God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1719: restore

The first seven hundred and seventy-nine chapter restoration

"Have you saved me?" Qin Qi asked, through the system, he had already learned the language of the outside world, so communication is not a problem.

"You are in front of me, I just took you here by the way, you can live, relying on yourself." The woman faintly, then took out a grass and handed it to Qin Qi.

"Give you grass."

Qin Qi’s mouth was pulled and he looked at the grass and was speechless.

Feelings say this grass, almost scared to death.

"This is a round heart. I only know that after oral administration, it can moisturize the whole body. The specific medicine is not known. It is better than nothing." The woman said that she did not understand medicine.

"Thank you." Qin Qi sincerely thanked him, no matter what, the other party is his savior.

After all, Qin Qi took the heart of the grass, and sure enough, a purely powerful drug instantly opened up, nourishing his limbs!

Good guy, a plant that looks like a precious grass, it has such a medicinal nature, and it is much more than the gods of the heavenly world.

No wonder the alien world is so powerful, the foundation of the world itself is the key!

When Qin Qi began to repair the injury, as for the future things, wait for the recovery to come back!

The woman did not care for Qin Qi, but she sat still and did not move.

Outside is the smog of the town, the foggy night is still going on, she can only stay here.

After all, when I was in a different world, I couldn’t help myself when I was in a coma. Now that I am awakened, Qin Qi is naturally vigilant. Even this woman must be careful.

Of course, stepping up to recover the injury is also a top priority.

After the internal view, Qin Qi also knows about his own situation. The injury is indeed very heavy. Even if it is the body of the dragon, it is barely a life-saving.

And to the outside world, Qin Qi did not dare to use the previous strength. Although there are many medicinal herbs in the backpack, the efficacy is limited, and the recovery speed is not as fast as imagined.

For the time being, we can only maintain the state of being able to fight, give priority to repairing the source of strength, nourish the soul and control the toxins, and control the toxins. As for the trauma, we will not take care of it anyway. Anyway, there is no egg at this time.

Even, how much can help Qin Qi hide his identity.

While recovering the injury, Qin Qi is also communicating with the system. He needs to know what happened.

The different Kunlun has not been affected too much, and because it is too special, even if it is a green diamond, it is not aware of his existence.

Immediately, the different Kunlun repeated the process.

“Is the end point plan successful? Great!” Qin Qi’s heart was finally put down.

This is fine!

"Ye Liangchen..." Qin Qi thought of the sacrifice of the sacrifice, and could not help but sigh.

He is a hero. He bears the responsibility that the fire should bear. He uses his own life to ignite the fire of hope for the continuity of the Terran. He is already worthy of the great word!

If there is an afterlife, I hope that he and the beauty can be happy and peaceful, and the beautiful scenery will always be a good story.

After that, it is to make Qin Qi feel heavy.

Although he was lucky enough to escape from the game because of the game between the diamond powerhouses, he still felt a lot of pressure.

Diamonds are really too strong and unparalleled, but now it seems that the diamonds of the opposite world exist more than he expected!

According to the description of the different Kunlun, the green diamond is afraid of the end of the diamond strong, white diamonds and deep diamonds, must be above him.

That is even more difficult for Qin Qi to deal with.

Especially the white diamond, since she sent Qin Qi away, even if it was interfered by the green diamond, I am afraid there is a chance to find him.

Have to prevent!

It is imperative to leave here as soon as possible and integrate into the outside world. Otherwise, three or more diamonds are looking for him, but it is too dangerous.

"Your mission rewards." Different Kunlun Road.

Qin Qiyi, this reminds me that he has completed the final mission, and the mission reward is a diamond jade.

“What is the use of this thing?” Qin Qi asked as the diamond jade in the backpack space.

“Well, you can understand it as a communication tool.” Different Kunlun Road.

"Ah?" Qin Qi stayed.

You told me to kill and kill, and finally change back to a mobile phone?

When you come out, I will kill you!

"Does this besides calling, is there any other use?" Qin Qi pressed with anger.

"Well... you can also play the drift bottle."


Qin Qi spit out a breath, still have to hold back, the uncle's diamond jade, I do not believe that this is really a function.

After two days of recovery, Qin Qi's state has finally stabilized. Although there are still many hidden dangers in the body, at least it is not without the power of a war.

Inside the cave, it was still very dim, and there was a pile of firewood burning. Before that woman sat on the side and was cooking something.

At this moment, Qin Qi felt that his stomach was screaming.

sense of hunger!

Qin Qi has no idea how long it is not to feel hungry. In the Tianyuan world, after the achievement of Wu Wang, there is no need to eat, drink and eat meat, but it is just a pursuit of delicious, not a must.

But now, Qin Qi actually feels hungry.

It seems that in the outside world, Qin Qi’s strength can only be regarded as general, and it is not enough to abandon food.

In two days, it is almost the limit.

However, in the past two days, the woman was also cooking for the first time. It was difficult to see. She saw the state of Qin Qi and knew that he needed food now.

This woman...

Qin Qi blinked, but even if he had doubts, the other party actually saved her. At least Qin Qi would be grateful to the other party before the other party showed no murder.

"What are you cooking?" Qin Qi got up and walked over, his nose sniffed, and some did not have a good premonition.

"The meat of the black stone wolf, although it is difficult to eat, but the energy is very strong, can eat for a full day at a time." The woman replied carelessly.

Qin Qi walked up to see the meat cooked in the pot, and suddenly he was shocked.

Is this really meat?

I don’t have a bit of meat. I want to spit it when I look at it?

The broth inside is like a drowning water. It doesn't stick a few, and there are these pieces of meat. It doesn't look like autumn. It seems to be a few black stones.

Can this be eaten?

Dark dishes are no different.

"This thing, can you really eat?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"Can eat, but it is difficult to eat." The woman replied.

"I don't know much about cooking, but the meat should be cooked and eaten." The woman added.

Qin Qi’s eyes shook and he felt that with his perseverance, it was also difficult to accept these strange things in the pot, and I don’t know how the woman endured.

"That, if you can let me come, I still know a little about cooking." Qin Qidao, absolutely save.

"Okay." The woman is simply going to give up the sage directly.

Qin Qi got started, and there were a lot of guys in his hands, and all kinds of spices were available.

Immediately, the rescue operation of this pot of black stone wolf meat began.

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