emerge and really set foot on the stage of history.

The college has a long history, but because of the complexity of the inheritance, the lack of specificity, and the relative foundation, it is impossible to cultivate the real strong, so it has always been tepid, and only the underlying repairers without resources will consider it.

However, the characteristics of the college, but also the Zongmen family and other irreplaceable, that is the general training of the assembly line!

Regardless of the nature of the repairer, it is possible to get guidance, even if the foundation can not be compared with the deep-rooted Zongmen family, but the speed is fast.

And the alienation of that era, is the need for this fast, not to be quality!

To put it bluntly, the strength of the weak world is not strong after all. The foreigners can be suppressed if they are cultivated a little, and the elite education of the Zongmen family is not necessary.

In this environment, the college began to develop rapidly, and more and more colleges have sprung up like mushrooms, which are very popular among the underlying practitioners.

The war is the most tempered. Those who came from colleges and were sent to various worlds to fight, although most of them became war consumables, many of them have become real powerhouses.

They began to feed back the college, making the college's influence bigger and bigger!

Today, the status of the college is not comparable to that of the past, and it is enough to compete with the inheritance of the Zongmen family.

However, this change has also caused dissatisfaction among the traditional Zongmen family. Therefore, for the college, there is intentional or unintentional suppression. Among them, contradictions and struggles are not a sentence and two sentences can be clearly stated.

It can even be said that the situation in the outside world depends on this.

However, the thousand-dollar hegemony held in Qianhu Prefecture today is also meant to demonstrate to the Zongmen family.

Of course, the name is indeed a bit earthy, but the college school is to climb from the bottom, without the centuries-old cultivation of the Zongmen family, it is also appropriate.

The Thousand-Warships Competition is a high-profile event for Qianhu Prefecture. The Zongmen family disdain on the bright side, but in the dark, it is also very important. I want to see what this school’s students are. Level.

Outside Qianhu Prefecture, the most outstanding students of the nearly thousand colleges have gathered here. Each of them is a dragon and a phoenix in the world, and they are all absolute elites!

After all, they are selected, screened, screened, and qualified to stand here.

And then, they will be in the final competition in the big dream Qianhu, grabbing the top ten rankings.

Because only the top ten, they are qualified to go to the big dream country, and participate in the selection of the circles set up by the Dinosaur of the Dream, which is the place where the outstanding children of the Zongmen family compete on the same stage.

Students, no one wants to miss this opportunity!

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